Foreign markets tanking....Dow Futures down 433!!!

Yeah, I figured the American markets aren't going to respond well tomorrow after seeing what happened in Asia today.
We're due for a violent correction....and I think it will be exasperated when interest rates go up. I have my shorts in play. I'm good.
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Nothing like rejoicing at the economic hardship of others.....

I am always amazed how hom much of a race to the bottom of the barrel it is for RWNJs.

LMAO......closing the market is ghey. being you today s0n!!!:2up::biggrin::biggrin: No more George Bush jokes after today!!!:fu: Fucking jackass progressives.......this is what happens when you hang your hat on the advice of total nutters like Paul Krugman!!! Took almost 6 years for the market to come to terms that QE1, QE2 and QE3 were ghey. LMAO.....Uncle Yellen has 2 choices........."very sucky" and "suckier"!!:funnyface::funnyface:

Six years of ball licking by Obama of the big banks netted them 8.9 trillion!!

What most are saying as we speak is, "How did this not happen 3 years sooner?"

LMAO......and FOX, CNN and all the rest of the Reality Manufacturing Industry are falling all over themselves now with the bogus narrative that blames this on the Chinese!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::spinner:
Hey s0ns......if you are not a fan of Obama, make sure to go out and get a damn good supply of popcorn this week!!! Gonna be a thriller...........tingle down the leg stuff!!!:coffee:
If I had a nickel for every time a left loon Obamabot referenced the DOW as proof of Obungle's economic savvy I'd be rich beyond my dreams. Now I don't see nary a one of them joining the discussion
If I had a nickel for every time a left loon Obamabot referenced the DOW as proof of Obungle's economic savvy I'd be rich beyond my dreams. Now I don't see nary a one of them joining the discussion

Didnt expect any input from the progressive nutters on this..........suffice to say, if you have a portfolio, best be making call today!! This is going to get exceptionally interesting.............but nice to see the progressive k00ks getting a direct nut-sack kick!!:boobies::boobies::deal:. Jackasses have been telllng us how awesome things are with the economy for several years now.........because MSNBC and The DailyKos have said so!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Morning drops are usually recovered during the day. The Trading Bots are making good buy opportunities for their programmers (and everyone else).

The only thing yet to be determined is if this is a rebound or a dead cat bounce.

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