Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

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But it's ok for Islamics to do that because they are a rich and vibrant culture and well....."diversity" and all that. That's what the left earnestly believes. That kind of stuff goes on all the time in the Middle East but all we hear from the left, is how we need more Muslim immigrants in this country.

To the left, It's only an outrage when Catholics, Christians, or Republicans are involved. Meanwhile their entertainment industry is packed full of pedophiles, sex offenders, rapists, homosexuals, and other perverts. But they don't mind, because they're the "beautiful people." Hell, they even idolize a former President who was a rapist and a sexual predator, and tried to put his wife in the White House.
Ok, so THIS guy said it was ok with Islam. Anyone else?

You hate Christians anyhow, Christers in your words, so you probably think ALL Christians are fucking children and condone fucking children.

"Ok, so THIS guy said it was ok with Islam. Anyone else?"

Yes the Prophet Mohammed himself who they all follow.
I don't hate christianity...but I find many christians, such as yourself, to be very hateful...and Ironically, many of the hateful christians sound a lot like their hateful muslim counterparts.

Well I'm not for throwing people off rooftops or cutting heads off people and I don't think many Christians are, and please do not mention the Westboro Baptist maniacs because the majority of Christians think they are POS.
Today you're not......but there are those so-called christians who have said that that's the only thing they agree with the muslims over.

I have never said that though, if you mean the throwing off the rooftop thing, I have never said I wish physical harm to Homos I have said that I wish Homos would just STFU and stop announcing to everyone they are Homos and pushing the LGBTQ thing in peoples faces.

I think I have made a few rooftop references but accompanied with a :smoke: which means I'm not being serious.
Ok, so THIS guy said it was ok with Islam. Anyone else?

You hate Christians anyhow, Christers in your words, so you probably think ALL Christians are fucking children and condone fucking children.

"Ok, so THIS guy said it was ok with Islam. Anyone else?"

Yes the Prophet Mohammed himself who they all follow.
I don't hate christianity...but I find many christians, such as yourself, to be very hateful...and Ironically, many of the hateful christians sound a lot like their hateful muslim counterparts.

Well I'm not for throwing people off rooftops or cutting heads off people and I don't think many Christians are, and please do not mention the Westboro Baptist maniacs because the majority of Christians think they are POS.
Today you're not......but there are those so-called christians who have said that that's the only thing they agree with the muslims over.

I have never said that though, if you mean the throwing off the rooftop thing, I have never said I wish physical harm to Homos I have said that I wish Homos would just STFU and stop announcing to everyone they are Homos and pushing the LGBTQ thing in peoples faces.

I think I have made a few rooftop references but accompanied with a :smoke: which means I'm not being serious.
Ha ha...a very funny subject........for so-called christians, apparently.
You hate Christians anyhow, Christers in your words, so you probably think ALL Christians are fucking children and condone fucking children.

"Ok, so THIS guy said it was ok with Islam. Anyone else?"

Yes the Prophet Mohammed himself who they all follow.
I don't hate christianity...but I find many christians, such as yourself, to be very hateful...and Ironically, many of the hateful christians sound a lot like their hateful muslim counterparts.

Well I'm not for throwing people off rooftops or cutting heads off people and I don't think many Christians are, and please do not mention the Westboro Baptist maniacs because the majority of Christians think they are POS.
Today you're not......but there are those so-called christians who have said that that's the only thing they agree with the muslims over.

I have never said that though, if you mean the throwing off the rooftop thing, I have never said I wish physical harm to Homos I have said that I wish Homos would just STFU and stop announcing to everyone they are Homos and pushing the LGBTQ thing in peoples faces.

I think I have made a few rooftop references but accompanied with a :smoke: which means I'm not being serious.
Ha ha...a very funny subject........for so-called christians, apparently.

Some of us have a sense of humour, even Black Humour, of course you being a Leftist are devoid of all humour :rolleyes-41:
I don't hate christianity...but I find many christians, such as yourself, to be very hateful...and Ironically, many of the hateful christians sound a lot like their hateful muslim counterparts.

Well I'm not for throwing people off rooftops or cutting heads off people and I don't think many Christians are, and please do not mention the Westboro Baptist maniacs because the majority of Christians think they are POS.
Today you're not......but there are those so-called christians who have said that that's the only thing they agree with the muslims over.

I have never said that though, if you mean the throwing off the rooftop thing, I have never said I wish physical harm to Homos I have said that I wish Homos would just STFU and stop announcing to everyone they are Homos and pushing the LGBTQ thing in peoples faces.

