Ford To Cut 8000 Internal Combustion Engine Jobs To Focus On Electrification

That's not your call for other people.

I'm stating they are full of B.S. and you see that as making excuses? LOL

I'm not going to run around like my hair is on fire because some politician makes some claim on a future he has no control over.

It's my call when my State says I can't but a new ICE vehicle after 2035.

I see that as being an apologist.

It's the legislature and the governor, they passed and signed a law saying it will happen.
EVs are being forced onto the market, under the fraudulent premise that they're "green", by unelected and unaccountable technocrats who truly believe that they are the last word on what is good for you and the entire planet.

How long before the Kommissar of Fitness comes along with the cattle prod to make you run your daily 5K?

I think they are pretty cool. Whether they are cleaner or not really doesn't affect that.

When I need to put a screw in my deck I run and get my rechargeable drill. It's so much better than dragging out an extension cord? Is it "cleaner"? I care less.
It's my call when my State says I can't but a new ICE vehicle after 2035.

I see that as being an apologist.

It's the legislature and the governor, they passed and signed a law saying it will happen.

You'll be able to buy one.
I think they are pretty cool. Whether they are cleaner or not really doesn't affect that.

When I need to put a screw in my deck I run and get my rechargeable drill. It's so much better than dragging out an extension cord? Is it "cleaner"? I care less.
That cordless drill was brought to the marketplace by entrepreneurs and sold to people on it's benefits....There wasn't some central planner in some ivory tower in Foggy Bottom demanding that they be forced upon people.....The difference couldn't be more immense.

That blind spot for brute force of The State is a lot bigger than I thought.
By going to another State?


Remember when the government with great fan fare passed a law making telemarketer calls illegal?

How has that worked out? I finally got rid of our land line because the only calls on it were telemarketers.

Remember when the government with great fan fare passed a law making telemarketer calls illegal?

How has that worked out? I finally got rid of our land line because the only calls on it were telemarketers.

They will have a much easier time inspecting auto dealers and making them comply.

Are you saying I should break the law and find an illegal ICE vehicle in 2035?
That cordless drill was brought to the marketplace by entrepreneurs and sold to people on it's benefits....There wasn't some central planner in some ivory tower in Foggy Bottom demanding that they be forced upon people.....The difference couldn't be more immense.

That blind spot for brute force of The State is a lot bigger than I thought.

When you or anyone is actually forced to do something we can discuss it. I have more important things to worry about than empty claims about some future event.
They will have a much easier time inspecting auto dealers and making them comply.

Are you saying I should break the law and find an illegal ICE vehicle in 2035?

I'm saying it won't be illegal. No way we have the infrastructure for that by 2035. You know that. I know that. The politicians know that.
When you or anyone is actually forced to do something we can discuss it. I have more important things to worry about than empty claims about some future event.

The State IS force, you fucking dullard.....Whether it's through regulation, mandates, subsidies, or tax penalties, they ARE forcing and distorting the otherwise free market.

The State IS force, you fucking dullard.....Whether it's through regulation, mandates, subsidies, or tax penalties, they ARE forcing and distorting the otherwise free market.

It's not going to happen. As I said, I'm not going to allow some lame claim by a politician that is clear to any remotely thinking person isn't going to happen, get me all upset.
Most wi

Most will be retrained during th retooling of factory equipment at the plants in my area. Can not speak for plants other than Ohio and Michigan .

They are not laying off assembly line workers, but salaried ones, you know people like engineers and such
Innovation forward does not always come without sacrifice. According to a report earlier today, Ford Motor Company is planning to cut as many as 8,000 jobs, pertaining mostly to positions in the American automaker’s internal combustion division. The layoffs are said to help wean Ford off ICE production and use those funds to further invest in EV development.

The board of directors at Ford knows the government will bail them out if they do something stupid.
Risky. I really don't think a car technology based on batteries that need to be recharged and ultimately turn to shit is the ultimate answer.

This is going to be a complicated transitional period that will require collaboration and innovation, and America is no longer capable of either complexity or collaboration.

So, hopefully a friendly country will pick up the torch while we squabble amongst ourselves and decay.

I just had a image of someone having to attend a party with Mac1958.... and that party being declared cruel and unusual punishment.

I mean, I know he doesn't read my posts because I've spanked him so many time, but Sweet Evil Jesus, what a bummer.
Probably because the jobs are going outside the country

Ford wants to sacrifice 8,000 Americans on the alter of the man-made global warming disaster hoax

Or they recognize that ICE cars are on the way out, and they need to move to the next big thing.

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