Foreign country livid that US won't co-sign for its illegal activities

Well but it would be just a formal recognition because State of Palestine is not a "real" State.
He does not control any territory I heard :dunno:

Yeah the Pals have the same situation of foreign occupation you will be under in a few years when the Chinese move into your country and take over.
The Palis never had a country. It's a made up name and a made up people circa 1960's.
The 'israelis' never had a country either until they stole some land that the pals were living on.
Bzzzzzzz wrong again! While Israel has always been the religious, spiritual, and cultural homeland of the Jews for the last 4000 years, there has never been a Palestinian people or a country called Palestine.

In 1900 the jew population of palestine was nil. BTW, there was no jew nation in the M.E. for 2000 years. Most rational folks figure that is way more than enough time for a Title to lapse.
Bullshit. The Jews always maintained a presence, despite the invasions and conquests. In fact, the Ottoman's who defeated the Arabs and controlled the land for the last 800 years, personally invited the Jews as early as the 1400's during the inquisitions and crusades to come back and populate their holy land. It was only after the Ottoman's during the British Mandate that the Arabs started migrating and invading the land in large numbers.

As far as Jews in the ME. All these countries had significant populations of Jews that had been living there after the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem, before the pogroms in the early and mid 1900's. Many of these ME Jews and their descendants now comprise a majority of Israeli population. So the Jews are home where they belong.

You are repeating IslamoNazi propaganda.
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You angry? Don't cry.

angry at 14- 0? :eusa_eh: What bizarro aipacian world you inhabit?
Meh, everybody knows it's a toothless, meaningless resolution. One of mepany brought forward by the Arab block. Angry at 306 to 232?

Meh, everybody knows it's a toothless, meaningless resolution.
Yeah, Bibi flew into a rage over nothing, insisting it was a declaration of war on Israel as a little jocularity.
I don't blame him, the traitor in office president Hussein Shithead betrayed yet another close ally.
I don't blame him, the traitor in office president Hussein Shithead betrayed yet another close ally.
I am amused as ever at Bibi regarding a call for Israel to follow the law as a declaration of war. What a delicate princess he is.
I don't blame him, the traitor in office president Hussein Shithead betrayed yet another close ally.
I am amused as ever at Bibi regarding a call for Israel to follow the law as a declaration of war. What a delicate princess he is.
Yeah, since Arabs and Muslims are always following "the law". LOL.

The UN isn't a body of law, dufus.
The UN isn't a body of law, dufus.
The UN Charter is US law. But apart from that, Israel was asked to stop building in occupied land, which is against the law. Bibi then threw his toys out of the cot because such a slap on the wrist didn't concern him at all.
Bibi having his fig leaf ripped away was like the kosher dance of the seven veils. His modesty had never been so outraged.

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