Forget Trump's OLD lies. Let's talk about his NEW lies.

Remember, when Trump was in Arizona, he said the GOP missed Repeal and Replace by one vote.
There was no "replace". So that makes Repeal and Replace a lie. He should have just said Repeal.

He suggested some Nazi's were very fine people at Charlotte, Virginia.
Trump's defense of white nationalist protesters has David Duke gushing - CNNPolitics
Course, that might not count as a lie. That's just how Trump feels about Nazi's.

Tax Reform. We know it's not reform. Just tax cuts for rich people.

Asked about the families he just spoke with at the shelter, the president said, “they were just happy — a lot of happiness.”
Trump's second visit to Houston, nice optics, but what was he "saying"?
People with everything own under water are not happy. Was this a lie or a delusion?

We are so used to him lying, we just assume everything he says is a lie. I can't even tell which is which anymore.
/----/ You twist, lie and distort like a true Marxist.
Remember, when Trump was in Arizona, he said the GOP missed Repeal and Replace by one vote.
There was no "replace". So that makes Repeal and Replace a lie. He should have just said Repeal.

He suggested some Nazi's were very fine people at Charlotte, Virginia.
Trump's defense of white nationalist protesters has David Duke gushing - CNNPolitics
Course, that might not count as a lie. That's just how Trump feels about Nazi's.

Tax Reform. We know it's not reform. Just tax cuts for rich people.

Asked about the families he just spoke with at the shelter, the president said, “they were just happy — a lot of happiness.”
Trump's second visit to Houston, nice optics, but what was he "saying"?
People with everything own under water are not happy. Was this a lie or a delusion?

We are so used to him lying, we just assume everything he says is a lie. I can't even tell which is which anymore.

Ah, R-Derp? You haven't been able to tell for quite some time now!

Show me the quote where Donald Trump said that Nazis were "very fine people"?

Easy. From the transcript: (Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally)

"Q: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides."""""

The Nazis creamed their dirty, stained, shit-filled jeans over that one.

Where in that quote did Trump say Nazis were very fine people? He said that there was blame on both sides and there were people there protesting the taking down of that statue that were fine people! When Trump refers to "that group" he's obviously referring to the Neo-Nazis! So how can he call them very bad people and also call them very fine people at the same time? You've obviously read meaning into what Trump said that wasn't there.
He's been universally condemned for his comment that will live in infamy. When he said " there are good people on both sides" he OBVIOUSLY means he thinks Nazis and white supremacists are " good people. "
He has to . So many of them make up a big part of his base.

Reality check for the pathological liars:

Trump will be haunted by Charlottesville, says Watergate reporter who covered 45 years of scandals

Donald Trump's incredibly unpresidential statement on Charlottesville - CNNPolitics

Charlottesville remarks prompt another 'worst week' for Trump – until the next one

The issue in Charlottesville was the tearing down of Civil War statues...not Nazis. When Trump referred to good people on both sides he was referring to the conflict over the statues...not Nazis. As usual, you on the left have taken his words and twisted them to mean what YOU think they meant...not what Trump was actually saying.
After Flynn talked to the Russian Ambassador, came the first and only time Russia didn't go tit for tat.
What? have you been drinking?

We kick out 35 russians
Flynn talks to Russian Ambassador
Russian reaction - NOTHING

We close down 2 russian compounds
Russian reaction - they expel 775 from moscow
That was for show.
Trump thanked Putin, said we cut down on payroll and saved a lot of money.
Yes Rambunctious, the truth is funny sometimes...It's often considered stranger than fiction. No comment when presented by facts? How Trumpian.
I do not comment on every stupid post from every stupid liberal that gets showed yourself to be a liar and a fool. What you showed was that the fascists ANTIFA and BLM had permits for a different park, but they wanted blood so the marched into the park with the statue supporters looking for a fight. Nice try snowflake...
Remember, when Trump was in Arizona, he said the GOP missed Repeal and Replace by one vote.
There was no "replace". So that makes Repeal and Replace a lie. He should have just said Repeal.

He suggested some Nazi's were very fine people at Charlotte, Virginia.
Trump's defense of white nationalist protesters has David Duke gushing - CNNPolitics
Course, that might not count as a lie. That's just how Trump feels about Nazi's.

Tax Reform. We know it's not reform. Just tax cuts for rich people.

Asked about the families he just spoke with at the shelter, the president said, “they were just happy — a lot of happiness.”
Trump's second visit to Houston, nice optics, but what was he "saying"?
People with everything own under water are not happy. Was this a lie or a delusion?

We are so used to him lying, we just assume everything he says is a lie. I can't even tell which is which anymore.
WE should stop talking about Trump. It's basically giving negative attention to a spoiled brat who is just as happy to be spoken of negatively as positively.
WE should stop talking about Trump. It's basically giving negative attention to a spoiled brat who is just as happy to be spoken of negatively as positively
No please don't stop, please keep on calling him the orange one and please keep tearing down white America, please keep taking down statues and staging ANTIFA and BLM riots right up to election day....PLEASE!

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