Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election

What astonishes me is that the vast majority of the people in this country still haven't figured out that both parties are taking us down a path of no return.
There are only 2 choices, is there really a 3rd choice, uh no there isn’t. What we fail to do as a free society, as our founders intended, is remove the career politicians. The Cancer in DC, our State Houses and Our County and City Governments are the career politicians.

Until we recognize this, nothing is going to change, our Founders fought for this and we keep sending the same people back, time after time, you can create 10 different party’s, but if you keep repeating the same choices?
Thanks for validating my point,
Typical, you edit it to fit your narrative, do you have a honest opinion of the subject I bring up or do you just want to control the message?

You make my point out to be true, isn’t the purpose of the US Message Board to share open dialogue? Isn’t your role here to insure that’s what happens?

And you want to blame the 2 party system, are you always this hypocritical?
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Not surprising. Trump treated the department of Justice as something he could command, and his Attorney Generals as his personal lawyers. He just couldn't get Barr to help illegally throw or help invalidate the election, as he was losing in the courts, the state house and Governors mansion across the country.
No he didn't. The DOJ is infested with leftwingers. A Republican president is going to get nothing but push back if he tries to implement his agenda. Barr left because he realized he couldn't fight these vermin.
"According to a (anonymous unverified unidentified) person familiar with the interviews". Is that the best the left wing blogs can come up with these days? It beats talking about the current president anyway.
Hear all hear all, anyone that doesn't go with insane Trump plots to subvert an election he stolle is a back-stabber.

Barr who told you there is no evidence? Back-stabber.
Rosen who declined to baselessly declare election result a fraud? Back-stabber.

Has it ever occured to you that Trump is the problem, not everyone else?
Has it ever occurred to you that the people in power today got rid of Trump because he was getting in their way?
Democrats sanctioning race riots is just a minor segway to you? Its a diversion, a joke? Because this inability of "Democrats" to focus on an issue outside of their political dogma IS the ISSUE here.

Democrats didn't sanction race riots. Democrats supported the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing which was designed to restore confidence in and respect for law enforcement. Why are you so stupid?
Well, Trump was an embarrassment and a laughingstock world wide. That's why he lost the election.
No. Trump was turned into a joke by the MSM.....and most oppressed countries didn't buy it at all......which is why Cubans, Chinese, and Iranians waved US Flags in the streets all over the world.

No. Trump was turned into a joke by the MSM.....and most oppressed countries didn't buy it at all......which is why Cubans, Chinese, and Iranians waved US Flags in the streets all over the world.

Hahahaha.. NO.. Trump did it to himself because he craves attention 24/7 and can't keep his mouth shut. They weren't waving flags for Trump.
Nope. Obama was in China in 2009 and 2014 to talk to them about pollution.
If true then it was false. But then again. Obama is Covid issues to the max and has a huge party with no masks. And he is global climate change. .warming...cooling and now the gulf stream is in trouble and has homes on the ocean. I'ze justs don'tz understands massa!
There are only 2 choices, is there really a 3rd choice, uh no there isn’t. What we fail to do as a free society, as our founders intended, is remove the career politicians. The Cancer in DC, our State Houses and Our County and City Governments are the career politicians.

Until we recognize this, nothing is going to change, our Founders fought for this and we keep sending the same people back, time after time, you can create 10 different party’s, but if you keep repeating the same choices?

The people are solely responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

The cancer is the stupidity and willful ignorance of the people – the disaster that was Trump is proof of that.
If true then it was false. But then again. Obama is Covid issues to the max and has a huge party with no masks. And he is global climate change. .warming...cooling and now the gulf stream is in trouble and has homes on the ocean. I'ze justs don'tz understands massa!

Obama has pared down the guest list and its a big property. He's not reckless.

Sea Level Rise? President Obama Just Bought a Beachside ...
Aug 24, 2019 · Although the pictures give a distorted impression from the angle it was taken, the house is actually on a cliff well above sea level. In addition, sea level is rising more slowly on the west coast than the east coast. The house will remain well above sea level for longer than the Obama’s will be alive.
The investigations were opened following a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly cast doubt on the Electoral College results.
NY Times giving lots of credence to unnamed sources that cannot be questioned. Typical NY Times rubbish.
It all comes down to were Trump people "falsely" casting doubt on election results?
This illuminates nothing and is just more agitprop from the discredited and biased NY Times.
Not surprising. Trump treated the department of Justice as something he could command, and his Attorney Generals as his personal lawyers. He just couldn't get Barr to help illegally throw or help invalidate the election, as he was losing in the courts, the state house and Governors mansion across the country.
The way Biden commands the DOJ to simply release captured Chinese spies back to China?
What astonishes me is that the vast majority of the people in this country still haven't figured out that both parties are taking us down a path of no return.
There is no moral equivalence between the two parties. Republicans are trying to bring stability to the country while the Democrat Party is trying to burn the place down and rebuild their Commie utopia from the ashes

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