Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

You have to swallow with blind faith and obedience. Thinking is not allowed. Just depends on what church you go to. I got an idea! Don't go to any of them.

Do you go to church once a week?
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Hi ninja007 what threads was that on, what is your denomination,
can you send or post me anything helpful to understand the history here.

Can you help us on the threads where Parture is improperly rebuking TY MaxGrit and me.

If we cannot help poor Parture at least we can establish agreement on other points
and benefit from the discussion there.

Thank you very much
I am a spiritual empath and tend to mimic and take on the thoughts and feelings
of people in distress around me, in order to understand the conflicts and resolve them.

I was beginning to get sucked in too deep into some truly negative conflicts
so thank you for explaining there is a history of this and it was not just me feeling the craziness.

I have to be more careful, I am way too sensitive to be around that without adequate warning.

I'm a bible believing Jesus follower (although I fail often!). I am Protestant and believe in OSAS (eternal security of the Believer)> I believe in the Pre Trib Rapture also.

Do you really believe Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish? Then you will believe me when I say I caught a fish this big. (Imagine I have my arms completely stretched out as far as they can go to the left and right of me.)
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

You have to swallow with blind faith and obedience. Thinking is not allowed. Just depends on what church you go to. I got an idea! Don't go to any of them.

Do you go to church once a week?
No but according to Parture I am going to hell anyway. So going to church, killing or raping someone, makes no difference if I am already going to hell anyway.
Last edited:
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Hi ninja007 what threads was that on, what is your denomination,
can you send or post me anything helpful to understand the history here.

Can you help us on the threads where Parture is improperly rebuking TY MaxGrit and me.

If we cannot help poor Parture at least we can establish agreement on other points
and benefit from the discussion there.

Thank you very much
I am a spiritual empath and tend to mimic and take on the thoughts and feelings
of people in distress around me, in order to understand the conflicts and resolve them.

I was beginning to get sucked in too deep into some truly negative conflicts
so thank you for explaining there is a history of this and it was not just me feeling the craziness.

I have to be more careful, I am way too sensitive to be around that without adequate warning.

I'm a bible believing Jesus follower (although I fail often!). I am Protestant and believe in OSAS (eternal security of the Believer)> I believe in the Pre Trib Rapture also.

Do you really believe Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish? Then you will believe me when I say I caught a fish this big. (Imagine I have my arms completely stretched out as far as they can go to the left and right of me.)
That is not a condition on salvation. I don't even think Parture believes that. I only have to believe what he and his website say and there is no mention of that. Only to believe the 66 books are complete. Oh and that the Bible literally says 6 days which means figuratively but is literally six days. Did you catch that? If you speak doubletalk in trying to answer then you are downgraded for that. And if you get angry you cant be a real Christian. If this is how immigrants were screened or the police you'd only let in the crazy psychopaths who can lie without giving themselves away.
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.
Okay C_Clayton_Jones
So lets play a game called name that religion.
If I dont agree to do what you are saying Christianity and other religions teach,
Then you are saying I cant be them.

I must be some other faith.

So what is it?

Trinitarian Universalist?

Constitutional Isonomy?

We should have a contest to name
The cult I am, then ban it so.nobody
else suffers. If you want to join membership is free, but you have to pay huge exit fees to get out when youve had enough.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

You have to swallow with blind faith and obedience. Thinking is not allowed. Just depends on what church you go to. I got an idea! Don't go to any of them.

Do you go to church once a week?
No but according to Parture I am going to hell anyway. So going to church, killing or raping someone, makes no difference if I am already going to hell anyway.

Oh you can save yourself. You just have to do everything Parture's preacher tells you to do. Disagree with 1 thing and to hell with you!
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.
You said the six literal days are not are not literal but in your profile you said they are. You are universalist, but Christians aren't universalists as we have seen, universalists spend eternity in Hell. You aren't banned. Rather you are on temporary ban for having a doubletongue. You're free to believe in the lie of universalism, but just cut out the doubletongue.

Are Universalists Christians

It looks like you can post again Feb. 3. You then registered with another account which is not permissible. Be patient and post again Feb. 3.
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Hi ninja007 what threads was that on, what is your denomination,
can you send or post me anything helpful to understand the history here.

Can you help us on the threads where Parture is improperly rebuking TY MaxGrit and me.

If we cannot help poor Parture at least we can establish agreement on other points
and benefit from the discussion there.

Thank you very much
I am a spiritual empath and tend to mimic and take on the thoughts and feelings
of people in distress around me, in order to understand the conflicts and resolve them.

I was beginning to get sucked in too deep into some truly negative conflicts
so thank you for explaining there is a history of this and it was not just me feeling the craziness.

I have to be more careful, I am way too sensitive to be around that without adequate warning.

