Forensic audits of Maricopa County voting machines have just concluded

Our Dominion voting machines passed all tests.

“The firms we hired are the only two in the United States certified to do this work. We asked them to go beyond what we had already done to ensure the integrity of our elections and beyond even the stringent requirements of state law.”
Maricopa County says election audits prove 'no hacking or vote switching' -

View attachment 460819
Forensic-Audit-Transmittal-Letter (
Now we'll have to audit the auditors.
But who is going to audit the auditors that audit the auditors.
Trump, who else?
Have the Trump surrogates personally conducted their own audits. Unless that has occured, there is no evidence to disprove Trump's assertions that the machines were altered. None. And Obama's birth certificate was never properly vetted. (sarcasm)
Oblama was from outer space everyone knows that including Dominion.
These people can't be reasoned with.

No matter how many independent investigations get done, Trumpsters will continue to believe in whatever tinfoil hat nonsense they want to believe in.

Tomorrow they'll find a link on Gatewaypundit or PJmedia that will tell them exactly what they want to hear and then they'll believe that these investigations were also fraudulent and that they're all part of the deep state as well.
Yep. Let 'em cry. All we can hope for at this point is that enough of them wake up and peel away. Maybe they'll shrink to a point where they'll fit back where they belong, the fringe.

The rest are just gone. Tough shit.
Kind of like the dems believed in Russia, Russia, Russia for the 2016 election. Just saying it happens on both sides.

You mean like what's said in the Mueller report?

Is there an equivalent official document for the tinfoil hat bullshit you guys are using to claim the Dominion scandal? Or is that just, you know, a baseless conspiracy theory?
Dominion concluded their audits on their voting machines and pronounce them hack proof with no vote switching sub-routines. Honest to God, why would they lie
Kind of like the dems believed in Russia, Russia, Russia for the 2016 election. Just saying it happens on both sides.

You mean like what's said in the Mueller report?

Is there an equivalent official document for the tinfoil hat bullshit you guys are using to claim the Dominion scandal? Or is that just, you know, a baseless conspiracy theory?
There was no Mueller report in 2016/2017. Let's have a 2 and 1/2 year investigation with wiretaps and then we can have that equivalent official document.
Let's have a 2 and 1/2 year investigation with wiretaps and then we can have that equivalent official document.

Go ahead. I'm not stopping you.
I doubt that Biden's AG will appoint a special counsel to get it done. Having said that, the Muller report cleared Trump of Russia, Russia, Russia.

If there were tampering with the voting machines, and I am not saying there was, the evidence is long gone by now.
Having said that, the Muller report cleared Trump of Russia, Russia, Russia.

If there were tampering with the voting machines, and I am not saying there was, the evidence is long gone by now.

That's a creative way to interpret what the Mueller Report says. I think the report speaks for itself.

You can continue to believe in whatever bullshit conspiracy theory you want regarding tampered voting machines. Equating baseless assumptions to the detailed Mueller investigation is beyond retarded.
I doubt that Biden's AG will appoint a special counsel to get it done. Having said that, the Muller report cleared Trump of Russia, Russia, Russia.

If there were tampering with the voting machines, and I am not saying there was, the evidence is long gone by now.
Only took them nearly four months....All while hiding them from the legislature that was rightly demanding that they be turned over.

Yeah, sounds totally legit to me!
Only took them nearly four months....All while hiding them from the legislature that was rightly demanding that they be turned over.

Yeah, sounds totally legit to me!


Didn't say that, GomerPyle.

But if the reverse were the case, you assholes would be squealing about one.....Just like three years of evidence-free howling about RUSSIA!
Didn't say that, GomerPyle.

Oh. So you're just questioning the legitimacy of the independent investigation without arguing it's a deep state conspiracy. I'm sure you have a perfectly reasonable background in this kind of thing and you can explain to the class exactly what makes you qualified to question the findings by these two independent firms.

Stupid fuck.
Didn't say that, GomerPyle.

Oh. So you're just questioning the legitimacy of the independent investigation without arguing it's a deep state conspiracy. I'm sure you have a perfectly reasonable background in this kind of thing and you can explain to the class exactly what makes you qualified to question the findings by these two independent firms.

Stupid fuck.
My question is; if this is so legit, why did it take nearly four months and evasions of every lawful demand from the AZ legislature to turn over the equipment for inspection?

I'm sure you can come up for a completely reasonable explanation for the behavior of insubordinate bureaucratic asswipes, deliberately hiding the machines, fuckface.
Kind of like the dems believed in Russia, Russia, Russia for the 2016 election. Just saying it happens on both sides.

You mean like what's said in the Mueller report?

Is there an equivalent official document for the tinfoil hat bullshit you guys are using to claim the Dominion scandal? Or is that just, you know, a baseless conspiracy theory?
There was no Mueller report in 2016/2017. Let's have a 2 and 1/2 year investigation with wiretaps and then we can have that equivalent official document.

They've been tapping Chavez's phone for months now. Apparently he is still dead, like Franco!

Face it, Ya'll might as well pin this one on Hillary too, I mean she's been able to get away from ol Trumpybear and the old GOP when, as you all know we should [All together now]" "Lock Her Up". Obviously, she's just to slick for your team to catch. Just blame her again and try to move on.
My question is if this is so legit, why did it take nearly four months and evasions of every lawful demand from the AZ legislature to turn over the equipment for inspection?

I don't know. What do you think the answer to that is?

Retards like you are going to continue believing whatever bullshit conspiracy theory you already believe in. Doesn't matter how many independent investigations come along and tell you that you're a mouth-breathing retard, you will believe what you want to believe.

Go put your helmet on and lick the windows, retard.

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