Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.
This will only make problems worse in these countries. Trump does not understand international relations, economics, defense policy or foreign policy. Thank God we only have 19 more months of his BS to deal with be before he is voted out of office.

Yes, that's the idea, to make things worse in those countries. Then perhaps their governments will stop their people from coming here in order to restore those funds.

Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?
His average is actually about 43 to 44%band all his potential opponents are worthless

All his potential opponents are beating him in national polls and state battleground polls. His 2+ year average in the GALLUP poll is 40%. Bush had 48% in the Gallup poll when he was re-elected. Trump has NEVER been above 45% in the Gallup poll.
They are not beating him

None of his potential opponents can come close.

The closest is sanders and he has little to no chance.

In the latest state polls BIDEN leads Trump by the following margins:

Wisconsin: BIDEN 8 points over Trump
Michigan: BIDEN 8 points over Trump
Pennsylvania: BIDEN 10 points over Trump
Iowa: BIDEN 6 points over Trump

NATIONALLY: BIDEN 10 points over Trump

Biden has he largest leads over Trump and is averaging about 30% support among Democrats compared to Bernie Sanders 20% support. Oddly, Bernie Sanders staying power will help to block any newcomers from taking on BIDEN ensuring BIDEN wins the Democratic Nomination for President.
Biden has no chance with the current creepy label he is generating

Not to mention his recent attacks on jurisprudence

He topped out as an obscure vp

Well we can only hope the fake Hispanic gets in. His only agenda is to make pot legal across the country.
Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

Many of them have worse immigration problems than the United States do to the influx of immigrants from the war in Syria. Many of the countries only spend HALF of what the United States on healthcare and they provide to everyone. Finally, they live longer on average.

Its a good thing that nearly half the country is not paying federal income tax. You want that money to go into the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most of the money in the country is held by the top 20% of income earners. That's where taxes need to be raised!

Well those top 20% pay most of the taxes for the rest of us. So if we need more, take more from those who are already paying most of it?

No, the bottom need to start putting in their share. After all, we all live in this country, don't we? Why should only a fraction of us support this country?

View attachment 253285

Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most consumer spending comes from the 80% of the country you want to increase taxes on. If you increase taxes on the middle class, lower middle class, and lower class, it will hurt consumer spending. When you hurt consumer spending, you hurt economic growth.

The top 20%, and especially the top 10% and top 1% typically don't change their consumer spending habits when hit with a tax increase.

You want to increase tax revenue without hurting economic growth. The only way that can be effectively done is by increasing taxes on the top 20%, the upper middle class and rich.
You can always send your own money to those countries.

Start a movement and ask every Democrat to send 10% of their wealth to them.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
Why don’t you just pay 20% more and talk your friends in to doing the same?

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

Many of them have worse immigration problems than the United States do to the influx of immigrants from the war in Syria. Many of the countries only spend HALF of what the United States on healthcare and they provide to everyone. Finally, they live longer on average.

Its a good thing that nearly half the country is not paying federal income tax. You want that money to go into the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most of the money in the country is held by the top 20% of income earners. That's where taxes need to be raised!

Well those top 20% pay most of the taxes for the rest of us. So if we need more, take more from those who are already paying most of it?

No, the bottom need to start putting in their share. After all, we all live in this country, don't we? Why should only a fraction of us support this country?

View attachment 253285

Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most consumer spending comes from the 80% of the country you want to increase taxes on. If you increase taxes on the middle class, lower middle class, and lower class, it will hurt consumer spending. When you hurt consumer spending, you hurt economic growth.

The top 20%, and especially the top 10% and top 1% typically don't change their consumer spending habits when hit with a tax increase.

You want to increase tax revenue without hurting economic growth. The only way that can be effectively done is by increasing taxes on the top 20%, the upper middle class and rich.
Your wrong, and your racist views are wrong. Trump, his ideas, and those that follow him will be removed in 19 months time. Then finally the country can start to move forward again with a functioning President.

Correct. Every day we get closer and closer to Socialism/ Communism, the better, eh?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

Many of them have worse immigration problems than the United States do to the influx of immigrants from the war in Syria. Many of the countries only spend HALF of what the United States on healthcare and they provide to everyone. Finally, they live longer on average.

Its a good thing that nearly half the country is not paying federal income tax. You want that money to go into the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most of the money in the country is held by the top 20% of income earners. That's where taxes need to be raised!
How many of those 45 are brown or black democratic socialist shitholes?

Venezuela is really cool. They have socialized medicine but no medicine and only a few Cuban doctors.

But Venezuela is not one of the 50 most developed countries in the world. I'm talking about countries like Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, and Austria.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Not according to Fox News!


The DO know their audience, don't they?
Why don’t you just pay 20% more and talk your friends in to doing the same?

Protecting the country from the government in Moscow is not Socialism/Communism. Nor is raising the the top federal tax rate back to 70% where it was from 1945 through 1980. Nor is providing everyone with healthcare which is a right, and something that 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide their citizens.

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

Many of them have worse immigration problems than the United States do to the influx of immigrants from the war in Syria. Many of the countries only spend HALF of what the United States on healthcare and they provide to everyone. Finally, they live longer on average.

Its a good thing that nearly half the country is not paying federal income tax. You want that money to go into the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most of the money in the country is held by the top 20% of income earners. That's where taxes need to be raised!

Well those top 20% pay most of the taxes for the rest of us. So if we need more, take more from those who are already paying most of it?

No, the bottom need to start putting in their share. After all, we all live in this country, don't we? Why should only a fraction of us support this country?

View attachment 253285

Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most consumer spending comes from the 80% of the country you want to increase taxes on. If you increase taxes on the middle class, lower middle class, and lower class, it will hurt consumer spending. When you hurt consumer spending, you hurt economic growth.

