Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

I should be glad it isn't just me, but now I feel very sorry for Parture.
I still want to help, and don't know if I can speak his language to fellowship with him or not.
It is a very specific denomination, and it would take practice to speak his language.
Unfortunately he doesn't practice forgiveness so the learning curve would be painful.
I don't know if I can take that burden on to help this poor fellow out of his narrowed mindset.

Emily, just turn off your empathy for this little child. I know that this sounds unChristian, but he is beyond your energy to try to save. As you said, he has a very narrow (and childish) mindset and it would be a total waste of your energy to try to change. I have had to use this phrase many times in my walk:

Let go, Let God.

God bless.
This is how I know Teddy is not a Christian because he is claiming that Emily who is a universalist should stop trying to be saved. I didn't know I needed to be saved by a universalist? I am already saved once saved always saved and know that those who go to Hell will never repent.

There are no denominations in the Bible.

teddy is a child and not a Christian, trying to get a universalist to save a Christian.
I should be glad it isn't just me, but now I feel very sorry for Parture.
I still want to help, and don't know if I can speak his language to fellowship with him or not.
It is a very specific denomination, and it would take practice to speak his language.
Unfortunately he doesn't practice forgiveness so the learning curve would be painful.
I don't know if I can take that burden on to help this poor fellow out of his narrowed mindset.

Emily, just turn off your empathy for this little child. I know that this sounds unChristian, but he is beyond your energy to try to save. As you said, he has a very narrow (and childish) mindset and it would be a total waste of your energy to try to change. I have had to use this phrase many times in my walk:

Let go, Let God.

God bless.
Let God send people to Hell and keep them there forever instead of you trying to release them in your universalism.
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.

I am sorry sir, but you know nothing at all about Christianity; or better Jesus Christ.
How do I know teddyearp is not a Christian? He said to the universalist emilynghiem that "he [a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Where in Christianity do universalists, who are not Christians, have the power or energy to save someone? Universalists are going to Hell.
It is I agree. I got Emily a universalist claiming she is a Christian, and tedy who has a hard on for me, so hostile, so aggressive, hates the Apostles and Elders and thinks a website is a Church. Who knew?
I like the doubletongueing best, where one who is temporarily banned is not banned.

Oh, more, more, faster, faster!
Nobody is banned. Emily is lying to you.
This is an amusing thread.

You [Emily] aren't banned. Rather you are on temporary ban for having a doubletongue.
It is I agree. I got Emily a universalist claiming she is a Christian, and tedy who has a hard on for me, so hostile, so aggressive, hates the Apostles and Elders and thinks a website is a Church. Who knew?
I like the doubletongueing best, where one who is temporarily banned is not banned.

Oh, more, more, faster, faster!
She said a permanent ban. She lied.
Always remember, Emily is going to Hell forever because she is a universalist. No Christians are universalists. Don't let her deceive you. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The tares are among the wheat trying to look like Christians but they are not. In some ways they can resemble a child of God, but when you find out what they really believe you know they were never born-again.

Jesus went around healing people, not banning them.
Nobody is banned. Emily is lying to you.

Hi Parture

When I answered honestly YES to all these questions
I was penalized. Accused of answering deceitfully.

So I had to go back and change my answers to NOT SURE
in order not to make a mistake
by answering YES to something YOU thought should be NO.

The questions turned out were not about my faith
but were about YOUR faith in my answers.

Parture did not like you playing in his little boy's sandbox, that is all. He was afraid an actual adult would call him out for the tiny child that he is and expose him for playing childish games with adults who truly care and are saved.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

Emily, I have just came into this thread, but I feel your pain. I too, almost signed up at Parture's little 'church' website. I stopped at the last question because I saw that he wants his 'church's 'elders' and 'apostles' to have dominion over our salvation. that is not scriptural IMHO.

Not only that, but the little boy Parture refuses to answer questions like an adult here. I noticed that his little sandbox playground site has about what, 100 members? But somehow he has been lording over these folks fro about 5 years now and has felt comfortable enough to come out of his child's sandbox there and try to be an adult here. He has failed.

Go home, boy Parture
So much hostility how could someone consider you a Christian? You are not saved by Apostles and Elders, so why sin bearing false witness? A website is not a Church either, so why say it is? Everything you say is so misrepresentative of reality. All of this is very immature, childish, and you're being evil sinning bearing false witness. It would be very difficult for a Christian to consider you a Christian for Christians are not hostile to one another. And now you are defending a universalist, but universalism is false. So how does that make you a Christian when you don't even once try to correct Emily that universalism is false. This too is how I know you are not a Christian, because unless you confess who He truly is to others He will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Jesus loved everyone. Christians don't only love Christians.