I'm a bible believing Jesus follower (although I fail often!). I am Protestant and believe in OSAS (eternal security of the Believer)> I believe in the Pre Trib Rapture also.

Do you really believe Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish? Then you will believe me when I say I caught a fish this big. (Imagine I have my arms completely stretched out as far as they can go to the left and right of me.)
That is not a condition on salvation. I don't even think Parture believes that. I only have to believe what he and his website say and there is no mention of that. Only to believe the 66 books are complete. Oh and that the Bible literally says 6 days which means figuratively but is literally six days. Did you catch that? If you speak doubletalk in trying to answer then you are downgraded for that. And if you get angry you cant be a real Christian. If this is how immigrants were screened or the police you'd only let in the crazy psychopaths who can lie without giving themselves away.
I am OSAS Arminian so I believe in the 2rd point of conditional election. God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.
Arminian Daisy


  • 5 Points of Arminianism.jpg
    5 Points of Arminianism.jpg
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Emily has said she is not sure now about these things. If you are not sure about the atonement then you are not a Christian, and you certainly don't have a gift for the Church since you are not a member of the body of Christ. Therefore, she is being dishonest calling herself a Christian. For this reason she is not allowed to be a member of biblocality.

About emilynghiem

Atonement and Co-Crucifixion:
Not sure
Not sure
Distinction of God's 3 Persons:
Not sure
Premillennial and Rewards:
Not sure
God Foreknows Our Free-Choice:
Not sure
Physical New City and New Earth:
Not sure
Not sure
Overcomers and Non-Overcomers in Christ:
Not sure
Restoration of Creation, and Nature Proves God:
Not sure
God's Infinite Foreknowledge:
Not sure
Dividing Spirit, Soul and Body:
Not sure
Hell is the Place of Eternal Separation from God:
Not sure
Baptism With or Without Water:
Not sure
Word of God in 66 Books:
Not sure
Biblical Tongues are Real Languages Only:
Not sure
Laying On of Hands:
Not sure
Women Apostles but Mary Sinned:
Not sure
Regional Apostles Appoint Local Elders:
Not sure
Meeting Place Finder for the Body of Christ:
Not sure
Work or Gift for the Church:
Interpreting languages
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Hi ninja007 what threads was that on, what is your denomination,
can you send or post me anything helpful to understand the history here.

Can you help us on the threads where Parture is improperly rebuking TY MaxGrit and me.

If we cannot help poor Parture at least we can establish agreement on other points
and benefit from the discussion there.

Thank you very much
I am a spiritual empath and tend to mimic and take on the thoughts and feelings
of people in distress around me, in order to understand the conflicts and resolve them.

I was beginning to get sucked in too deep into some truly negative conflicts
so thank you for explaining there is a history of this and it was not just me feeling the craziness.

I have to be more careful, I am way too sensitive to be around that without adequate warning.

I'm a bible believing Jesus follower (although I fail often!). I am Protestant and believe in OSAS (eternal security of the Believer)> I believe in the Pre Trib Rapture also.

Do you really believe Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish? Then you will believe me when I say I caught a fish this big. (Imagine I have my arms completely stretched out as far as they can go to the left and right of me.)
That is not a condition on salvation. I don't even think Parture believes that. I only have to believe what he and his website say and there is no mention of that. Only to believe the 66 books are complete. Oh and that the Bible literally says 6 days which means figuratively but is literally six days. Did you catch that? If you speak doubletalk in trying to answer then you are downgraded for that. And if you get angry you cant be a real Christian. If this is how immigrants were screened or the police you'd only let in the crazy psychopaths who can lie without giving themselves away.
I am OSAS Arminian so I believe in the 2rd point of conditional election. God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.

Hi Parture
Can you explain why you said there is no motivation to change behavior
if there is universal salvation
but then you said that I was "going to hell for eternal torment"
for believing that God can save all souls from hell.

If the ONLY motivation that changes people's
behavior is whether or not it means going to hell,

What motivation does someone
and this eternal punishment is no different from
someone who murders one person or twenty,
or just teaches something different which is correctable.

My point is that everyone is REQUIRED
to do all the steps in the Bible to receive Salvation
because this is God's will,
then the MORE and the WORSE sins you commit
the more WORK at restitution AFTER you are
saved and you commit to right all the wrongs oyu committed.

This is NOT a condition BEFORE salvation
but the natural consequence AFTER salvation
that people will be compelled to correct wha tthey did wrong.

So isn't that MORE motivation to correct the maximum
and limit the wrongs and damage to the minimum?

if EVERYONE is going to go through salvation
so there is NO FREE RIDE.

NObody gets to just mess up left and right,
and then let God burn them in hell for it afterwards.

