Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

With all that going for them you wonder why they want to leave the countries they built.
There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
That is not the best solution to debt

The best solution is to stop using credit and simply do without what one cannot pay for without credit.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

The foolish ignorance continues to pour from the mouths of filthy LefTards.
Its as if they don't realize that illegal aliens = litters of barely legal, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded, Mexicrat voting anchor babies.
You might want to look into incarceration stats and all things filth as the Brown cockroaches are fighting Blacks for that number one spot.

Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?
There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.

More liberal brainwashing. We don't need anymore people. It's a BS excuse the Democrats made up to reach their goal of destroying this country. We did fine with our population 10 years ago, 20 years ago 50 years ago. With automation taking blue collar jobs by the thousands every year, we will have no work for blue collar workers in 50 years from now. We won't even have enough work for the population we have today.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Yes you should.

Look to bush for precedence
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

The foolish ignorance continues to pour from the mouths of filthy LefTards.
Its as if they don't realize that illegal aliens = litters of barely legal, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded, Mexicrat voting anchor babies.
You might want to look into incarceration stats and all things filth as the Brown cockroaches are fighting Blacks for that number one spot.

Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.
There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
Yes globalization has done that

In and of itself globalization in terms of trade and commerce is fine but not at the cost of national integrity which comes first.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Yes you should.

Look to bush for precedence

Bush's approval ratings were typically over 50% in the gallup poll for most of his first administration. Trump has NEVER been above 45% and has averaged 40% in the GALLUP poll. Bush was relatively popular in his first administration compared to Trump. No President has ever been re-elected with 45% approval rating or less and Trump's average is 40%.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

The foolish ignorance continues to pour from the mouths of filthy LefTards.
Its as if they don't realize that illegal aliens = litters of barely legal, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded, Mexicrat voting anchor babies.
You might want to look into incarceration stats and all things filth as the Brown cockroaches are fighting Blacks for that number one spot.

Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.
Health Care is not a right regardless of how many other inferior nations treat it as such

Calling it a right is a regressive step into legalizing slavery

Health care is the product of people's labor and no one has the right to the labor of another unless you wish to return to the days of antebellum slavery
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.

That all depends on the economy and what's going on by that time. But if things stay as they are today, Trump is a shoe in. Some people still live by the motto, if it's not broke, don't fix it. So voters have to think:

Do I elect a President who represents a party of the working man, economic improvement, border security, success, or do I vote for a party that wants to keep killing babies, even after they are born, replace plane flights with railroad tracks, eliminate fossil fuel, get rid of ICE, and replace every home and building in the country to make it greener?
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Yes you should.

Look to bush for precedence

Bush's approval ratings were typically over 50% in the gallup poll for most of his first administration. Trump has NEVER been above 45% and has averaged 40% in the GALLUP poll. Bush was relatively popular in his first administration compared to Trump. No President has ever been re-elected with 45% approval rating or less and Trump's average is 40%.
His average is actually about 43 to 44%band all his potential opponents are worthless
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
Yes globalization has done that

In and of itself globalization in terms of trade and commerce is fine but not at the cost of national integrity which comes first.

National integrity will be improved with immigration. We don't want a population largely made up of aging retired citizens with a tiny workforce of young people.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Yes you should.

Look to bush for precedence

Bush's approval ratings were typically over 50% in the gallup poll for most of his first administration. Trump has NEVER been above 45% and has averaged 40% in the GALLUP poll. Bush was relatively popular in his first administration compared to Trump. No President has ever been re-elected with 45% approval rating or less and Trump's average is 40%.
His average is actually about 43 to 44%band all his potential opponents are worthless

All his potential opponents are beating him in national polls and state battleground polls. His 2+ year average in the GALLUP poll is 40%. Bush had 48% in the Gallup poll when he was re-elected. Trump has NEVER been above 45% in the Gallup poll.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
I hope he loses by HISTORIC numbers. He is always so concerned about history. I hope the people of this country give him History to choke on.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
If he cannot fix the border problem by the next election give the problem back to the democrats and say bye bye. We would deserve it.
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Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.
Yes you should.

Look to bush for precedence

Bush's approval ratings were typically over 50% in the gallup poll for most of his first administration. Trump has NEVER been above 45% and has averaged 40% in the GALLUP poll. Bush was relatively popular in his first administration compared to Trump. No President has ever been re-elected with 45% approval rating or less and Trump's average is 40%.
His average is actually about 43 to 44%band all his potential opponents are worthless

All his potential opponents are beating him in national polls and state battleground polls. His 2+ year average in the GALLUP poll is 40%. Bush had 48% in the Gallup poll when he was re-elected. Trump has NEVER been above 45% in the Gallup poll.
They are not beating him

None of his potential opponents can come close.

The closest is sanders and he has little to no chance.
Trump is getting his ASS kicked in all the latest polling. He is leaving. There is no evidence that he can win re-election. He was lucky to have been elected at all.

Why is that? Because the polls then said the same thing they are today?

Oh, so because Trump barely won in 2016, we should expect him to win in 2020. Real scientific there. Guess what, polling has a long history much greater than just what happened in November 2016. Unfortunately, you don't realize that which is why your going to be in for a rude awakening on November 3, 2020.

That all depends on the economy and what's going on by that time. But if things stay as they are today, Trump is a shoe in. Some people still live by the motto, if it's not broke, don't fix it. So voters have to think:

Do I elect a President who represents a party of the working man, economic improvement, border security, success, or do I vote for a party that wants to keep killing babies, even after they are born, replace plane flights with railroad tracks, eliminate fossil fuel, get rid of ICE, and replace every home and building in the country to make it greener?

With the current economy, Trump has a 39% approval rating in the GALLUP poll in March 2019. You can't win with approval that low. Most people obviously don't credit Trump for the economy, or at least not enough of them do.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

The foolish ignorance continues to pour from the mouths of filthy LefTards.
Its as if they don't realize that illegal aliens = litters of barely legal, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded, Mexicrat voting anchor babies.
You might want to look into incarceration stats and all things filth as the Brown cockroaches are fighting Blacks for that number one spot.

Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

If healthcare is a right, it has to be written somewhere, no? And if so, where is that written?

Let me remind you that the person that should have been running for the Democrat party is an admitted Socialist. The party went from liberals to progressives, and now it's going from progressives to Democrat/ Socialism whatever the hell that's supposed to be, and next it will go to pure Socialist, and then advance to Socialist/ Communist, and finally Communist.

How will they accomplish that? Simple, by making whites a minority for the first time in our history which they are working relentlessly towards.

Moscow? The US Communist Party supported your last three Presidential candidates, and couldn't praise Bernie Sanders anymore than they did. The US Communist Party hates Trump more than they hate Republicans.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

The foolish ignorance continues to pour from the mouths of filthy LefTards.
Its as if they don't realize that illegal aliens = litters of barely legal, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded, Mexicrat voting anchor babies.
You might want to look into incarceration stats and all things filth as the Brown cockroaches are fighting Blacks for that number one spot.

Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

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