Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election

Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election
It was a coup attempt, actually – a lawless, treasonous effort on the part of Trump to have officials at Justice collude with Trump to overthrow the will of the American people and conspire with state Republican election officials to invalidate the perfectly lawful, accurate, and Constitutional 2020 General Election whereby Biden was elected president.

And yet, given these facts, Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right continue to support Trump and his lawless treason.
And the other choice is what then???

That’s what I said, it’s right there in written form, but you missed that didn’t you!

That you cannot admit that our governments bureaucracy is not the problem tells me one thing, you work in a government job. When you’re in denial that corruption isn’t rampant from a local level to our federal government, you just ignore the debt we keep borrowing to no end. History is very clear, we cannot spend ourselves into prosperity, only fools believe this.

While you continue to skew the facts, can you list all the disasters that President Trump authored…
‘Career’ politicians wouldn’t have ‘careers’ if the people were to abandon their ignorance and apathy, get involved in politics at the very local level, and bring about real change to the political process.

Whining about and vilifying ‘career’ politicians won’t change anything.
It was a coup attempt, actually – a lawless, treasonous effort on the part of Trump to have officials at Justice collude with Trump to overthrow the will of the American people and conspire with state Republican election officials to invalidate the perfectly lawful, accurate, and Constitutional 2020 General Election whereby Biden was elected president.

And yet, given these facts, Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right continue to support Trump and his lawless treason.
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Um, Ok. Meanwhile back at the ranch: Democrats are burning down cities and sanctioning the defund the police movement whilst the murder and crime rates soar. Democrat are totally absorbed & obsessed with Mr. Trump and in the meanwhile destroying our cities. Focus on the facts not arcane bullshitery.

Next you are going to say Hitler killed 6 million Jews...

That is not a defence...
Career’ politicians wouldn’t have ‘careers’ if the people were to abandon their ignorance and apathy, get involved in politics at the very local level, and bring about real change to the political process.
That’s what I said, are you just trying to repeat my message?!?!

Whining about and vilifying ‘career’ politicians won’t change anything.
See my reply above, I don’t want to accuse you of comprehension issues, but all you have done on 3 of your rebuttals is repeating my thoughts…

Where’s your link / facts about President Trump’s disasters???
Quoted the New York Times. Cant you read?

When you consider your BLM and Antifa arm of the Democrat Party caused over 2 BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGES, I'd say yes. That is an accurate statement
Minneapolis is not burned down, sorry. I don't care what your imagination is telling you.
Minneapolis is not burned down, sorry. I don't care what your imagination is telling you.
It says everything when you cannot even admit the riots destroyed countless businesses…

If setting 150 buildings on fire is not enough for your definition, you need serious psychological help, but that goes without saying…–Saint_Paul

Let’s don’t forget the lovely cites of Seattle and Portland…

George Floyd protests in Seattle - Wikipedia

George Floyd protests in Portland, Oregon - Wikipedia
Obama has pared down the guest list and its a big property. He's not reckless.

Sea Level Rise? President Obama Just Bought a Beachside ...
Aug 24, 2019 · Although the pictures give a distorted impression from the angle it was taken, the house is actually on a cliff well above sea level. In addition, sea level is rising more slowly on the west coast than the east coast. The house will remain well above sea level for longer than the Obama’s will be alive.
You have no idea where Martha's Vineyard is. Do you?
Not surprising. Trump treated the department of Justice as something he could command, and his Attorney Generals as his personal lawyers. He just couldn't get Barr to help illegally throw or help invalidate the election, as he was losing in the courts, the state house and Governors mansion across the country.
And the only thing that save democracy was the few people at DOJ that decided it was worth it to save

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