You have to fix all the damage you did
PROPORTIONAL because after you receive
understanding of Grace and Salvation you
NATURALLY repent and want to make right.

So that makes more sense as to why
people would be motivated by conscience
to minimalize mistakes, wrongs, damages and debts.

I am a secular Gentile called to receive and teach
Christ Jesus as fulfilling natural laws of justice.

And this is the understanding of Restorative Justice
of cause and effect that Christ Jesus represents
universally for All people both Christian believers
in Christ Jesus as fulfilling the Biblical scriiptures
and the Believes in Equal Justice Under Law
that Christ Jesus fulfills as Restorative Justice.

Christ governs both folds of the one flock.

So Parture if you are truly Called in Christ Jesus
you would obey both these laws that Jesus embodies
and fulfills and you would not violate either one.

Punishing people based on onesided accusations
first and then putting them on the defense afterwards
Scripture in Matthew 18:15-20
and violates natural laws on due process
by which people expect to be treated innocent
first until proven guilty, unless you don't believe
in this and you agree to be accused and punished
first and then defend yourself after being accused and punished.

I am willing to follow the natural laws
by which we agree to love and treat
each other as ourselves; so please
let me know if you AGREE to be
accused and punished first and
then defend your innocence afterwards.

Please let me know what you believe
about these laws, so I can hold you
to those standards, and not Christian
or Constitutional standards if you don't follow those.

My apologies if I mistook you for a Christian
who believes in rebuke by Matthew 18 if this
is not your belief. If you are not truly Christian
I cannot hold you to those standards.

Please tell me what your standards are then.
Thank you Parture

You do have good points and fine explanations
on your website that have great potential,
but if you play these games to test people's faith
I'm not sure I can get past all these arbitrary
barriers you put up to try to have a Christian
connection and conversation with you.

I hope that we can because I see you
have valuable gifts that would be a shame
if you cannot share them with more people.

But these horrible games would have to stop.
I find this very cruel. and the saddest thing to
me is realizing you do not understand.
Sorry I thought you did and that is why I
was shocked and reacted as I did.
Once I got that you did NOT know better,
I was sorry for you and hope I can help.
What a shame if your spiritual gifts go to waste.
I am gifted in spiritual interpretation and could
help you communicate what you are trying to
do and say, but if you treat me this poorly
I cannot very well recommend you to anyone else.
this would have to be resolved first,
and I trus tin Christ Jesus that it will.

Parture may all your gifts be brought forth
and any barriers to them be removed.
May God make the very most of the special
purpose talents and gifts you have, and may
you receive all the help you need to clean up
problems you have communicating this
here or through your other web postings.

You have profound gifts and need more help
to unwrap them, instead of booby trapping
them with nails to blow up in people's faces.

Yours truly,
Hi Parture

When I answered honestly YES to all these questions
I was penalized. Accused of answering deceitfully.

So I had to go back and change my answers to NOT SURE
in order not to make a mistake
by answering YES to something YOU thought should be NO.

The questions turned out were not about my faith
but were about YOUR faith in my answers.

Since I cannot read YOUR mind as to what you think
I believe then I had to put "not sure."

So the only way to make sure I didn't make a mistake
was to answer "NOT SURE"
even when my honest answer was YES I agree with the Bible
(and even complimented how well these questions were written)

I was "NOT SURE" if you would accuse
me of lying if I answered YES so I had to answer "not sure"
if my beliefs really mean NO to you although they mean YES to me.

Very interesting trick.

And I was disappointed to get banned for this
because I was actually impressed with your writing.

I was truly shocked that you turned around and started
using that as conditions to judge and penalize people.

I was not expecting that at all because your
questions seemed so thoughtful and well written
I thought you would not be so reactionary.

I thought the site was truly enlightened
and then I found out these weird mind games
were attached.
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

Maybe you should read this book by Pulitzer Prize author Chris Hedges, son of a Preacher and a man who holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School.



Thanks but I think that website may be something else.

I found this on there about Heaven that mixes Hades that Jehovah's Witness reject as unbiblical
with Sheol that Jehovah's Witnesses teach instead. So I've never seen an explanation mix this together:

Three Heavens

Before time God decided His creation will have Three Heavens (2 Cor. 12.2)--a Paradise above (3rd Heaven), realm of fallen spirits if they fell (2nd Heaven), and our universe (1st Heaven). God also created timeless unawares called Hades or Sheol. Hades is not considered Heaven or Hell. The good side of Hades is called Paradise below or Abraham's bosom. Christians will be resurrected together (1 Thess. 4.15-17) from the good side of Hades to come before the Judgment-Seat to receive reward or loss of reward. The bad side of Hades is where the Rich Man went and the unsaved go when they die. They too will be resurrected but separated by 1000 years to the Great White Throne to be judged and cast into Hell.


