Forensic audits of Maricopa County voting machines have just concluded

Okay, the list is up to 29!

  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
  29. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
To recap:

Three fucking years of evidence-free bellering about RUSSIA! was justified.

But don't you dare question why the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors kept these machines hidden from the lawful demands for inspection by the AZ legislature.

Fucking sanctimonious shithead liberoidals.
To recap:

Three fucking years of evidence-free bellering about RUSSIA! was justified.

But don't you dare question why the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors kept these machines hidden from the lawful demands for inspection by the AZ legislature.

Fucking sanctimonious shithead liberoidals.

Shut the fuck up, retard.

Quit trying to pivot.
Until Trump sings the praises of Dominion voting machines, they must be assumed to be crooked
Okay, the list is up to 29!

  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
  29. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

I take it this "audit" was done in top-secret fashion and conducted by loyalists to the local government and to Dominion. If so, it's meaningless.
No, you decided it was meaningless while knowing nothing about it. And it wouldn't matter what anyone told you. You would still call it meaningless. Because: cult.
Our Dominion voting machines passed all tests.

“The firms we hired are the only two in the United States certified to do this work. We asked them to go beyond what we had already done to ensure the integrity of our elections and beyond even the stringent requirements of state law.”
Maricopa County says election audits prove 'no hacking or vote switching' -

View attachment 460819
Forensic-Audit-Transmittal-Letter (
further proof that the election was stolen, because feelings!

Lots of people are talking about it you know........
only nazis do not think that the election was stolen by pedo biden.
Pedo Nazis who support illegal immigration by terrorists!!!!
Our Dominion voting machines passed all tests.

“The firms we hired are the only two in the United States certified to do this work. We asked them to go beyond what we had already done to ensure the integrity of our elections and beyond even the stringent requirements of state law.”
Maricopa County says election audits prove 'no hacking or vote switching' -

View attachment 460819
Forensic-Audit-Transmittal-Letter (
Now we'll have to audit the auditors.
But who is going to audit the auditors that audit the auditors?
Have the Trump surrogates personally conducted their own audits. Unless that has occured, there is no evidence to disprove Trump's assertions that the machines were altered. None. And Obama's birth certificate was never properly vetted. (sarcasm)

Q himself could run these tests and certify the results and the Trump Cult would claim that Q is a Deep State operative and a Never Trumper. There is no evidence that they will believe, because Trump continues to lie to them.
Our Dominion voting machines passed all tests.

“The firms we hired are the only two in the United States certified to do this work. We asked them to go beyond what we had already done to ensure the integrity of our elections and beyond even the stringent requirements of state law.”
Maricopa County says election audits prove 'no hacking or vote switching' -

View attachment 460819
Forensic-Audit-Transmittal-Letter (
further proof that the election was stolen, because feelings!

Lots of people are talking about it you know........
only nazis do not think that the election was stolen by pedo biden.

Only a gullible fool who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground believes the election was stolen and Trump won.

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