The top 20%, and especially the top 10% and top 1% typically don't change their consumer spending habits when hit with a tax increase.

You want to increase tax revenue without hurting economic growth. The only way that can be effectively done is by increasing taxes on the top 20%, the upper middle class and rich.

Because my money is better spent on the economy. A higher tax level would reduce how much consumer spending I and others not in the top 20% could spend. That would hurt economic growth. You don't want to hurt economic growth do you? That's why taxes should only be raised on incomes who will not have to change their level of consumer spending due to increased taxes. Raising Taxes on the rich brings in much needed tax revenue without hurting economic growth because the rich typically do not change their consumer spending habits when hit with tax hikes.
You can always send your own money to those countries.

Start a movement and ask every Democrat to send 10% of their wealth to them.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.

Foreign aid is the responsibility of the State Department and USIAED. Tax revenue, primarily raised from the wealthier incomes in the USA, is used in order to protect the middle and lower classes and keep them spending on the US economy.
Actually we are funding the continuation of corruption and repression. Time to act responsible and employ some tough love.
What about your responsibilities?

If that is your passion, then you need to follow it.

It is not The US responsibility to give a single Nation any money.

We decide whom will receive and whom will not.

We do not need anyone’s money. The US is
One of the few Nations that can have a self contained economy.

Charity begins at home.

So my suggestion is that if you do not like what we decide, give money yourself.

Why are you so selfish and irresponsible?

You can always send your own money to those countries.

Start a movement and ask every Democrat to send 10% of their wealth to them.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.

Foreign aid is the responsibility of the State Department and USIAED. Tax revenue, primarily raised from the wealthier incomes in the USA, is used in order to protect the middle and lower classes and keep them spending on the US economy.
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
That is not the best solution to debt

The best solution is to stop using credit and simply do without what one cannot pay for without credit.
Where and when has austerity proven effective?
You can always send your own money to those countries.

Start a movement and ask every Democrat to send 10% of their wealth to them.

Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.

Foreign aid is the responsibility of the State Department and USIAED. Tax revenue, primarily raised from the wealthier incomes in the USA, is used in order to protect the middle and lower classes and keep them spending on the US economy.
I guess it’s not working time to take it back
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
That is not the best solution to debt

The best solution is to stop using credit and simply do without what one cannot pay for without credit.
Where and when has austerity proven effective?
In endless homes and households where people found they were borrowing themselves into poverty and learned to do without
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Legal immigrants yes
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.

More liberal brainwashing. We don't need anymore people. It's a BS excuse the Democrats made up to reach their goal of destroying this country. We did fine with our population 10 years ago, 20 years ago 50 years ago. With automation taking blue collar jobs by the thousands every year, we will have no work for blue collar workers in 50 years from now. We won't even have enough work for the population we have today.
And here we’ e been told our current economy is the strongest of all time with record employment and unimaginable growth.

Or is Trump wrong again?
Why don’t you just pay 20% more and talk your friends in to doing the same?

Do those 45 countries have 20-50 million illegal aliens dragging on their healthcare system? Do they have 20 million barely legal anchor babies dragging on their healthcare system? Does more than half their country contribute nothing in income tax to their treasury?

Many of them have worse immigration problems than the United States do to the influx of immigrants from the war in Syria. Many of the countries only spend HALF of what the United States on healthcare and they provide to everyone. Finally, they live longer on average.

Its a good thing that nearly half the country is not paying federal income tax. You want that money to go into the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most of the money in the country is held by the top 20% of income earners. That's where taxes need to be raised!

Well those top 20% pay most of the taxes for the rest of us. So if we need more, take more from those who are already paying most of it?

No, the bottom need to start putting in their share. After all, we all live in this country, don't we? Why should only a fraction of us support this country?

View attachment 253285

Consumer spending is 70% of economic growth. Most consumer spending comes from the 80% of the country you want to increase taxes on. If you increase taxes on the middle class, lower middle class, and lower class, it will hurt consumer spending. When you hurt consumer spending, you hurt economic growth.

The top 20%, and especially the top 10% and top 1% typically don't change their consumer spending habits when hit with a tax increase.

You want to increase tax revenue without hurting economic growth. The only way that can be effectively done is by increasing taxes on the top 20%, the upper middle class and rich.

Because my money is better spent on the economy. A higher tax level would reduce how much consumer spending I and others not in the top 20% could spend. That would hurt economic growth. You don't want to hurt economic growth do you? That's why taxes should only be raised on incomes who will not have to change their level of consumer spending due to increased taxes. Raising Taxes on the rich brings in much needed tax revenue without hurting economic growth because the rich typically do not change their consumer spending habits when hit with tax hikes.
America isn’t about markets it’s about freedom,, that is our strength
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Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
No, the better plan is to continue to send them millions of dollars in aid while they keep sending us tens of thousands of disease infested peasants.
That's the "smart" way to respond.
What is different between immigration laws today and 100 years ago?
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
much has changed
1. we are in HUGE debt
2. foreigners want to KILL Americans-travel to America is counted in minutes--not weeks or months

The best way to handle the debt problem is through economic growth. Stronger consistent economic growth of 3% per year or more will require greater immigration from latin America than we currently have at this time.

Globalization has brought the world closer together. We need less barriers to trade, communication, immigration, and transportation to meet the needs of the 21st century.
That is not the best solution to debt

The best solution is to stop using credit and simply do without what one cannot pay for without credit.
Where and when has austerity proven effective?
In endless homes and households where people found they were borrowing themselves into poverty and learned to do without
Micro vs macro economics

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