Where I think we got off on the wrong track,
the Bible scriptures cited mention the Devil the Beast and the False Prophet
thrown into the lake of fire. But those are not human souls. So we aren't even talking about the same thing
I don't think.

I don't think I can manage on that site without having each message
reviewed in advance by an admin and corrected by email before I post anything.

I would have to check with them each time and clarify we mean the same
thing before asking permission to post it so I don't cause an offense.

Otherwise the same thing will happen over and over by misinterpretations.

I also got an infraction message, for replying too generally and not responding directly.
So I probably cannot reply at all because that is how I normally talk and will keep getting infractions.

You should take the advice of Bfgrn and read that book.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.
You said the six literal days are not are not literal but in your profile you said they are. You are universalist, but Christians aren't universalists as we have seen, universalists spend eternity in Hell. You aren't banned. Rather you are on temporary ban for having a doubletongue. You're free to believe in the lie of universalism, but just cut out the doubletongue.

Are Universalists Christians

It looks like you can post again Feb. 3. You then registered with another account which is not permissible. Be patient and post again Feb. 3.

You are a nutcase.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

A Christian site banned you?
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.
didn't you once claim you are non theist?
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

Maybe you should read this book by Pulitzer Prize author Chris Hedges, son of a Preacher and a man who holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School.



Thanks but I think that website may be something else.

I found this on there about Heaven that mixes Hades that Jehovah's Witness reject as unbiblical
with Sheol that Jehovah's Witnesses teach instead. So I've never seen an explanation mix this together:

Three Heavens

Before time God decided His creation will have Three Heavens (2 Cor. 12.2)--a Paradise above (3rd Heaven), realm of fallen spirits if they fell (2nd Heaven), and our universe (1st Heaven). God also created timeless unawares called Hades or Sheol. Hades is not considered Heaven or Hell. The good side of Hades is called Paradise below or Abraham's bosom. Christians will be resurrected together (1 Thess. 4.15-17) from the good side of Hades to come before the Judgment-Seat to receive reward or loss of reward. The bad side of Hades is where the Rich Man went and the unsaved go when they die. They too will be resurrected but separated by 1000 years to the Great White Throne to be judged and cast into Hell.


Where I think we got off on the wrong track,
the Bible scriptures cited mention the Devil the Beast and the False Prophet
thrown into the lake of fire. But those are not human souls. So we aren't even talking about the same thing
I don't think.

I don't think I can manage on that site without having each message
reviewed in advance by an admin and corrected by email before I post anything.

I would have to check with them each time and clarify we mean the same
thing before asking permission to post it so I don't cause an offense.

Otherwise the same thing will happen over and over by misinterpretations.

I also got an infraction message, for replying too generally and not responding directly.
So I probably cannot reply at all because that is how I normally talk and will keep getting infractions.

You should take the advice of Bfgrn and read that book.

Well the rightwing far right people I've talked with were never this duplicitous.

this guy really takes the cake.

I can deal with Klan, Jehovah's Witness, IDMR, prolife, one guy who wouldn't consider talking with me
until I did X Y Z, and he even admitted he knew my salvation was intact despite our disagreements.

I think this guy borders on the demons that attack priests
and get into their psyche and start messing with their minds.

they are more dangerous because they are divinely inspired
to push buttons on an unconscious level.

With the political types all their manipulations are out in the open.
They are at least PUBLIC with their hypocrisy so you can call them on it.

This guy is a unique challenge.
He actually has great gifts, like a spiritual genius,
but is completely wasting them by setting up tests and traps
to screen anyone out who can't rise above the faults.

Very interesting.

If he wants to expand his website and network globally
he is going to have to learn to work with people.

I could help him translate and interpret to connect with different groups
but I scared him to death with the idea of Universal inclusion he
may continue to reject me and try to make it my fault.

I don't think he's really ready or he would not sabotage
his own efforts and cut out people like me who would
be able to interpret, discern and help him.

Only demonic minded people try to attack and break
down people's faith for helping them on this level.

He is like a fallen angel, a misguided spirit
who does not know how to use his gifts
and doesn't know who to trust to help him with that.

I expect to fail his tests, so I gave up trying to pass.
I can try to reach out and offer help but not on his rules I can't
figure out and guess, I figured I would keep making mistakes
and so he would keep rejecting me so that game is a no win.

Next to him, Carla_Danger
all the rightwing extreme, prolife, anti-left,
raving oppressive closeminded ranters and railers
I have met seem like grown up children with louder megaphones.

This guy is too intelligent to play the simple games
and has created an elaborate maze to screen people out.

Sad for him, because with his visionary gifts he should
be drawing people in to share, not shutting people out.

This is unlike anything i have ever seen.

wish I could help but I don't think I am welcome there.

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