I think I have made a few rooftop references but accompanied with a :smoke: which means I'm not being serious.
Ha ha...a very funny subject........for so-called christians, apparently.

Some of us have a sense of humour, even Black Humour, of course you being a Leftist are devoid of all humour :rolleyes-41:'s all about a sense of humor, talking about envying those who throw their fellow human beings off of buildings. I guess it's a sense of humor I'm not eager to have.
The Catholic cult is an ideal hiding place for homosexuals and pedophiles.
I don't think so. Most Christian churches have pastors that are married with families. The celibacy requirement of the Catholic cult is perfect for queers and pedophiles to hide in.
I think that can be said of most religions.

Not true Christianity. Most Christian protestant churches have married pastors with families. The Catholic cult is a perfect place for queers and pedophiles to hide in.
Billy Graham's Grandson Says Protestants Abuse Kids Just Like Catholics
Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

Not true at all, if the Pope announces or teaches anything contrary to faith, faith always supersedes. Any Catholic will tell you that
What the pope says, goes. Too bad for you.
Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

I do have a choice and all Roman Catholics have a choice, there were millions of Roman Catholics who didn't consider John XXIII to be their Pope either, including my entire family at the time rejected him as their Pope especially because of The Second Vatican Council which he initiated.

Also I answer to Our Lord, when I die He will be my Judge and my ONLY Judge. I suppose I'm a Roman Catholic rebel because I do not accept and will never accept that I must blindly follow everything a Pope says if I think it is the opposite of what Jesus Christ Our Lord preached and if a Pope preaches the opposite of what Jesus Christ Our Lord preached then he is preaching the opposite of Christ which is Antichrist.
You're heretic and are heading straight to hell.
There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

Not true at all, if the Pope announces or teaches anything contrary to faith, faith always supersedes. Any Catholic will tell you that
What the pope says, goes. Too bad for you.

You obviously don't know the first thing you're blabbering about.

Just trolling.
Should be life and sounds like the Church followed procedure

I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.

Back when the Church scandal broke I was livid the Church tried to hide it. Most of our parish was also.
"Livid" that the angry version of "thoughts and prayers"?

Give it a rest you demented toad. You homos have your pedos also...A LOT of them. Let's go there shall we? What did you call priests? Kid fuckers? It's well known the homo' s desires for children

You'd be wise to shut up. That's your problem you constantly ignore the elephant in the room while slinging your shit. Why? You're ignorant.
I personally do not agree with life in prison for paedophiles, what they do is so heinous probably the most heinous crime possible that I do not agree with ANY nations taxpayers having to pay to keep these wastes of human skin inside a prison for the rest of their lives, IMHO they should just be taken out and shot then dig a hole put them in and throw quicklime on them. No mercy for paedophiles. Period.
And for those organizations that hide them

How do you execute an organisation though? You cannot take an organisation out and shoot it.

However I do think that any person who has covered up for any paedophile should immediately be arrested and again I do not care what religion or political persuasion.

Back when the Church scandal broke I was livid the Church tried to hide it. Most of our parish was also.
"Livid" that the angry version of "thoughts and prayers"?

Give it a rest you demented toad. You homos have your pedos also...A LOT of them. Let's go there shall we? What did you call priests? Kid fuckers? It's well known the homo' s desires for children

You'd be wise to shut up. That's your problem you constantly ignore the elephant in the room while slinging your shit. Why? You're ignorant.
So...the answer is yes...."livid" is the angry version of "thoughts and prayers"....about as effective too, wasn't it?

And the vast majority of pedophiles are hetero men...often fathers and other close family members and friends. And the vast majority of victims are girls.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

Not true at all, if the Pope announces or teaches anything contrary to faith, faith always supersedes. Any Catholic will tell you that
What the pope says, goes. Too bad for you.

You obviously don't know the first thing you're blabbering about.

Just trolling.
You can't just pick and choose what you want. you're either all-in or all-out. You seem all-out. And seem to want something different than RCs do.
I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis
If you’re RC he’s your pope, you don’t have a choice.

Not true at all, if the Pope announces or teaches anything contrary to faith, faith always supersedes. Any Catholic will tell you that
What the pope says, goes. Too bad for you.

You obviously don't know the first thing you're blabbering about.

Just trolling.
You can't just pick and choose what you want. you're either all-in or all-out. You seem all-out. And seem to want something different than RCs do.

