Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
Cognitive dissonance much

No one said leaving a nation is a crime.

Coming to this nation in defiance of our immigration laws is a crime.

No one is kept captive here anyone is free to leave but not all are free to enter at will

Trump is doing a great job and is going to sweep re election barring a sudden recession

This idea of cutting aid is a great idea which saves some money which was wasted to begin with

The East Germans put up a wall to keep their own people in, not to keep others out. Bad places have to put up walls to kept people in, good places have to put up walls to kept people out.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Well, this is sure to improve conditions in those countries and reduce the impetus that makes these people want to leave these countries for someplace like the United States.
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Sorry Mac, did I misunderstand your position?
I thought you implied that Mexicans are too stupid to know they should stop having children they can’t afford therefore we have to stop employing them as they come here to feed the children they can’t
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Well, this is sure to improve conditions in those countries and reduce the impetus that makes these people want to leave these countries for someplace like the United States.
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Bottom line: We can't build a wall because you can't live w/o the $2.99 Safeway Artichoke?
I don't get the "our" thing/think. I have been arguing against implementing the "free market" into foreign countries because it ultimately creates chaos. So, this comes from multinational corporations and hedge funds where they do things like privatize education and water etc. and so on. Instead of addressing those organizations, people insist that I pay for that by way of the fall out in those countries. Then there are the consequences of lowering wages for massive immigration legal and illegal because I or we owe these people that. The spreading of resources because I or we owe them that.

The people that have created this system appear to have hoodwinked hella people into some collective guilt game.

I don't owe shit.
90% of all that aid money ends up in the hands of politicians and people they control. So it might sound nice that we're helping their needy but that's not what happens at all. Giving these countries money that never finds its way to the people does absolutely nothing to prevent caravans to America. Considering all that, Trump would be right to cut off monetary aid.

Exactly. So if you hurt the people at the top, they're more likely to do something to correct the problem.
The mac-types-nosomo-kings have already started with the tired old "immigrants" built this country spiel.......LEGAL VETTED IMMIGRANTS were moved in and helped and assimilated willingly. Not a free-range brown horde never-ending coming and going with whatever they like in backpacks killing Americans waving red-green-white flags chanting 9-11 ar soccor games.
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Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months
OK. Final offer. We use USA military might to take the shitholes over one by one, killing many if need be. We open up Oil Drilling, factories making inventions, and white-sand-warm-water vacation paradise for rich fat travelers. End of problem. Hey, why don't the shitholes do exactly that?
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Well, this is sure to improve conditions in those countries and reduce the impetus that makes these people want to leave these countries for someplace like the United States.
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Sorry Mac, did I misunderstand your position?
I thought you implied that Mexicans are too stupid to know they should stop having children they can’t afford therefore we have to stop employing them as they come here to feed the children they can’t
You "thought" incorrectly.
Bottom line: We can't build a wall because you can't live w/o the $2.99 Safeway Artichoke?
And another straw man.

I want to minimize incoming illegal aliens as much as you do. I'd be fine with all current illegals here going back home. I just have a more comprehensive approach.

I really don't expect you to understand.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Yup he is the greatest Pres ever.
I love him to death.
I wish I could drag my wife by the hair before raping her.
Didn't like screwing women who had had kids
Wish I could grope
Wanted to screw my daughter
Peek in teens dressing rooms
Have a Nazi MAGA cap
I would have built a dune across a Scottish grandmas front yard after she wouldn't sell so her family couldn't see the ocean.
The list goes on
I just love him to death
And he is SO svelt
Well, this is sure to improve conditions in those countries and reduce the impetus that makes these people want to leave these countries for someplace like the United States.
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Sorry Mac, did I misunderstand your position?
I thought you implied that Mexicans are too stupid to know they should stop having children they can’t afford therefore we have to stop employing them as they come here to feed the children they can’t
You "thought" incorrectly.
These darn brown people who walk 2000 miles so they can pay for my old white fart socialist SS Medicare.
I hate em
Immigrants are always the most aggressive part of their society.
I presume they are like the Germans, Irish, Asians who cost us the first generation.
After that it's gravy.
Someone has to raise our collective IQ and reduce the age of the country
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Sorry Mac, did I misunderstand your position?
I thought you implied that Mexicans are too stupid to know they should stop having children they can’t afford therefore we have to stop employing them as they come here to feed the children they can’t
You "thought" incorrectly.
These darn brown people who walk 2000 miles so they can pay for my old white fart socialist SS Medicare.
I hate em
Immigrants are always the most aggressive part of their society.
I presume they are like the Germans, Irish, Asians who cost us the first generation.
After that it's gravy.
Someone has to raise our collective IQ and reduce the age of the country