Regardless of how you personally see Emily, here you are judge and jury, so not at all like Jesus.

If you have an issue with her, you could pray about it and work through it instead of banning her.
Hi Parture

When I answered honestly YES to all these questions
I was penalized. Accused of answering deceitfully.

So I had to go back and change my answers to NOT SURE
in order not to make a mistake
by answering YES to something YOU thought should be NO.

The questions turned out were not about my faith
but were about YOUR faith in my answers.

Parture did not like you playing in his little boy's sandbox, that is all. He was afraid an actual adult would call him out for the tiny child that he is and expose him for playing childish games with adults who truly care and are saved.
A Christian would not talk like this so demeaning. Teddy's not a Christian.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

Emily, I have just came into this thread, but I feel your pain. I too, almost signed up at Parture's little 'church' website. I stopped at the last question because I saw that he wants his 'church's 'elders' and 'apostles' to have dominion over our salvation. that is not scriptural IMHO.

Not only that, but the little boy Parture refuses to answer questions like an adult here. I noticed that his little sandbox playground site has about what, 100 members? But somehow he has been lording over these folks fro about 5 years now and has felt comfortable enough to come out of his child's sandbox there and try to be an adult here. He has failed.

Go home, boy Parture
So much hostility how could someone consider you a Christian? You are not saved by Apostles and Elders, so why sin bearing false witness? A website is not a Church either, so why say it is? Everything you say is so misrepresentative of reality. All of this is very immature, childish, and you're being evil sinning bearing false witness. It would be very difficult for a Christian to consider you a Christian for Christians are not hostile to one another. And now you are defending a universalist, but universalism is false. So how does that make you a Christian when you don't even once try to correct Emily that universalism is false. This too is how I know you are not a Christian, because unless you confess who He truly is to others He will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Jesus loved everyone. Christians don't only love Christians.

Regardless of how you personally see Emily, here you are judge and jury, so not at all like Jesus.

If you have an issue with her, you could pray about it and work through it instead of banning her.
She is not banned. The Bible says universalists are going to Hell yet you reject God's word again.

Don't blame me for your choice to reject God.
How do I know teddyearp is not a Christian? He said to the universalist emilynghiem that "he [a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Where in Christianity do universalists, who are not Christians, have the power or energy to save someone? Universalists are going to Hell. Christians are already saved. Why do we need to get saved by universalists?

I didn't even need to know teddy's doctrinal errors, because he has had nothing but hostility. What Christian would act that way towards a Christian? None would. This shows the hostility stemming from teddy is moved by the evil spirit in his spirit whom he follows. He rejects the Apostles and Elders for the Church. He redefines the term Church to a website rather than it being a locality of believers. The Apostles and Elders are for today. The Apostles work regionally to appoint Elders of a church locality. That's how it was done in the Bible, so why so hostile?
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

Emily, I have just came into this thread, but I feel your pain. I too, almost signed up at Parture's little 'church' website. I stopped at the last question because I saw that he wants his 'church's 'elders' and 'apostles' to have dominion over our salvation. that is not scriptural IMHO.

Not only that, but the little boy Parture refuses to answer questions like an adult here. I noticed that his little sandbox playground site has about what, 100 members? But somehow he has been lording over these folks fro about 5 years now and has felt comfortable enough to come out of his child's sandbox there and try to be an adult here. He has failed.

Go home, boy Parture
So much hostility how could someone consider you a Christian? You are not saved by Apostles and Elders, so why sin bearing false witness? A website is not a Church either, so why say it is? Everything you say is so misrepresentative of reality. All of this is very immature, childish, and you're being evil sinning bearing false witness. It would be very difficult for a Christian to consider you a Christian for Christians are not hostile to one another. And now you are defending a universalist, but universalism is false. So how does that make you a Christian when you don't even once try to correct Emily that universalism is false. This too is how I know you are not a Christian, because unless you confess who He truly is to others He will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Jesus loved everyone. Christians don't only love Christians.

Regardless of how you personally see Emily, here you are judge and jury, so not at all like Jesus.

If you have an issue with her, you could pray about it and work through it instead of banning her.
She is not banned. The Bible says universalists are going to Hell yet you reject God's word again.

Don't blame me for your choice to reject God.