I already explained how it is, it's not my fault you're obviously too ignorant to grasp it. Now cease annoying me please, you're a waste of time
I know and if one ever touches one of ours death will be a very distinct possibility for him if I get to him first

Smart parents who actually care about their kids keep them out of harms way.

As in, don't take them into a catholic church and sure as fucking hell, don't leave them alone with a priest or other officials. Like, the pope.

FACT is, if you want to find pedos, go where there are children. Scouts, schools, etc and then protect your kids. Duh.

There are paedophiles in every profession and in every religion, no need for an Anti-Roman Catholic rant.
The pope seems drunk all the time. Maybe he feels guilty about something?

I do not recognise Francis as my Pope, I have posted many comments about why at this forum, he's a Jesuit and he preaches Heresy eg. God didn't work miracles, The Bible is just a book, Athiests can go to Heaven, he also likened ISIS to Jesus' Disciples. There are many in The Roman Curia who also consider Francis to be a Heretic.

Here's Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview.

INTERVIEW Pope Francis

This Pope gives me pause...I miss Pope John Paul
why? He only lasted about a month.
Unusual, they generally go after the male kiddies
He will be getting lot of exercise bending over where he is going

Former Catholic priest in Texas sentenced to 60 years in child rape case

He should be executed, all paedophiles should be executed regardless of what religion or what political persuasion.

Gee here are us religious folk calling for a harsher sentence and just the other day some bull dyke told me I condone priests molesting children.

I have never read any comment from you Sassy where you have condoned paedophile priests and I have not done so ever myself, and we are both Roman Catholic.

Well in all honesty Hairy Back is a notorious liar. I adore children and am an advocate for them, any of them. Could be why we adopted three of the lil buggers :p
Good to know that personal attacks are not allowed in this thread. Oops.
Well you could actually read the thread and see where I thought life was sufficient. You really are annoying, moron
What do you think god should do with him? Send him to hell to rot next to Hitler?

That's between him and God. You really don't know much about religion do you? Perhaps you should go bother someone else
So it's not automatic that raping children gets you hell? You seem to be such an expert on popes.

God is a forgiving God if someone is truly sorry and repents their sin. The Pope has nothing to do with it. Now like I said you're pretty much a religious illiterate....go bother someone else
So you can get away with anything. Got it.

Seems like a pretty douche religion if even pedophiles can get away with their crimes against children. So not protecting children, just protecting pedophiles. That's cold, really cold.

I never said that and it's obvious you're too ignorant to even begin to grasp it. Now go away
That's between him and God. You really don't know much about religion do you? Perhaps you should go bother someone else
So it's not automatic that raping children gets you hell? You seem to be such an expert on popes.

God is a forgiving God if someone is truly sorry and repents their sin. The Pope has nothing to do with it. Now like I said you're pretty much a religious illiterate....go bother someone else
So you can get away with anything. Got it.

Seems like a pretty douche religion if even pedophiles can get away with their crimes against children. So not protecting children, just protecting pedophiles. That's cold, really cold.

I never said that and it's obvious you're too ignorant to even begin to grasp it. Now go away
YOU go away! You’re too ignorant to know the RC religion. :biggrin:

It's patently obvious you don't have the very first clue about Roman Catholicism....that and you're a troll
I'm going to report you to the Catholic church. They'll excommunicate you for heresy. Repent now, last chance.

Go for worries here at all. You see I am Catholic and know my faith. Now run along, you're bothersome
60 years was too lenient don't you think? (I'm still waiting to hear back)

Well you could actually read the thread and see where I thought life was sufficient. You really are annoying, moron
Sorry, the thread is 14 pages long, maybe next time.

What do you think god should do with him? Send him to hell to rot next to Hitler?
hitler was also a catholic and the catholic church never excommunicated him, imagine that
I can imagine that quite well.
So it's not automatic that raping children gets you hell? You seem to be such an expert on popes.

God is a forgiving God if someone is truly sorry and repents their sin. The Pope has nothing to do with it. Now like I said you're pretty much a religious illiterate....go bother someone else
So you can get away with anything. Got it.

Seems like a pretty douche religion if even pedophiles can get away with their crimes against children. So not protecting children, just protecting pedophiles. That's cold, really cold.

I never said that and it's obvious you're too ignorant to even begin to grasp it. Now go away
YOU go away! You’re too ignorant to know the RC religion. :biggrin:

It's patently obvious you don't have the very first clue about Roman Catholicism....that and you're a troll
This thread, like so many others, has been destroyed by spam trolls.
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