Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

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Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.
those in power who knew this stuff is going on and didn't take immediate action
Unusual, they generally go after the male kiddies
He will be getting lot of exercise bending over where he is going

Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

He should be executed, all paedophiles should be executed regardless of what religion or what political persuasion.

Gee here are us religious folk calling for a harsher sentence and just the other day some bull dyke told me I condone priests molesting children.

I have never read any comment from you Sassy where you have condoned paedophile priests and I have not done so ever myself, and we are both Roman Catholic.

Well in all honesty Hairy Back is a notorious liar. I adore children and am an advocate for them, any of them. Could be why we adopted three of the lil buggers :p

I adore children you know four kidlets and five later this year and I am an advocate for children and as parents and as adults it is our job to protect ALL children in whatever way we can from these wastes of human skin. To me there is literally nothing more heinous than the rape of children and that is what it is, it needs to be called what it is not this sexual abuse or molestation, they rape children we should call them what they are child rapists and forget this Politically Correct crap.
Unusual, they generally go after the male kiddies
He will be getting lot of exercise bending over where he is going

Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

He should be executed, all paedophiles should be executed regardless of what religion or what political persuasion.

Gee here are us religious folk calling for a harsher sentence and just the other day some bull dyke told me I condone priests molesting children.

I have never read any comment from you Sassy where you have condoned paedophile priests and I have not done so ever myself, and we are both Roman Catholic.

Well in all honesty Hairy Back is a notorious liar. I adore children and am an advocate for them, any of them. Could be why we adopted three of the lil buggers :p

I adore children and am an advocate for them, and as parents and as adults it is our job to protect ALL children in whatever way we can from these wastes of human skin. To me there is literally nothing more heinous than the rape of children and that is what it is, it needs to be called what is is not this sexual abuse or molestation, they rape children we should call them what they are child rapists and forget this Politically Correct crap.

Our Outreach deals with teens that are first I was stunned how many were by older guys, like 21 and over. We're talking 13, 14 and 15 year old girls. As soon as we find out it's someone that old we report them
Anyone want to check the voter rolls and see which party this shithead belonged to?

the party of roy moore
ask carnak

Apparently his father was a Democrat who ran as a Democrat against LBJ in the '54 Senate race. He also launched bilingual Spanish/English paper based in San Antonio, and was against the Vietnam War...

Biography for Dudley T Dougherty — Site
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, checking to see if this shithead has a Facebook or other social media presence...
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

Agree - line them up and shoot them. If they're catholic priests, they'll still get into "heaven".

But, the good news is, this really hard time.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.

Start at the top. The current pope hid pedo priests. Two popes ago, maybe three, was in charge of keeping track of where pedo priests were sent so they wouldn't be sent to the same place again.

In the case of catholic church, its up to those who actually follow this religion/cult. Same with any other organization.

I think most Roman Catholics are as disgusted as non-Roman Catholics about this, but again paedophilia isn't just restricted to Roman Catholic priests, there are plenty of paedophiles for example who are Muslim and the Imans cover it all up because Islam is shall I say pretty liberal about adult men having sex with children because of the Prophet Mohammed being a paedophile himself, he married Aisha when she was six years in age and he was in his mid-50s he did not have sex with her though until she was nine years in age, he was a paedophile.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.

The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN. And they've done it for 2000 years. How many rapes would that be?

The catholic church is by far and way the worst. And they are still hiding rapists. The proof of that is that these stories keep popping up and its this current pope who sent pedos to hide in SAmerican churches.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.

The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN. And they've done it for 2000 years. How many rapes would that be?

The catholic church is by far and way the worst. And they are still hiding rapists. The proof of that is that these stories keep popping up and its this current pope who sent pedos to hide in SAmerican churches.

"The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN."

What a ridiculous comment.
I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis

This Pope gives me pause...I miss Pope John Paul
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.

The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN. And they've done it for 2000 years. How many rapes would that be?

The catholic church is by far and way the worst. And they are still hiding rapists. The proof of that is that these stories keep popping up and its this current pope who sent pedos to hide in SAmerican churches.

That may very well be the dumbest post you've ever made...and that's saying something
I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis

This Pope gives me pause...I miss Pope John Paul

I miss Pope Benedict XVI and as he is still alive he is still MY Pope. I basically ignore Francis whatever he says I do the opposite.
Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis

This Pope gives me pause...I miss Pope John Paul

I miss Pope Benedict XVI and as he is still alive he is still MY Pope. I basically ignore Francis whatever he says I do the opposite.

He was OK. But this one now? Oooh boy he's said some things that made me cringe
I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.

The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN. And they've done it for 2000 years. How many rapes would that be?

The catholic church is by far and way the worst. And they are still hiding rapists. The proof of that is that these stories keep popping up and its this current pope who sent pedos to hide in SAmerican churches.

That may very well be the dumbest post you've ever made...and that's saying something

Considering Islam condones sex with children because the Prophet Mohammed himself was a paedophile, yes Luddly's post is ridiculous.
I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.

I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.

Back when the Church scandal broke I was livid the Church tried to hide it. Most of our parish was also.
That is what I have heard from my Catholic friends as well. They want some accountability. I don’t know of anyone, of any religion who has not been furious to find out that a trusted person in their faith has acted this way.
I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.

The catholics are the only ones who have hidden and aided pedophilia, the RAPE of CHILDREN. And they've done it for 2000 years. How many rapes would that be?

The catholic church is by far and way the worst. And they are still hiding rapists. The proof of that is that these stories keep popping up and its this current pope who sent pedos to hide in SAmerican churches.

That may very well be the dumbest post you've ever made...and that's saying something

Considering Islam condones sex with children because the Prophet Mohammed himself was a paedophile, yes Luddly's post is ridiculous.

Yeah...Catholics very bad....Islam they are OK!!!! Only in the mind of a leftist loon
I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

Not true at all, if the Pope announces or teaches anything contrary to faith, faith always supersedes. Any Catholic will tell you that
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