Former Bunny say she knows 12 women drugged and raped by Cosby.

New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

Um, a woman claims she knows Cosby drugged and then raped a dozen women? But she didn't report it until now? K. Someone needs to inform her she's admitting she aided and abetted the commision of multiple felonies.

Right, cause we need to make the victims, the perpetrators. That will teach them for speaking up! Nice move.....:cranky:

She's not a victim according to the title. She's a co-conspirator. If you know someone's dosing a drink, then raping the person, but don't report it, you're guilty of both conspiracy and rape.

You are all telling me that these women are lying, yet now when someone speaks up for the bunnies, they might be culpable? So was there a crime, or wasn't there? make up your mind.

18 victims according to CNN. Not 1 police report though. That's very suspicious. Now someone's coming foward to claim they had witnessed Cosby dosing their beverage (presumedly a beverage,) so as to then rape them, and knows of a dozen occurences of this but didn't come foward until now? That's equally suspicious.

This entire story sounds like crap. Makes me wonder though how many partners he's had in all. If a lot, maybe this is the 18 who weren't impressed, had a bad time or got pregnant or something so now are going for his throat or something?
The LAPD just announced that they are going to do a formal investigation on the allegations of the woman who claimed to have been molested at age 15 by Cosby.

Heres a link to the article

LAPD Says It Will Investigate Abuse Claim Against Cosby The Two-Way NPR
Good luck, because she could have lied and said she was19 when Bill asked her, instead of her saying that he told her to say that she was 19 when they went to the Playboy Mansion if anyone asked. Now how does a 15 year old hook up and go to the playboy mansion anyway ? I mean did no one question her age at the time (NO ONE)?

I know girls when I was in my teens who were lying and getting into clubs, (i.e. having fake ID's and all that sort of thing), and they did appear older than their age to me back in them days. I guess that is why it worked for them.

That's why investigating decades old accusations rarely end well for the accuser.
New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

Um, a woman claims she knows Cosby drugged and then raped a dozen women? But she didn't report it until now? K. Someone needs to inform her she's admitting she aided and abetted the commision of multiple felonies.

Right, cause we need to make the victims, the perpetrators. That will teach them for speaking up! Nice move.....:cranky:
Nice move eh ? Well what are you then, the type of person who doesn't want every angle explored in order to find the truth in something ? Yeah nice moves indeed.
I hear a Greyhound bus with 20 more victims is scheduled to pull up in front of Gloria Allreds office next week.......:badgrin:.
Yup, funny that Cosby sits with nothing to say. If I were innocent, my attorneys would be collecting for me. Let's see how the investigation comes out. If it gets much worse for the Coz, they might have to remove his star from the walk of fame....
I hear a Greyhound bus with 20 more victims is scheduled to pull up in front of Gloria Allreds office next week.......:badgrin:.
Are they over doing it a little maybe ?... Soon this circus can be taken out on the road, and then it can explain to everyone how people can maybe bilk or extort millions out of an old star just because they might say something in which they know the old star can't refute or prove his innocence on (he said she said). And it's not because he is guilty, but probably because he is to old to remember any of it himself, and that is what they might be counting on or bargaining for. They are hopeful that they will be believable, and that he won't be because he is a man ? War on women, well how about the war on men now ?

Like I said, what sort of precedence will this set up if it keeps on ?
I hear a Greyhound bus with 20 more victims is scheduled to pull up in front of Gloria Allreds office next week.......:badgrin:.
Are they over doing it a little maybe ?... Soon this circus can be taken out on the road, and then it can explain to everyone how people can maybe bilk or extort millions out of an old star just because they might say something in which they know the old star can't refute or prove his innocence on (he said she said). And it's not because he is guilty, but probably because he is to old to remember any of it himself, and that is what they might be counting on or bargaining for. They are hopeful that they will be believable, and that he won't be because he is a man ? War on women, well how about the war on men now ?

Like I said, what sort of precedence will this set up if it keeps on ?

Senior Citizen abuse.
the left is getting their jollies off on seeing them down take a black man. what happened to all black lives matter?

oh never mind we know that only go for those they deem worth it
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New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

Um, a woman claims she knows Cosby drugged and then raped a dozen women? But she didn't report it until now? K. Someone needs to inform her she's admitting she aided and abetted the commision of multiple felonies.

