Foreign Leaders and Former US Diplomats See America's Global Influence Waning


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.


After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.


I felt like I was reading some African with a turban with bad English write this

Whats the point of the OP?

They can't get money for their climate social redistributing scam from the USA?

They upset we are moving our embassy to a foreign capital ..?

We lowered cooperate taxes so now they are upset about losing bussiness?

What are they mad about, Trump don't kiss their ass like the twinkle toes mesiah did?
Last edited:

After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.


I felt like I was reading some African with a turban with bad English write this

Whats the point of the OP?

They can't get money for their climate social redistributing scam from the USA?

They upset we are moving our embassy to a foreign capital ..?

We lowered cooperate taxes so now they are upset about losing bussiness?

What are they mad about Trump don't kiss their ass like the twinkle toes mesiah did?

They're never gonna be happy no matter how much we bend over and grab our ankles. Screw 'em.

After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.


I felt like I was reading some African with a turban with bad English write this

Whats the point of the OP?

They can't get money for their climate social redistributing scam from the USA?

They upset we are moving our embassy to a foreign capital ..?

We lowered cooperate taxes so now they are upset about losing bussiness?

What are they mad about Trump don't kiss their ass like the twinkle toes mesiah did?

They're never gonna be happy no matter how much we bend over and grab our ankles. Screw 'em.

I guess they miss little black sambo that they used to be able to run over and Putin loved to bitch slap him ...

Speaking of Putin I wonder if Ukraine might mess with him after The USA finally gave them heavy duty fire power after the sissy president failed to do so?

It's going to be an interesting 2018
Foreign Leaders and Former US Diplomats See America's Global Influence Waning

So, ya mean that if Oblama were still in office, we'd be considered still "right on track?"

Under Trump that must mean that the USA is becoming less and less a reliable meat puppet for the Socialist Hegemony.
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.

It's the sort of response from someone who really doesn't care about the reality, they only care about the fantasy story that someone has spun for them.

It's like going to see Harry Potter at the Movies and then deciding, fuck it, I hate the real world, and then go and pretend you're a fucking wizard.
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.

And what does rejecting globalism mean for the US?

It means less allies, perhaps no allies. It means that if the US wants to go to another dodgy war to protect its interests, no one is going to support the US, which means it loses money. It means the dollar loses its status as a global currency, it means people stop thinking of the US as a world superpower, it means China takes over.
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.

And what does rejecting globalism mean for the US?

It means less allies, perhaps no allies. It means that if the US wants to go to another dodgy war to protect its interests, no one is going to support the US, which means it loses money. It means the dollar loses its status as a global currency, it means people stop thinking of the US as a world superpower, it means China takes over.

You do know we protect the free world right?

The EU could barely protect itself from an invasion from.india much less Cuba
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.
lol He has investments all over the world, he brings in workers from overseas....we still have multinational companies and we are tangled in the world economy. And no he is not a globalist. First country he visited and dealt with Is Saudi Arabia.....keep and swallowing his cum and lies you seem to enjoy it.
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.

And what does rejecting globalism mean for the US?

It means less allies, perhaps no allies. It means that if the US wants to go to another dodgy war to protect its interests, no one is going to support the US, which means it loses money. It means the dollar loses its status as a global currency, it means people stop thinking of the US as a world superpower, it means China takes over.

It means putting America's interests first. It means bringing jobs to America. It means rejecting any mandates of third world country immigrants. It means peace through strength, not starting needless wars against countries like the Hussein started. It means destroying our enemies on the battlefield, not taking "measured" responses in order to appease people that already hate us.

After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.


“Global Influence” = free money

Fuck “Global Influence”
President Trump rejects globalism. The globalists are terrified that his is catching on. Even Europe now is seeing anti-globalists win elections.

Now they have to try to discredit him as much as possible, just like the MSM tried to do during the election by not taking him seriously.

And what does rejecting globalism mean for the US?

It means less allies, perhaps no allies. It means that if the US wants to go to another dodgy war to protect its interests, no one is going to support the US, which means it loses money. It means the dollar loses its status as a global currency, it means people stop thinking of the US as a world superpower, it means China takes over.

It means putting America's interests first. It means bringing jobs to America. It means rejecting any mandates of third world country immigrants. It means peace through strength, not starting needless wars against countries like the Hussein started. It means destroying our enemies on the battlefield, not taking "measured" responses in order to appease people that already hate us.

The problem here is that you're just regurgitating nonsense.

