Ford needs to be prosecuted immediately

Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.

Really!! Couldn't remember dates? And places, or how she got there or how she got home.
Everyone was drunk. No one disputes that. It was also almost 49 years ago.

I am giving them BOTH the benefit of the doubt here. That is why we need an honest investigation of the claims.
Stupid statement: “All women should be believed!”

Any of you morons remember the Duke Lacrosse Team?
I agree, good point to remember. But they should not be automatically disbelieved.

Here is the problem: how do you protect the rights of all concerned until an investigation is concluded? Sexual assault is devestating. So are false accusations. IMO nothing should be released or made public, including names, at all until a preliminary investigation shows there is merit to it.
Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

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Dr. Ford had over a million reasons to lie.

Christine Blasey Ford's GoFundMe Page Soars Past $500,000

The Soros group paid her well for her slander and perjury.

So does Kavanaugh.

ICYMI: Journalist Launches GoFundMe For Judge Kavanaugh's Family

Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court hearing sparks dueling GoFundMe pages

Point is...her accusation long precedes the go fund me and she had not wanted her name to be released.
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.
she did remember the dates correctly, the remodel was still going on in 2012... when she finally decided to seek therapy.
Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

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Dr. Ford had over a million reasons to lie.

Christine Blasey Ford's GoFundMe Page Soars Past $500,000

The Soros group paid her well for her slander and perjury.

So does Kavanaugh.

ICYMI: Journalist Launches GoFundMe For Judge Kavanaugh's Family

Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court hearing sparks dueling GoFundMe pages

Point is...her accusation long precedes the go fund me and she had not wanted her name to be released.

Difference being that the Ford page is a means for the Soros bribes to be paid.

Kavanaugh has raised less than $50,000 because it comes from people rather than from the party.

Dr. Ford was paid to play this part - we all know it.

You approve because NOTHING is more important than abortion and the Nazicrat party fears that Kavanaugh will support the Constitution should the blatantly unconstitutional Roe V. Wade be challenged.

This is a lynching - that's all it has ever been.

After the clown show that the Nazis put on in the Senate hearings it is disgusting that anyone would have the AUDACITY to claim this is anything but a cynical lynching.

WHAT A LUCKY COINCIDENCE, the Nazis dug up some obscure accusation with zero evidence from 36 years ago the very night before Kavanaugh was to be confirmed, a confirmation that would tilt the court toward the Constitution that the democrats so bitterly hate.

No one, no you, not me, not anyone, believe that bullshit. You play your role as a good Nazi soldier, but you're not stupid enough to believe it.
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.
she did remember the dates correctly, the remodel was still going on in 2012... when she finally decided to seek therapy.

You of course are blatantly lying, you're a Nazi, you do that.

Woman who wrote letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault steps forward

She says she doesn't remember (was not provided by the DNC) the date or even month of the party, though it might have been July.
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.

Really!! Couldn't remember dates? And places, or how she got there or how she got home.
Everyone was drunk. No one disputes that. It was also almost 49 years ago.

I am giving them BOTH the benefit of the doubt here. That is why we need an honest investigation of the claims.

49 years ago? So Kavanaugh was 4-5 years old?
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.
she did remember the dates correctly, the remodel was still going on in 2012... when she finally decided to seek therapy.

ford is a flucking liar....

Plain to see for anyone with common sense.....

Just a last minute scum bag libtard trick...……….
It's amazing how many people do not realize how real this information is " fale memories" .


GOP senator suggests Christine Blasey Ford may have 'false memories' of alleged assault

This is a document on FALSE MEMORIES
The Duke Lacrosse Team fiasco and who was that lying idiot that Al Sharpton trotted out a while back who claimed she was gang raped and assaulted by the NYPD? Tywanna Brawley or something like that?

If you have no proof, you have no crime, period. Women can and do lie. This Ford bitch is lying out her ass.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

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Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

Haven't you been following USMB, he could shit on their living room floor, murder, rape but as long as he is conservative they are ok with him being a supreme court justice. Doesn't matter what he may have done they don't care. If someone is going to SCOTUS for life I want to know if they are level headed.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

Haven't you been following USMB, he could shit on their living room floor, murder, rape but as long as he is conservative they are ok with him being a supreme court justice. Doesn't matter what he may have done they don't care. If someone is going to SCOTUS for life I want to know if they are level headed.

