Forget the politics: What are the pros and cons of building a wall? The facts only, please!

No politics.

Just defend why we need a wall.


Why is building a wall a mistake?

Try to keep the facts.

No politics.

Is this possible?

You did not open with facts of your own and the first two things out of your mouth in your original post are YOU DEFEND YOUR POISITION and STICK TO THE FACTS.
What are you talking about?
A wall to stop the free flow of illegal immigrants.

If they want to come to this country they can go thru legal process.

Yes there would still be a need for border security even with a wall, to ensure there is no diggers or climbers.
So you are saying the wall can be defeated by digging and climbing?

But border patrol is better?

Then why not invest in more border patrol?
A wall to stop the free flow of illegal immigrants.

If they want to come to this country they can go thru legal process.

Yes there would still be a need for border security even with a wall, to ensure there is no diggers or climbers.
So you are saying the wall can be defeated by digging and climbing?

But border patrol is better?

Then why not invest in more border patrol?

no that's not what I said.

An un-manned wall is a disaster waiting to happen. Having both in place is extra insurance/assurance

On top of all the garbage about "tunneling under" and "the border is not a straight line" --- you heap THIS GARBAGE? Shows how little you think at all.... There WOULD be enviro consequences, but BUTTERFLIES would NOT be one of them. They travel over mountains and tall forests to migrate...

From your own damn article -- THEY can not put into words the exact "damage" to migrating butterflies..

The precise impact of the wall, whose construction is expected to start in south Texas in February, isn’t known by those who operate the facility, but based on meetings Glassberg has had with federal officials, his primary concern remains. “We know it’s doing to be bad, but we don’t know exactly how bad,” he speculates.

How do you build a wall here?

What idiot would put a wall THERE?

You should quit before you hurt yourself.....
The wall is an absolute necessity to protect the United States from foreign invasion!

This message was brought to you by Pedro's Ladder and shovel Company.
A wall to stop the free flow of illegal immigrants.

If they want to come to this country they can go thru legal process.

Yes there would still be a need for border security even with a wall, to ensure there is no diggers or climbers.
So you are saying the wall can be defeated by digging and climbing?

But border patrol is better?

Then why not invest in more border patrol?

Sensor and drones don't ARREST illegal crossers. Still need jeeps and horses and helicopters and personnel to play tag with them thru the cactus..

WALLS stop them. Sensors PREVENT tunneling. Did you not KNOW this? There have been battlefield sensor systems that can detect a fox since vietnam.. Walls mean border patrol can FOCUS on checkpoints and legal crossings and drug/custom issues.

You've just shown how actually naive you are.. I personally HATE the concept of a border wall. But I don't trust my government to take the job seriously enough to assure we stop the 1500 illegal crossings per day at the border or head off massive waves of refugees from the dying narco states in Central and South America.. If my government WORKED -- I could be as complacent and clueless as you are now...
No politics.

Just defend why we need a wall.


Why is building a wall a mistake?

Try to keep the facts.

No politics.

Is this possible?
Negatives are eminent domain, wasted costs, and a negative nationalist message to the rest of the world.

Positives are increased border security.

Correct approach IMO... fund walls and fences where needed, increase tech and agent security where needed. Improve visa tracking. Reform legal immigration to make it easier to come here and work. Maintain the message that America is a country of opportunity and a beacon of light and hope for all around the world.

Good OP
No politics.

Just defend why we need a wall.


Why is building a wall a mistake?

Try to keep the facts.

No politics.

Is this possible?
Negatives are eminent domain, wasted costs, and a negative nationalist message to the rest of the world.

Positives are increased border security.

Correct approach IMO... fund walls and fences where needed, increase tech and agent security where needed. Improve visa tracking. Reform legal immigration to make it easier to come here and work. Maintain the message that America is a country of opportunity and a beacon of light and hope for all around the world.

Good OP
Maintain the message that America is a country of opportunity and a beacon of light and hope for all around the world.

Do Republicans actually believe that?
No politics.

Just defend why we need a wall.


Why is building a wall a mistake?

Try to keep the facts.

No politics.

Is this possible?
Negatives are eminent domain, wasted costs, and a negative nationalist message to the rest of the world.

Positives are increased border security.

Correct approach IMO... fund walls and fences where needed, increase tech and agent security where needed. Improve visa tracking. Reform legal immigration to make it easier to come here and work. Maintain the message that America is a country of opportunity and a beacon of light and hope for all around the world.

Good OP
Maintain the message that America is a country of opportunity and a beacon of light and hope for all around the world.

Do Republicans actually believe that?

We admit 1,000,000 immigrants into this country EVERY year. Legally. We admit more aliens into this country then ALL of the other countries on the planet combined. So take your sniveling BS and shove it up your ass.

What you demand is that this country turn into a third world shithole by allowing illegals into this country you allow the major employers to artificially keep the wages of the American worker low. Why do you support the billionaires and want to screw over the working class?
What will stop people from tunneling under? Or building a ladder one foot higher?
won't tunnel under it because we have tunnel detectors.
ladders are expensive and awkward to carry. These folks who carry everything they own on their backs aren't going to carry a 30 foot ladder.
We need the wall because, I'm stumped.

Exactly why do we need the wall? And what is meant by a "wall"?
We need a barrier to prevent them from getting on this side of the border where we have to deal with them. If they are forced to stay on their side of the border we don't have to deal with them or their problems. They can live, die, starve, have a revolution without involving us. It isn't up to America to solve all the problems in the world. There are 158 million people living in poverty and they all can't come here.

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