Forget Swing States, Trump is going to Lose Red States Also

Clinton getting greedy for a landslide could backfire on her if she spreads her resources too thin and something happens that changes the game. She needs to go to a prevent defense.
LOL. What is going to change the game? Is trump going to grow up and start making sense while not offending the majority of people in this country? LOL. Good luck with that one skippy.
The media dupes lefties every day...

Remember this? Yeah it is forgotten in all the biased media reporting attacking Trump...sadly many dumb Americans can't see the hypocrisy. How these Americans can be duped repeatedly by the MSM, proves something.
Clinton getting greedy for a landslide could backfire on her if she spreads her resources too thin and something happens that changes the game. She needs to go to a prevent defense.
LOL. What is going to change the game? Is trump going to grow up and start making sense while not offending the majority of people in this country? LOL. Good luck with that one skippy.

A recession; a terrorist attack; a mass shooting. It is three two and a half months to the election. If things can swing against a candidate in one week, they can swing the other way in one week.
Pay attention, you are witnessing a reckoning in this Election Cycle. We are flipping the proverbial "bird" at our "leaders". This is a big fuck you to the status quo in the Republican Party. It's called integrity, get some.

Meanwhile Paul Ryan got 80% last week in his re-election bid. Your comments have no integrity. I think only 2 career politicians have lost their primary this election season. Where is the anger?

You're seeing it in how the Pub establishment is reacting to what's happening. We didn't give them their man and they have been throwing temper tantrums ever since.
Me? I voted for Cruz, had he pulled it off we'd see the same thing from our "leaders".

You wouldn't know what integrity was if it bit you in the ass child.
the governorship is the major battle in nc...

that sob mccrory is killing nc and i think that alone will make nc go blue...

Maybe maybe not. Democrats have been destroying every large city in America for decades, but they still keep getting voted in.
Clinton getting greedy for a landslide could backfire on her if she spreads her resources too thin and something happens that changes the game. She needs to go to a prevent defense.

How so? She is still raising a fond awful lot of money. Has concentrated on the swing states. It is Trump who is losing the red states.
I think Trump will hold Texas but Hillary can put it into play and make Trump waste what little funding he has left defending the biggest red state
Clinton getting greedy for a landslide could backfire on her if she spreads her resources too thin and something happens that changes the game. She needs to go to a prevent defense.

How so? She is still raising a fond awful lot of money. Has concentrated on the swing states. It is Trump who is losing the red states.

If she is up by 15, why should I give her my money instead of to my Senator's campaign? See how that works?
How Many Red States Can Hillary Clinton Win?

Even Donald Trump Is Admitting That Hillary Clinton Could Win Utah

GA, NC are officially swing states, VA which is solid purple is not out of reach. MS could be lost! Trump is losing or neck and neck in AZ, UT and KS, solid red states. Trump is even conceding he could lose UT, one of the most conservative states.

My prediction:
(1) Trump loses every so called swing state:

(2) Trump loses solid red states: GA, SC, KS & UT

(3) Trump does win any blue states

(4) Clinton margin of victory in blues states are historically large

(5) Trump loses the senate and knocks off reps in he House

Keep your Janitorial day job, you wouldn't make it as a prognosticator. You dumbasses slurp up what the Media feeds you and run frothing at the mouth to your favorite Political website to regurgitate what they fed you.

I detest Donny, but you people NEVER get the fact that unlike yourselves we don't blindly fall into lockstep with our "leaders". You suck up every bit of jizz Bammy and the Hildabeast throw your way and plead for more.

Pay attention, you are witnessing a reckoning in this Election Cycle. We are flipping the proverbial "bird" at our "leaders". This is a big fuck you to the status quo in the Republican Party. It's called integrity, get some.

Ok loser, I won't get into what I do or make vs you, which is more prestigious and more lucrative.

I am a conservative and if I had to choose between Clinton and Trump I wouldn't hesitate to select Trump.

Look at it objectively small fry, Trump has been such an amateur that he is GOING to lose red states.

He only hope is knocking it out of the park in the debates, which he is already complaining about.
GHook93 thank you! Great articles.

Looks like Georgia is now in doubt for Trump and Texas is also a possibility as well.

I sometimes wonder if this will be like McGovern all over again ?!

Texas is a wet dream. Trump like Romney will win Texas by double digits.
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??

I am far from a leftist. If Trump wins and would be ecstatic, since the scariest part of a Trump loss is what would happen to the SCOTUS. You would have a 5 judge liberal bloc for decades!!! The damage they would do!
How Many Red States Can Hillary Clinton Win?

Even Donald Trump Is Admitting That Hillary Clinton Could Win Utah

GA, NC are officially swing states, VA which is solid purple is not out of reach. MS could be lost! Trump is losing or neck and neck in AZ, UT and KS, solid red states. Trump is even conceding he could lose UT, one of the most conservative states.

My prediction:
(1) Trump loses every so called swing state:

(2) Trump loses solid red states: GA, SC, KS & UT

(3) Trump does win any blue states

(4) Clinton margin of victory in blues states are historically large

(5) Trump loses the senate and knocks off reps in he House
All the liberals agree with you....:lol:
Pay attention, you are witnessing a reckoning in this Election Cycle. We are flipping the proverbial "bird" at our "leaders". This is a big fuck you to the status quo in the Republican Party. It's called integrity, get some.

Meanwhile Paul Ryan got 80% last week in his re-election bid. Your comments have no integrity. I think only 2 career politicians have lost their primary this election season. Where is the anger?

You're seeing it in how the Pub establishment is reacting to what's happening. We didn’t give them their man and they have been throwing temper tantrums ever since.

Me? I voted for Cruz, had he pulled it off we'd see the same thing from our "leaders".

You wouldn't know what integrity was if it bit you in the ass child.

Trump makes fun of the physically impaired, women, Hispanics, Christians, has said some of the dumbest things an adult has ever said, is a childish fraction of a person and you’re voting for him.

Integrity is doing the right thing. You’re not.
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??

Trump will not carry his home zip code much less 270 electoral votes.

Well. You can always hope.

No one knows who will win and it won't be decided till Nov.

You idiots can make yourselves happy by telling everyone Hitlery has already won but the rest of us know better.

Never count your chickens before they hatch.
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??
The signs are simply not there of a Trump landslide.

Hillary had more primary votes than Trump or anybody else.

The GOP is not uniting around Trump it is fracturing due to him.

Says who??

No one knows what Nov will bring but if it makes you feel better then by all means believe Hitlery will win.

I'll believe she won't. There. We are both happy now. LOL
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??

Trump will not carry his home zip code much less 270 electoral votes.

His home zip code is in NY to be fair.

Yup. A NY that always votes Dem. No surprise there at all.

Of course to Cornholio the obvious is something to cheer about.
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??

Trump will not carry his home zip code much less 270 electoral votes.

His home zip code is in NY to be fair.

Reagan’s home zip was in California. He carried it twice.

Just goes to show some in Cali have a few brain cells that work.
All the lefties on this board sure do like to count those chickens before they hatch.

Wonder what they will be saying if Trump wins in a landslide??

Trump will not carry his home zip code much less 270 electoral votes.

His home zip code is in NY to be fair.

Reagan’s home zip was in California. He carried it twice.

CA used to be a conservative state prior to the Reagan amnesty.

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