Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

It's a good start. We're broke. 22 trillion in debt. And no purchasig power.
Foreign aid is not to be "nice." It is to achieve the outcome we want. You can't view it as an "extra."

We obviously aren't achieving the outcome and the $22 trillion in debt we are carrying over our heads is the only reason we need to cease further aid to all countries, not just the ones listed in this thread.
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.

It's not our responsibility to fix them and clearly the aid isn't working if they are still coming here

And, it's not like the foreign aid ever trickled down to the people that needed it.
Otherwise, they wouldn't be risking their lives to come here and mooch off American taxpayers.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

From the OP article: 'Trump said the funds totaled $500 million,'

$500 million total. Big fucking deal. That equals about 1/2,000'th of the deficit Trump is running. So fucking what?
But his xenophobic, ignorant, mostly uneducated Trumpbots will cheer this because they are xenophobic, ignorant, mostly uneducated minions.
This is nothing but throwing a bone to his Nuremberg Rally-type base.

He still gives many, MANY billions to countries in the form of military aid. ALL of which is wrong and should be stopped IMMEDIATELY.

I don't like America giving aid (you NEVER give money to countries...they just blow most of it on corruption. You give them 'stuff'...but NEVER cash.). But I sure as hell would rather they gave money to poor countries for food/shelter/etc. then give money to countries for weapons.
You give them 'stuff'...but NEVER cash.
I agree.
Who pays for the “stuff” YOU want to give them?
Who pays for the thousands upon thousands of people who are coming to our borders every day? Every week?
Yet more cuts we need to make. Thus... "Build that wall!"
How do you imagine cutting funds from these countries will discourage people from leaving them?

It doesn't. It makes the governments want to do more to get that money back. Let them discourage their own people anyway they can. When they are successful, Trump will reinstate our support for them.
It's like saying 'You're poor, disabled and homeless. We're stopping money from getting into your hands. Once you're rich, we'll give you something me cash.'

No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

From the OP article: 'Trump said the funds totaled $500 million,'

$500 million total. Big fucking deal. That equals about 1/2,000'th of the deficit Trump is running. So fucking what?
But his xenophobic, ignorant, mostly uneducated Trumpbots will cheer this because they are xenophobic, ignorant, mostly uneducated minions.
This is nothing but throwing a bone to his Nuremberg Rally-type base.

He still gives many, MANY billions to countries in the form of military aid. ALL of which is wrong and should be stopped IMMEDIATELY.

I don't like America giving aid (you NEVER give money to countries...they just blow most of it on corruption. You give them 'stuff'...but NEVER cash.). But I sure as hell would rather they gave money to poor countries for food/shelter/etc. then give money to countries for weapons.
You give them 'stuff'...but NEVER cash.
I agree.
Who pays for the “stuff” YOU want to give them?
Who pays for the thousands upon thousands of people who are coming to our borders every day? Every week?
Yet more cuts we need to make. Thus... "Build that wall!"

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money.....towards a wall/barrier!
It doesn't. It makes the governments want to do more to get that money back. Let them discourage their own people anyway they can. When they are successful, Trump will reinstate our support for them.
It's like saying 'You're poor, disabled and homeless. We're stopping money from getting into your hands. Once you're rich, we'll give you something me cash.'

No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

If you aren't a F an' A bleeding heart liberal, then I've never met one.
Unfortunately, I've met too many!
If we had secure borders, NOT OUR PROBLEM.
And it still realistically remains, NOT OUR PROBLEM!!
Actual footage from the border. It's starting to get a bit out of hand in my opinion.

It doesn't. It makes the governments want to do more to get that money back. Let them discourage their own people anyway they can. When they are successful, Trump will reinstate our support for them.
It's like saying 'You're poor, disabled and homeless. We're stopping money from getting into your hands. Once you're rich, we'll give you something me cash.'

No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refuge for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
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It's like saying 'You're poor, disabled and homeless. We're stopping money from getting into your hands. Once you're rich, we'll give you something me cash.'

No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

If you aren't a F an' A bleeding heart liberal, then I've never met one.
Unfortunately, I've met too many!
If we had secure borders, NOT OUR PROBLEM.
And it still realistically remains, NOT OUR PROBLEM!!
Are you frightened? Is that what makes you so cruel?
It's like saying 'You're poor, disabled and homeless. We're stopping money from getting into your hands. Once you're rich, we'll give you something me cash.'

No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.
Wrong. Conquerers built this country.
No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.

“Whites of good character” built this place. WETBACKS did not!
No, it's like saying taxpayers are supporting an organization to help get homeless people off the streets. When there is no positive results, we quit funding that organization because they are not living up to their end of the agreement.

When these foreigners get here and start working, they send our US dollars back to those countries. You mean to tell me those governments are doing everything they can to stop that US cashflow? I don't think so.

Yeah, when the media is there, they like to put on a show. But the hoards of people break through their makeshift barriers and they just say "Gosh darn it, we tried, oh well!"

Hit em in the pocketbook I always say. Let the government stop the next group planning on heading this way. It sure as hell beats us doing it.
How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.

Some immigrants did build this place, but under our form of government and society; by our direction.

But because that is our history, do we now owe the world a key to our door so any and all immigrants can come here? At one time we did need people to join our country. That's not the case today. We have nearly 330 million people here already. If these countries need help building up, then let them take in immigrants and do the same thing we did.
Immediately to be followed by rulings from U.S. District court judges prohibiting the cutting of money from the US to Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador!!!!!

The United States is cutting off aid to the Northern Triangle, otherwise known as the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, the State Department told CNN Saturday, one day after President Donald Trump said they had "set up" migrant caravans for entry into the United States.

"We were paying them tremendous amounts of money. And we're not paying them anymore. Because they haven't done a thing for us. They set up these caravans," Trump said Friday.

"At the Secretary's instruction, we are carrying out the President's direction and ending FY 2017 and FY 2018 foreign assistance programs for the Northern Triangle," a State Department spokesperson said. "We will be engaging Congress as part of this process."

On Wednesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen signed what she called a "first of its kind" regional compact agreement with the Northern Triangle countries aimed at preventing irregular migration, combating criminal organizations and ultimately helping with US border security.

Trump threatened to cut off or substantially reduce aid to the Northern Triangle before saying in an October tweet the countries, "were not able to do the job of stopping people from leaving their country and coming illegally to the US."

But experts have said cutting off aid is likely to increase the number of migrants leaving the countries and heading for the United States.

According to the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, comprised of retired diplomats, military leaders and members of Congress, aid programs in the three countries are working to address the "root causes of violence" in order to "promote opportunity and security for their citizens."

Officials would not say exactly how much money would be affected by the directive with some of it likely already spent...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There's already a thread around here some place, Purge. Most responders thus far appear to agree with cutting it. We're broke.
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