I'm actually happy the US has pulled away from the UN. But not happy because I know it will just mean that China and Russia fill the void. I hate the US govt in foreign affairs, they're the biggest threat to world peace and security going, but China WANTS TO BE that.

American interests? Okay, take 2003. The US invaded Iraq so it could defeat OPEC and stop it taking control of oil prices. It succeeded. The US used the UN to achieve that goal.

Now, the US doesn't have the UN to push its global agenda. So it isn't US first any more. It'll be what China wants. Don't you see that? Again, for me it's hilarious that you people are supporting something which DOESN'T put the US's special interests (which usually involve bombing, invading, using US military personnel's lives for profit) first, but actually weakens those interests.

Another nail in the inevitable course of the US moving from being a world superpower to not being a world superpower. It happened to the Romans, it happened to the Spanish, it happened to the Chinese before, it happened to the English, it happened to Nazi Germany rather quickly and usually it's all the same reason that leads to this. It's inevitable because humans have the green eyed monster lurking beneath their skin.
President Trump rejects globalism.

President Trump rejects globalism because he realizes that the world's "globalists" are really all made up of a bunch of nationalist countries as all should be, but which realize that the globalist trade principle works in their favor---- they gain something more than they lose; they are looking out for number one, themselves, and it makes up for the fact that they are really not viable on their own, whereas the good ol' USA always loses more than we gain, we always get the raw deal out of every trade agreement because the world sees us as the free gas station which fuels the world and themselves as simply entitled to a tank of our action, because, you know, we are just suck nice SUCKERS. So now that WE are looking out for number one for a change ourselves, suddenly they all wanna have this big conniption with us putting ourselves first. EVERYONE puts themselves first, except historically, US, but now that time is over, and it isn't xenophobia to simply want to look out for your own best interests first before you try to help take care of others, especially when virtually no one else has a hand out helping you!

So to the rest of the planet I simply say:


After his return from his recent tour of Asia, where he again proved to be an unsophisticated amateur diplomat and an embarrassment to the United States and its people, the idiot Trump bragged of his “supremely successful trip”.

During his November speech, the idiot Trump boasted, “ ‘America is back. Everywhere we went, our foreign hosts greeted the American delegation, myself included, with incredible warmth, hospitality, and most importantly respect. And this great respect showed…further evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now.’ ”

However, foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats know differently, they see America’s global standing in a steep decline. These many, many individuals are well versed in world policy, international goals, increasingly pressing short-term matters, issues to protect the planet’s environment, etc.

By contrast, in his perpetually delusional state, like his fans, the idiot Trump only sees and believes the fantasies that please him. The truth is, as POTUS, the idiot Trump made the United States a total laughingstock to the world in the first few weeks he occupied the White House. He'd begun this process weeks before his January 20th inauguration.

It is the combined view of these foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, and former U.S. diplomats that, as POTUS, the idiot Trump, “ ‘Has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant. ’ ”

The list of diplomatic and foreign policy flubs by the idiot Trump is long, and grows longer each day. His massive ego and mistaken belief he knows more than everyone about everything makes him bypass the State Department and has inspired many, many diplomatic resignations.

As a grossly unqualified national and international leader, the idiot Trump’s reputation for being wrong has opened the door for China to greatly increase its world standing.

Of course, the idiot Trump calls the many, many reports of this nature “fake news”. This makes him happy, and gives his supporters the false sense of security they find so satisfying.

But, unlike the easily fooled Trump fans, his idiocy consistently reinforces the understanding by foreign leaders, foreign policy experts, former U.S. diplomats, AND the vast majority of Americans that America's global influence IS indeed waning. And, our nation's influence will continue to decline as long as our current political situation persists.

Thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread.

Lying Trump acts like Kim Jung Unstable doesn't he? Both have no accomplishments but both brag about these non-accomplishments as a sauve to their own egos at the expense of reality and other people. Lying Donald is a disaster for American foreign policy. The rest of the world is now looking for Germany, China, or Russia for leadership because of the vacuum left when America went down the path of the ignorant hillbilly tribe.
Lying Trump acts like Kim Jung Unstable doesn't he? Both have no accomplishments but both brag about these non-accomplishments as a sauve to their own egos at the expense of reality and other people. Lying Donald is a disaster for American foreign policy. The rest of the world is now looking for Germany, China, or Russia for leadership because of the vacuum left when America went down the path of the ignorant hillbilly tribe.[/QUOTE]

If the idiot Trump is a "vaginal success". Had he not been born to wealth, he would be homeless. His conservative fans feel a special kinship with him, in that, like most of his supporters, he doesn't have the necessary skills to clean toilets for money.


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