Ford needs to be prosecuted immediately

For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

I think he swings left when it comes to that if you know what I mean....
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day. Dunning kruger at work here.

When they said yours was special, it was not a compliment.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

Rave on you idiot…

If stupid could fly you libtards would be an airport…

The stupid put people like hank johnson in office, has Guam tumped over yet?

You libtards are all insane, of course you don’t recognize it..
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

Rave on you idiot…

If stupid could fly you libtards would be an airport…

The stupid put people like hank johnson in office, has Guam tumped over yet?

You libtards are all insane, of course you don’t recognize it..

If stupid could fly... I think I just found a picture of people like Progressive parrot:

For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

He is innocent until proven guilty. You seem to have a problem with this.

Thanks for confirming that you advocate for throwing due process down the toilet. Unless... you have some evidence to present for us. So far as we all know, there is no evidence, in fact there is plenty of evidence it didn't ever happen.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

He is innocent until proven guilty. You seem to have a problem with this.

Thanks for confirming that you advocate for throwing due process down the toilet. Unless... you have some evidence to present for us. So far as we all know, there is no evidence, in fact there is plenty of evidence it didn't ever happen.

Nothing I said even hinted that I have a problem with someone being innocent until proven guilty. What I have a problem with is partisans like you deciding who is innocent and who is guilty without an investigation or hearing. And with people like you inventing a claim of what I said. Stick with what I actually said, m'kay?
Should Kavenaugh be prosecuted for lying under oath?

Instead of just running off at the mouth, Snowflake, why don't you cite exactly what he said that was lying under oath?
And what did she lie about? Get a grip. A poor memory isn’t lying under oath. At the same time you all are outraged at the lefts attack on Kavanaugh you are committing the same character assasination on Ford, over what?

An incident that allegedly occurred when both were minors and a lot of alcohol was involved. You have clearly decided, Snowflake, who is innocent and who is guilty, just like everyone else.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

I think he swings left when it comes to that if you know what I mean....

You can be sure it takes about ten prescription meds. It does weaken their brain and lowers the cell rejuvination. Might explain the severe stupidity in most of these Ford supporter's . They can have ten PHD's . Look how freaking stupid she is and she has PHD's the more they have the dumber they are.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day. Dunning kruger at work here.

When they said yours was special, it was not a compliment.
I see

Your primary source of news is Info Wars

You believe that shit

But I'm the stupid one :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just lying libtard SLUTS...…..

It's projection. He has a problem with women because they don't let him sexually assault them.

I think he swings left when it comes to that if you know what I mean....

You can be sure it takes about ten prescription meds. It does weaken their brain and lowers the cell rejuvination. Might explain the severe stupidity in most of these Ford supporter's . They can have ten PHD's . Look how freaking stupid she is and she has PHD's the more they have the dumber they are.

Not a one of them could fix a flat tire..........
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Really tough to prove.

The million dollars that the Nazicrats paid Ford was funneled though a GoFundMe account. While anyone with a brain knows it came from Soros and his Nazicrat party, there is no tie back to the DNC. Although it does look like a packet of cash was handed over as payment for her testimony in addition to the million funneled through the net.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee hands envelope to Ford's attorney during Kavanaugh hearings
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

He is innocent until proven guilty. You seem to have a problem with this.

Thanks for confirming that you advocate for throwing due process down the toilet. Unless... you have some evidence to present for us. So far as we all know, there is no evidence, in fact there is plenty of evidence it didn't ever happen.

Hey genius!! Have a look at this!

Bernie Sanders: FBI Must Determine If Kavanaugh Told The Truth Under Oath | HuffPost

Several statements that Kavanaugh made Thursday were challenged after he defended himself under oath against Blasey’s accusation that he sexually assaulted her. She testified that he pinned her to a bed, tried to remove her clothing and placed his hand over her mouth when she tried to yell at a house party when they were both in high school.

Kavanaugh testified three times Thursday that Blasey’s friend Leland Keyser “refuted” Blasey’s claim “under penalty of felony.” While Keyser doesn’t recall the party where the attack allegedly occurred, she did “not refute Dr. Ford’s account, and ... she believes Dr. Ford’s account,” her attorney wrote in a letter sent Friday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates have contradicted his characterization of his drinking in high school and college as moderate and that he never blacked out. Classmates said he was a heavy drinker and sometimes a belligerent, drunk. Blasey said that both Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, who she said was in the room when the alleged assault against her occurred, were “stumbling drunk.”

If someone is prosecuted , it's not going to be Ford
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.

Really!! Couldn't remember dates? And places, or how she got there or how she got home.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

He is innocent until proven guilty. You seem to have a problem with this.

Thanks for confirming that you advocate for throwing due process down the toilet. Unless... you have some evidence to present for us. So far as we all know, there is no evidence, in fact there is plenty of evidence it didn't ever happen.

Hey genius!! Have a look at this!

Bernie Sanders: FBI Must Determine If Kavanaugh Told The Truth Under Oath | HuffPost

Several statements that Kavanaugh made Thursday were challenged after he defended himself under oath against Blasey’s accusation that he sexually assaulted her. She testified that he pinned her to a bed, tried to remove her clothing and placed his hand over her mouth when she tried to yell at a house party when they were both in high school.

Kavanaugh testified three times Thursday that Blasey’s friend Leland Keyser “refuted” Blasey’s claim “under penalty of felony.” While Keyser doesn’t recall the party where the attack allegedly occurred, she did “not refute Dr. Ford’s account, and ... she believes Dr. Ford’s account,” her attorney wrote in a letter sent Friday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates have contradicted his characterization of his drinking in high school and college as moderate and that he never blacked out. Classmates said he was a heavy drinker and sometimes a belligerent, drunk. Blasey said that both Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, who she said was in the room when the alleged assault against her occurred, were “stumbling drunk.”

If someone is prosecuted , it's not going to be Ford

Sanders is a fucking idiot and a Himmler level demagogue.

How would YOU have the FBI "determine if Kavanaugh told the truth?"

Look at your desperation: ]Kavanaugh testified three times Thursday that Blasey’s friend Leland Keyser “refuted” Blasey’s claim “under penalty of felony.” While Keyser doesn’t recall the party where the attack allegedly occurred, she did “not refute Dr. Ford’s account,

That's some REALLY weak shit, Nazi.

That IS a refutation. Dr. Ford was paid to lie that Leland was there, but Leland swore under oath that she had no knowledge of any such party.

Refutation, Nazi fuck.

I get that you Nazi scum are now pushing cash to Keyser, buying testimony, but IF she suddenly decides to take your cash and change her story, it IS perjury.
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