Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

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God is a forgiving God if someone is truly sorry and repents their sin. The Pope has nothing to do with it. Now like I said you're pretty much a religious illiterate....go bother someone else
So you can get away with anything. Got it.

Seems like a pretty douche religion if even pedophiles can get away with their crimes against children. So not protecting children, just protecting pedophiles. That's cold, really cold.

I never said that and it's obvious you're too ignorant to even begin to grasp it. Now go away
YOU go away! You’re too ignorant to know the RC religion. :biggrin:

It's patently obvious you don't have the very first clue about Roman Catholicism....that and you're a troll
The thread has been destroyed by spam trolls.

Yeah and it's funny when they come on a thread like this and try to "teach us religion" ....dopes
So you can get away with anything. Got it.

Seems like a pretty douche religion if even pedophiles can get away with their crimes against children. So not protecting children, just protecting pedophiles. That's cold, really cold.

I never said that and it's obvious you're too ignorant to even begin to grasp it. Now go away
YOU go away! You’re too ignorant to know the RC religion. :biggrin:

It's patently obvious you don't have the very first clue about Roman Catholicism....that and you're a troll
The thread has been destroyed by spam trolls.
Define "thread has been destroyed". Is it destroyed because we all agree that pedophiles should be punished? Or is it destroyed because some want to deflect to blaming others "being worse" than others when it comes to pedophilia? Or is it destroyed because some have pointed out that looking the other way isn't really fighting against institutionalized ignoring the problem?

You and Taz just Trolling as usual, also considering you are Athiest and perhaps Taz is also Athiest I do not know, but neither of you know anything about Roman Catholicism you both have illustrated that so why don't you go and Troll some other thread instead of attempting to derail this one with your gibberish.

We don't need those who have no religion to come into a thread to tell Roman Catholics anything or to "teach" us about religion, considering you have no religion not sure why you and your ilk are so obsessed with pathetic attempts at lecturing others about their OWN religion.
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I'm going to report you to the Catholic church. They'll excommunicate you for heresy. Repent now, last chance.

Go for worries here at all. You see I am Catholic and know my faith. Now run along, you're bothersome
60 years was too lenient don't you think? (I'm still waiting to hear back)

Well you could actually read the thread and see where I thought life was sufficient. You really are annoying, moron
Sorry, the thread is 14 pages long, maybe next time.

What do you think god should do with him? Send him to hell to rot next to Hitler?
hitler was also a catholic and the catholic church never excommunicated him, imagine that

^^^^ Off Topic now Trolling his own OP.
You obviously don't know the first thing you're blabbering about.

Just trolling.
You can't just pick and choose what you want. you're either all-in or all-out. You seem all-out. And seem to want something different than RCs do.

I already explained how it is, it's not my fault you're obviously too ignorant to grasp it. Now cease annoying me please, you're a waste of time
I'm going to report you to the Catholic church. They'll excommunicate you for heresy. Repent now, last chance.

Go for worries here at all. You see I am Catholic and know my faith. Now run along, you're bothersome
60 years was too lenient don't you think? (I'm still waiting to hear back)

Not that Sassy commented that.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.

Back when the Church scandal broke I was livid the Church tried to hide it. Most of our parish was also.
"Livid" that the angry version of "thoughts and prayers"?

Give it a rest you demented toad. You homos have your pedos also...A LOT of them. Let's go there shall we? What did you call priests? Kid fuckers? It's well known the homo' s desires for children

You'd be wise to shut up. That's your problem you constantly ignore the elephant in the room while slinging your shit. Why? You're ignorant.
Really glad that there are no personal insults/attacks on this thread. As for the topic.....I still am surprised that a catholic priest was held had to have been REALLY BAD!

Why wouldn't he be held accountable?
Closed to clean up thread. May or may not be re-opened.
Too big of a mess, and trolls ignoring warnings. This one will not re-open.
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