Ford To Cut 8000 Internal Combustion Engine Jobs To Focus On Electrification

You mean people who live in the largest city would like to breathe cleaner air?

The air won't be any cleaner, in fact, globally, the more EVs that are manufactured instead of petro vehicles... there will be a significant increase in greenhouse gasses that will not diminish for several-several years.
Ford makes move to avoid becoming blockbuster video and dying on old technology and the right wing of America screams about it. Too funny. What advancement has a conservative led? Just curious.
If you are seriously interested in the environment, and doing what is best for it - the LAST thing you would do is buy an EV.
The BEST thing you can do is by a used gas vehicle. Since the manufacturing has already taken place - that new EV will cause a significantly greater negative environmental effect than the used car
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Ford makes move to avoid becoming blockbuster video and dying on old technology and the right wing of America screams about it. Too funny. What advancement has a conservative led? Just curious.

They aren't responding to a natural reduction in demand, but a potential government forced change in supply.
Which means the majority of people in your state were fine with that law.

You have a bunch of options.
1) You could move to another state. Probably inevitable that the whole country will ban them, but hopefully, you'll be dead by then.
2) You could buy one of the last ICE Cars in 2034. Proper maintenance, that could last you until 2044, easy.
3) Or you can just learn to live with a EC... Just like you had to learn to live without Asbestos, Lawn Darts, etc.
Are you claiming everything government enacts is acceptable to the majority of Americans? If so, i can’t agree.

A majority of Americans oppose much of what our government does, but their opposition doesn’t stop government.

I believe most Americans oppose the non-stop wars, massive funding of the war machine, numerous subsidies for Wall Street, tax code that benefits the wealthy, etc.
Ford sees billions of taxpayer dollars. Just like Chevy and the Volt. I see a Volt on the road once every 4 months. Almost a bigger waste of taxpayer money than Obama’s cash for clunkers.
They aren't responding to a natural reduction in demand, but a potential government forced change in supply.
Moronic. Without demand supply is useless. Why are you triggered about electric cars? That’s crazy. Buy one or don’t. It’s insane how you right wingers have so many loyalty tests: vaccines, electric cars, etc.
Moronic. Without demand supply is useless. Why are you triggered about electric cars? That’s crazy. Buy one or don’t. It’s insane how you right wingers have so many loyalty tests: vaccines, electric cars, etc.

NY and CA say you can't buy a new ICE vehicle after 2035. It's not the vehicle, it's the forced mandates you government suck-up.
Moronic. Without demand supply is useless. Why are you triggered about electric cars? That’s crazy. Buy one or don’t. It’s insane how you right wingers have so many loyalty tests: vaccines, electric cars, etc.

It’s not our governments job to create a demand for anything.
Because EV's take a LOT less people to manufacture.
And so? Frankly, that sounds like a good thing. I don't think it's actually true, though.

The air won't be any cleaner, in fact, globally, the more EVs that are manufactured instead of petro vehicles... there will be a significant increase in greenhouse gasses that will not diminish for several-several years.
Not even sure how you get to this weird calculation.
Not even sure how you get to this weird calculation.
Because you have a low IQ apparently.
So I will help you...

1) Manufacturing an EV creates more immediate negative impact on the environment than manufacturing a gas vehicle

What that means... for every gas vehicle not manufactured to manufacture an EV - there will be a significant increase in greenhouse gasses. It will take anywhere from 3 - 7 years to level that out. Depending on model and range you choose.

2) There is exactly ZERO environmental effect of buying a used car. The environmental impact of making it... already happened. And it can't be reversed. Buying a used gas vehicle has the least environmental impact than any other choice PERIOD. You will never drive an EV long enough to make up the difference vs. a USED car because of the high impact of manufacturing the NEW EV.

So, if a person is really interested in the environment - they will buy a used car.
NY and CA say you can't buy a new ICE vehicle after 2035. It's not the vehicle, it's the forced mandates you government suck-up.

I’ll enjoy watching rational people flee from both states and their shrinking tax base waking with it.

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