Ford keeping V8's to 2040!!

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Our power grid will adapt and so will consumer charging habits.
Most charging will be done at night when demands on the power grid will be the lowest. You are looking at doing this nighttime charge once a week.

I don’t think it will significantly load our power grid
Quite frankly, I could see the higher end auto manufacturers selling a completely contained solar powered charging station for their cars. If you don't mind paying upwards of $75 grand for a car, you probably won't complain about another $10 grand to not rely on your local grid to recharge it.
Standard deductions that all companies who spend capital are entitled to under tax and accounting rules.
^^^A direct subsidy^^^^

Not an oil industry thing. That's a coal industry thing.

Coal is a fossil fuel which was, until rather recently, the backbone of our electric grid. Now it is being supplanted by natural gas.
Yes!!!! From the 1980's trough the early 2000's. Tax credits for unconventional reservoirs. It no longer exists.

Still a subsidy.

Besides, these don't look like subsidies to me but standard accounting practices.

Unfortunately the experts in this field call them "subsidies". You, however, usually disagree with the experts. Either you are a lone genius or a crackpot.

Flip a coin.
Umm, you may not realize this but EV cars have a "fuel gauge" of sorts so we know when we are running out of energy.

Just a hint.
Yep and so do ICE vehicles and yet they end up stranded too. Widespread use of EV's with limited charging options will be worse. need to go back and watch Godfather 2. Pay close attention. Art mimics the case of Godfather 2, instructive as fuck.

Do you always call dudes "sweetie"?

Green energy will be tolerated to a point.

Let's put it this way: while you are draining your wallet to gas up your SUV I'm driving for free. Have been for about 3 years now.

I'd say I'm the one who's ahead.

Yep and so do ICE vehicles and yet they end up stranded too. Widespread use of EV's with limited charging options will be worse.

Why do you guys act like there was NEVER a time when gas stations were few and far between? Is it because you didn't live through it so it must not have been real?
Most batteries will need to be replaced at least once in the cars lifetime at a cost of $6-10,000
You do realize that extreme temperatures - especially hot temperatures - affects battery performance, right? If you don't, you will when EV use becomes more widespread. Predictable surprises.
Do you always call dudes "sweetie"?

Let's put it this way: while you are draining your wallet to gas up your SUV I'm driving for free. Have been for about 3 years now.

I'd say I'm the one who's ahead.

Lol...see how many EV's you see today when out driving :coffee:

You'll see three and need a new charge

Quite frankly, I could see the higher end auto manufacturers selling a completely contained solar powered charging station for their cars. If you don't mind paying upwards of $75 grand for a car, you probably won't complain about another $10 grand to not rely on your local grid to recharge it.
I could envision them putting solar panels on car roofs that will charge your car during the day

I can see a sub market developing that puts charging stations in your home. Solar charging will be a popular option.
Eventually, selling a home that doesn’t have EV charging capabilities will be a negative
An EV will not only alert you when you are running low on power but will give you directions to the nearest charging station
They also alert you when the battery is about to spontaneously combust. It's actually a series of messages of increasing urgency. Takes about 2 minutes for the sequence to get to "get out of the car, the car is on fire."
My dream would be a standardized size of batteries that are linked together to form the complete battery pack. A refueling station then would simply swap out exhausted batteries for fully charged ones and recharge the replaced ones.
Go big or go home I always say. I haven't even gotten to the supply limits of batteries yet. This has fubar written all over it.
Is it? Any solar radiation that is converted into electricity is solar radiation that does not warm the surface of the planet.

The amount of the earth's surface that would need to be covered by solar arrays sufficient to overcome the current forcing due to human activities (which is the primary reason we are not cooling and heading back into another glaciation) would be so phenomenally large as to be mind-boggling.

Why don't you worry about people who lay tarps on their yard to dry them?

No it won’t

But it will provide electrical power to your campsite for a weekend. It will be a tempting option for many campers

Nobody is forcing you to buy an Electric vehicle. But it will be a tempting option for many who do not pay $4 a gallon
Portable generator is much cheaper.
Actually, urban dwellers would be the most likely to benefit from EV's. Short trips, lots of braking to recoup energy for charging, high population density allowing for more available charging stations, less smog and air pollution, etc. And there are a lot of urban dwellers.
Can't wait to see how well this is going to work out for them :rolleyes:
I think eventually, People driving internal combustion engines will be treated like smokers are today

Not welcome in society
Take your stinky car somewhere else
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