Forbes/Harris poll: Majority say verdict rigged...

Sometimes the truth hurts.

You tell me, what exactly unites us?

What values do you and I share?

I love the Lord...democrats mock my religion.

I love my kids...democrats want to kill babies in the womb.

I love the Constitution...democrats say the Constitution is a 'living document" that means whatever they want it to mean.

I love equality of opportunity...democrats want equality of outcome.

I love safe streets...democrats hate the police and love to release violent criminals.

I love the second amendment, giving me the the ability to defend my loved ones from the violent criminals they release...democrats hate the second amendment AND guns.

I want a closed border, because a country without borders isn't a country...democrats want an open border. tell me...what do we have in common?

I told you, and you wouldn't listen. You've only energized Trump's base with no upside for Democrats.

I think you've lost the election.

You'll have to download the PDF from RCP but here is the important section...

View attachment 955478

P.S.- Trump topped Biden in this post-verdict poll 51-49.
It ain't November yet.
Don't believe spring polling this year because in five months when they're saying just the opposite all you MAGAts will be screaming how FAKE they all are.
Yeah. The multiplier crimes where intent is ok.

Not the primary crime.

You are being lied too.
Actually you are, the election administration, doj, and Bragg himself didn't think there was enough to prosecute. Then Bragg figured out a way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony. Anyway this case will be thrown out on appeal, then the dumbass liberals will see the truth.
Actually you are, the election administration, doj, and Bragg himself didn't think there was enough to prosecute. Then Bragg figured out a way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony.

Or new evidence came to light and Trump was t president anymore so he could be indicted.
Anyway this case will be thrown out on appeal, then the dumbass liberals will see the truth.
On what grounds?

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