Foreign country livid that US won't co-sign for its illegal activities

Dot Cum reminds us that libturds are programmed to hate allies of the US and free enterprise by supporting any enemy we have.
Even religious fanatics who force women to wear ninja suits in the desert and throw faggots like them off buildings.
If they hate the US, they're friends to libturds.
Glad you finally got over hitlary wiping your ass blood off her dick with your Bernie Sanders Teddy Bear Dottie.
Your understanding of political philosophy, community matters, and humanity has the depth of a children's wading pool. And just as childish.

With friends like these, who needs enemies
That 'friendship' is on a pay-to-play basis so I don't think that I'd call it friendship at all. The question is, "Who has the upper hand?" The Arabs say that Israel has the US by the balls, rather than the other way round. I think they are right. It's the Zionists who are calling the shots in Washington. We are going to see how strong/tough Trump really is, and it won't take long to find out the results.
they do. Why does every Presidential candidate have to go bend on one knee before their PAC at every election? Because that foreign country's PAC will bankroll their opponent if they don't.

Granted AIPAC is one of their rw militaristic PACS as opposed to JStreet which is trying to offer an alternative for younger jews to support because they know AIPAC is not accomplishing anything except pissing people off and increasing the body count
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
Who told you Chinese want to take over my country? :eusa_think:
We have some "problems" with them but I don't think nothing like that could happen in the future :)
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:
Good point but the reason for that is the other party is building on occupied (AKA- Palestinian) land. thats why they don't have a complete state and Bibi, that rw thug, isn't stopping that illegal activity anytime soon.
Israel is finding the limits of its soft power and not liking what is revealed when Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela are shown to be more popular in the Security Council.
Malaysia, Venezuela, and Senegal, cesspools of oppression, corruption, dictatorship, and persecution standing in judgement. You gotta laugh at the joke that the UN has become.
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
The Palis never had a country. It's a made up name and a made up people circa 1960's.
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
The Palis never had a country. It's a made up name and a made up people circa 1960's.
The 'israelis' never had a country either until they stole some land that the pals were living on.
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
The Palis never had a country. It's a made up name and a made up people circa 1960's.
The 'israelis' never had a country either until they stole some land that the pals were living on.
Bzzzzzzz wrong again! While Israel has always been the religious, spiritual, and cultural homeland of the Jews for the last 4000 years, there has never been a Palestinian people or a country called Palestine.
Malaysia, Venezuela, and Senegal, cesspools of oppression, corruption, dictatorship, and persecution standing in judgement.
So you think shithole countries like Venezuela, Senegal, and Malaysia should be passing judgement on Israel? Ha ha ha. All this baloney ends on Jan 20. Jerk off to this meaningless resolution all that you want. You won't be as cocky when the American flag is raised from the US embassy in Jerusalem in a few months. :clap2:
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As a matter of curiosity, what countries in the world are not shit holes? The US, Israel and the Palau Islands?
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As a matter of curiosity, what countries in the world are not shit holes? The US, Israel and the Palau Islands?
true. The vote is invarialby 190- 3. Cringe- worthy, yes
Don't get me wrong. If israel had a diff party leading their country and JStreet could make some inroads and dislodge A1PAC's stranglehold on the process, progress might be able to be made

I'm not holding my breathe and thats more reason for the US to stop being their one of three yes votes on the entire planet
Its Bibi's militaristic rw govt you rightard puppet

Hey c-nt, when obama hid the iran talks from israel, should Israel have taken action to find out what that POS fake president was doing?

When obama was caught spying on the germans, and the brits, and the french, what did you say then, c-nt?

You're frankly too fucking stupid to be discussing this topic.
What I don't like is Israel acts as if we have some obligation towards them. As if we commited some kind of treason. Last time I checked Israel was not a state of America.

We have helped Israel more than any other nation in recent times. How about a thank you and keep it moving.

They are whining now because we won't side with their illegal settlements.

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14 - 0

As a matter of curiosity, what countries in the world are not shit holes? The US, Israel and the Palau Islands?
The shitholes of Venezuela, Malaysia, and Sengal shouldn't be passing judgement on any country. In fact they shouldn't even be on a security council. It's like putting Charles Manson on the "peaceful resolution" council. LOL
I hope Obama recognizes a Palestinian state before he leaves #epicfuckyoutoisrael!
Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
The Palis never had a country. It's a made up name and a made up people circa 1960's.
The 'israelis' never had a country either until they stole some land that the pals were living on.
Bzzzzzzz wrong again! While Israel has always been the religious, spiritual, and cultural homeland of the Jews for the last 4000 years, there has never been a Palestinian people or a country called Palestine.

In 1900 the jew population of palestine was nil. BTW, there was no jew nation in the M.E. for 2000 years. Most rational folks figure that is way more than enough time for a Title to lapse.

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