Right, cause we need to make the victims, the perpetrators. That will teach them for speaking up! Nice move.....:cranky:

She's not a victim according to the title. She's a co-conspirator. If you know someone's dosing a drink, then raping the person, but don't report it, you're guilty of both conspiracy and rape.

She was raped. She said so in the video.

She is a victim.

Not reporting a rape is not rape.

By your logic, if someone is being extorted by the mob, and knows others being extorted, the one being extorted is guilty of extortion.
New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

Um, a woman claims she knows Cosby drugged and then raped a dozen women? But she didn't report it until now? K. Someone needs to inform her she's admitting she aided and abetted the commision of multiple felonies.

Right, cause we need to make the victims, the perpetrators. That will teach them for speaking up! Nice move.....:cranky:

She's not a victim according to the title. She's a co-conspirator. If you know someone's dosing a drink, then raping the person, but don't report it, you're guilty of both conspiracy and rape.

She was raped. She said so in the video.

She is a victim.

Not reporting a rape is not rape.

By your logic, if someone is being extorted by the mob, and knows others being extorted, the one being extorted is guilty of extortion.
What The ?
QUOTE="Delta4Embassy, post: 10299495, member: 46449"]
New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

Um, a woman claims she knows Cosby drugged and then raped a dozen women? But she didn't report it until now? K. Someone needs to inform her she's admitting she aided and abetted the commision of multiple felonies.

Right, cause we need to make the victims, the perpetrators. That will teach them for speaking up! Nice move.....:cranky:

She's not a victim according to the title. She's a co-conspirator. If you know someone's dosing a drink, then raping the person, but don't report it, you're guilty of both conspiracy and rape.[/QUOTE]

Delta, you obviously did not watch the video. The woman is an X-bunny, and she posts on a web site for X-bunnies only. When the news started to break a few weeks ago, at least a dozen x-bunnies RECENTLY came forward on the web site, and revealed that Cosby had done the same to them years ago. Many never spoke up, because they had no proof that it was not consensual. Others were in relationships that they felt would be jeopardized if they could not prove it was not consensual. The burden of proof was on them, and what the hell did they have to prove it was not consensual. Nothing. If he used a condom, which he probably did, they would have no proof that anything happened, at all.

Michael Jackson was never convicted of molesting children, but you have to be damned naïve to think that he didn't.
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Here is an article from 2006 detailing how Cosby settled a civil suit with a woman accusing him of date-raping her. It states that there were 13 witnesses who were prepared to testify with similar stories. Cosby settled before going to court.

Bill Cosby Under Fire - Sex Scandals Bill Cosby
OK, now you may be establishing and/or leading us to possibly some sort of pattern of some sort, and this by (court records) in which is good, so keep up the good works as this is what we understand around here, and not just hearsay or accusations without solid proof. However could there have been gold diggers after him in the past, and his attorney's suggested that he just pay her or them off to make it all go away ? Where was the media on those cases I wonder (was the case file kept private by order of a judge because of a settlement) ? I mean why didn't we hear of these things back then, like we are now today ?
19 women have now come forward with rape allegations. I'm guessing there will be more.

Timeline Abuse Charges Against Bill Cosby -- Vulture

:banana::banana: Love these people. The best way to defend a rapist is to make the victims the ones that are guilty. Just love their devotion to the Coz....
No, we just want proof, is that such a foreign thing to you ?

I think I heard on CNN that they are doing a special at 9:00 pm ET tonight interviewing several of your Daddy's victims. You might want to tune in FOX then...oh are already there....:badgrin:
REAL TALK- NOT ONE of these former bunnies has come out against Heffner, known as the biggest pervert of them all. THINK.
19 women have now come forward with rape allegations. I'm guessing there will be more.

Timeline Abuse Charges Against Bill Cosby -- Vulture

:banana::banana: Love these people. The best way to defend a rapist is to make the victims the ones that are guilty. Just love their devotion to the Coz....
No, we just want proof, is that such a foreign thing to you ?

We have proof. Cosby settled in a civil case of rape where the plaintiff had 13 other witnesses with very similar stories lined up to testify against Cosby. Now, we have at least 19 women on record saying he did the same thing over a 40 year period. That's at least 33 women accusing Cosby of the same thing, and Cosby paying off at least one woman to keep her quiet.

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