Every study I have seen posted shows the Illegal Immigrant cult is a net negative on the Tax revenue issue. Nice try though for the umpteenth attempt.

And if you get SS you already paid for it....but Chancy stole it from the holding tank.
Last edited:
In the long run yes maybe

Cant predict the out come but one possibility is those people stop trying to come here and fight fix their own nations

Mac1958 says they can’t because they can’t reduce their fertility rate to coincide with available resources. Mac basically says that Brown people are just that ignorant.....BUT BUT BUT....we need a few million more here to build our nation though.
If you're going to misrepresent my positions, I'd prefer you didn't tag me.

I'm not very good at dealing with liars on message boards, and there is no reason for me to try.


Sorry Mac, did I misunderstand your position?
I thought you implied that Mexicans are too stupid to know they should stop having children they can’t afford therefore we have to stop employing them as they come here to feed the children they can’t
You "thought" incorrectly.
These darn brown people who walk 2000 miles so they can pay for my old white fart socialist SS Medicare.
I hate em
Immigrants are always the most aggressive part of their society.
I presume they are like the Germans, Irish, Asians who cost us the first generation.
After that it's gravy.
Someone has to raise our collective IQ and reduce the age of the country

Put you inner city welfare breeders to work and lazy doped up suburban white kids. They can man the WhiteCastles and McDonalds. Like they did before DemRino open borders gang.
Closing the border will not hurt us more than catching and releasing unlimited unvetted immigrants in the country. This will even affect Pelosi and her fenced home. And if Trump do not stop them he will be blamed for the long term disaster we will never recover from. I am an 80 year old woman raised in Arizona in the 50s and saw the first hand harm of illegals even then. I have watch this become a nightmare. I am a native I don't understand why my people are not in an uproar. We have see this before.
Last edited:
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Well, this is sure to improve conditions in those countries and reduce the impetus that makes these people want to leave these countries for someplace like the United States.

If Trump does this in combination with closing down the border, they will have no place to go. So they might as well stay and try to improve conditions in their country. If that's a pain to Mexico, then Mexico will take steps to improve their southern border as well.

"Closing the border" won't stop people from moving across it. Cutting aid to the countries in central America will only increase the number of people who will leave those countries. Which in the long run may actually be good for the United States because have 7 million unfilled jobs here and a declining birth rate. Consistent 3% GDP growth will require greater levels of immigration from South America. It also means NOT deporting so called "illegal aliens".
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.
Still having a hard time dealing with your comprehension issues I see.

There are in fact legal channels for immigrating to the US.

If you are not following those channels then yes it is a crime.

The caravans and people from these shit hole countries are in fact overwhelmingly commiting said crimes

No one has an issue with the few doing so legally

Diversity is of race ethnicity etc has never been a strength and is still not a strength

The only diversity of any value is the one progressives hate the most which is diversity of thought
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.
But do they have to pass through countries that offer them refuge just to get to America. I moved across town then to another state. To get away from crime drugs and gangs. Went to school and worked to make a better life for me and my kids and on the way was at times homeless. Mexico offered them work visas they refused. South and Central are big countries. I do not see good will in these migrants demanding entry and taken care off with being vetted. Catch and release is more of the same. These people scare me and would not want them as neighbors. This us not the 1800s and d we are no longer into nation buildings but in nation survival. Our natural resources and environment cannot substain open borders.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Well, you don't understand economics and demography. Those are the two chief reasons the United States need more people from Latin America, not less. Latin American immigrants commit less crime on average than U.S. citizens, and have a stronger work ethic. They are also more religious and have a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, Trump and some that follow him are closet racist which is the real reason that don't want Latin American immigration.

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