She is banned she can't post there.
How do I know teddyearp is not a Christian? He said to the universalist emilynghiem that "he [a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Where in Christianity do universalists, who are not Christians, have the power or energy to save someone? Universalists are going to Hell. Christians are already saved. Why do we need to get saved by universalists?

I didn't even need to know teddy's doctrinal errors, because he has had nothing but hostility. What Christian would act that way towards a Christian? None would. This shows the hostility stemming from teddy is moved by the evil spirit in his spirit whom he follows. He rejects the Apostles and Elders for the Church. He redefines the term Church to a website rather than it being a locality of believers. The Apostles and Elders are for today. The Apostles work regionally to appoint Elders of a church locality. That's how it was done in the Bible, so why so hostile?

Why are you casting stones? Jesus never did that to ANYONE!
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.
Okay C_Clayton_Jones
So lets play a game called name that religion.
If I dont agree to do what you are saying Christianity and other religions teach,
Then you are saying I cant be them.

I must be some other faith.

So what is it?

Trinitarian Universalist?

Constitutional Isonomy?

We should have a contest to name
The cult I am, then ban it so.nobody
else suffers. If you want to join membership is free, but you have to pay huge exit fees to get out when youve had enough.
You're a Christian if you say you are – that's all that's 'required.'

And no one can say you aren't a Christian, including other Christians.

Christianity's cafeteria plan is one of the things that makes it so popular.
That's a stupid comment. This is a stupid thread.

What's wrong little boy, getting exposed for what you really are?
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

Emily, I have just came into this thread, but I feel your pain. I too, almost signed up at Parture's little 'church' website. I stopped at the last question because I saw that he wants his 'church's 'elders' and 'apostles' to have dominion over our salvation. that is not scriptural IMHO.

Not only that, but the little boy Parture refuses to answer questions like an adult here. I noticed that his little sandbox playground site has about what, 100 members? But somehow he has been lording over these folks fro about 5 years now and has felt comfortable enough to come out of his child's sandbox there and try to be an adult here. He has failed.

Go home, boy Parture
So much hostility how could someone consider you a Christian? You are not saved by Apostles and Elders, so why sin bearing false witness? A website is not a Church either, so why say it is? Everything you say is so misrepresentative of reality. All of this is very immature, childish, and you're being evil sinning bearing false witness. It would be very difficult for a Christian to consider you a Christian for Christians are not hostile to one another. And now you are defending a universalist, but universalism is false. So how does that make you a Christian when you don't even once try to correct Emily that universalism is false. This too is how I know you are not a Christian, because unless you confess who He truly is to others He will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Jesus loved everyone. Christians don't only love Christians.

Regardless of how you personally see Emily, here you are judge and jury, so not at all like Jesus.

If you have an issue with her, you could pray about it and work through it instead of banning her.
She is not banned. The Bible says universalists are going to Hell yet you reject God's word again.

Don't blame me for your choice to reject God.

She is banned she can't post there.
She can post she just has to wait a week.
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.
Okay C_Clayton_Jones
So lets play a game called name that religion.
If I dont agree to do what you are saying Christianity and other religions teach,
Then you are saying I cant be them.

I must be some other faith.

So what is it?

Trinitarian Universalist?

Constitutional Isonomy?

We should have a contest to name
The cult I am, then ban it so.nobody
else suffers. If you want to join membership is free, but you have to pay huge exit fees to get out when youve had enough.
You're a Christian if you say you are – that's all that's 'required.'

And no one can say you aren't a Christian, including other Christians.

Christianity's cafeteria plan is one of the things that makes it so popular.
That's a stupid comment. This is a stupid thread.

What's wrong little boy, getting exposed for what you really are?
No Christian would be that condescending to a Christian.
How do I know teddyearp is not a Christian? He said to the universalist emilynghiem that "he [a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Where in Christianity do universalists, who are not Christians, have the power or energy to save someone? Universalists are going to Hell. Christians are already saved. Why do we need to get saved by universalists?

I didn't even need to know teddy's doctrinal errors, because he has had nothing but hostility. What Christian would act that way towards a Christian? None would. This shows the hostility stemming from teddy is moved by the evil spirit in his spirit whom he follows. He rejects the Apostles and Elders for the Church. He redefines the term Church to a website rather than it being a locality of believers. The Apostles and Elders are for today. The Apostles work regionally to appoint Elders of a church locality. That's how it was done in the Bible, so why so hostile?

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