Yeah it's not like he has years of track record, including 6 investigations into him.

Oh but there is a hard leftist ugly woman accusing him for what he did in his teenage years. It must be true!
These women expect men to be prosecuted just becaue they say " hey he raped me" , and if ppl don't wake up that's exaclty what will happen. Gawd help the males if these dumb down twats get rid of due process or statue of limitations.

She needs to stop bringing shame and disrepute on the name of the only remaining great American automobile manufacturer, and on the name of the only man to have served as President of the United States without having been elected to either that office nor that of Vice-President.

She should be forced to change her last name to Hyundai or Kia or that of some other crappy asian automobile brand.
For the felony of lying under oath.

After that we will have an investigation... into finding the balls of the republicans. There needs to be consequences for false accusations. Without prosecutions and harsh consequences expect every single republican candidate to be me2d during the election. Already, we are entertaining a case from over 30 years ago with not a single piece of evidence behind it. If this flies, all bets are off the table. This weapon needs to be disarmed immediately and it's quite easy, just find the balls and take down the enemy.

Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

Haven't you been following USMB, he could shit on their living room floor, murder, rape but as long as he is conservative they are ok with him being a supreme court justice. Doesn't matter what he may have done they don't care. If someone is going to SCOTUS for life I want to know if they are level headed.

Yeah it's not like he has years of track record, including 6 investigations into him.

Oh but there is a hard leftist ugly woman accusing him for what he did in his teenage years. It must be true!

If he did it, and lied about it, it matters. So let’s find out.
Holy shit! Seriously ? You seem to have issues with women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, everyone MEN and WOMEN have a problem with false accusers. Of course, this does not include crazy ass leftists who want to throw due process down the toilet.

The only problem that exists here is your problem with a civilized society.

Due process? So, in your mind, "due process" is just deciding she is lying and ignoring the accusations? Especially for someone about to be put in an important position for life?

Haven't you been following USMB, he could shit on their living room floor, murder, rape but as long as he is conservative they are ok with him being a supreme court justice. Doesn't matter what he may have done they don't care. If someone is going to SCOTUS for life I want to know if they are level headed.

Yeah it's not like he has years of track record, including 6 investigations into him.

Oh but there is a hard leftist ugly woman accusing him for what he did in his teenage years. It must be true!

If he did it, and lied about it, it matters. So let’s find out.

We don't have to find out shit, she can go talk to the police. Oh but she won't because then she will be exposed for a felony. That's because she herself knows better than anyone else that the story is full 100% bullshit.

What we need to do is to tell her to go screw herself, and then investigate this lie throughout and put people behind bars if evidence is found. Which it probably will, given that all of the people involved have called the story a fake.

Classic far left sense of entitlement.
Try this one on...NEITHER side is credible. If course the fringes on both sides are nutso about it but that is to be expected. Emphasis nutso. I wouldn't help any of them if they needed it.
She needs to stop bringing shame and disrepute on the name of the only remaining great American automobile manufacturer, and on the name of the only man to have served as President of the United States without having been elected to either that office nor that of Vice-President.

She should be forced to change her last name to Hyundai or Kia or that of some other crappy asian automobile brand.

Well it can't be Dodge since Kavanaugh has lain claim to that.
The Duke Lacrosse Team fiasco and who was that lying idiot that Al Sharpton trotted out a while back who claimed she was gang raped and assaulted by the NYPD? Tywanna Brawley or something like that?

If you have no proof, you have no crime, period. Women can and do lie. This Ford bitch is lying out her ass.

If you have no proof, you have no lie, period.


Having it both ways ........... Priceless.
Oh, because she couldn’t remember the dates correctly she’s a liar. You guys are a piece of work.
she did remember the dates correctly, the remodel was still going on in 2012... when she finally decided to seek therapy.

ford is a flucking liar....

Plain to see for anyone with common sense.....

Just a last minute scum bag libtard trick...……….

And another victim lines up to prove a negative.

Many have tried, all have failed.

aaaaand GO.

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