Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

^AM Joyless is FAKE NEWS, as is Rachel Blinky Maddow! :p

Crooked Hillary needs to be indicted already!

As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You probably didn't see this yet.

Yes, Russians never donated to the Clinton Foundation, Bill never gave speeches for the KGB, her campaign manager never received thousands of unreported Russian stocks, his brother never worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian spy agency, and Mueller / Holder / Obama never hud Russian crimes until the Uranium One sale went through, as the evidence released last week showed.

As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You probably didn't see this yet.

You probably didn't see this yet.

No. I had not seen it, but I just watched it carefully and it reminds me why I don't watch MSNBC.

And, it tells me a good deal about why I should be more interested than ever in how the Clintons and Obamas sold out the USA on the Uranium deal.

AMJOY's explanation is possibly the most unconvincing horse shit I have ever seen! Thank you for pointing out how pitiful the Democratic explanations actually are.

Need Special Council immediately.

Suspects are:

The Clintons of course;

Everybody appointed or controlled by Obama on the Committee which approved the sale;

Obama's Justice Dept. and FBI which had ongoing investigation into money-laundering, bribery, extortion---complete with wired informant deeply embedded in the Crimianal operation---and yet still allowed the deal to go through.

Anyone who then let the uranium leave the USA and go to Canada and then Europe and Asia.

AMJOY has convinced me---never seen anything that needed to be investigated more! Not since Nixon.


Doug Shoen is the only honest Democrat left in the whole country.

Greatest Scandal in American History---the Obama/Clinton Democratic Party Collusion with the Russians.

As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You probably didn't see this yet.

You probably didn't see this yet.

No. I had not seen it, but I just watched it carefully and it reminds me why I don't watch MSNBC.

And, it tells me a good deal about why I should be more interested than ever in how the Clintons and Obamas sold out the USA on the Uranium deal.

AMJOY's explanation is possibly the most unconvincing horse shit I have ever seen! Thank you for pointing out how pitiful the Democratic explanations actually are.

Need Special Council immediately.

Suspects are:

The Clintons of course;

Everybody appointed or controlled by Obama on the Committee which approved the sale;

Obama's Justice Dept. and FBI which had ongoing investigation into money-laundering, bribery, extortion---complete with wired informant deeply embedded in the Crimianal operation---and yet still allowed the deal to go through.

Anyone who then let the uranium leave the USA and go to Canada and then Europe and Asia.

AMJOY has convinced me---never seen anything that needed to be investigated more! Not since Nixon.


Doug Shoen is the only honest Democrat left in the whole country.

Greatest Scandal in American History---the Obama/Clinton Democratic Party Collusion with the Russians.


It's just another conspiracy theory--spun to deflect from REAL news. A 9 member panel making a decision on selling Nuclear power (not weaponized Uranium) is not a big deal.

If you're watching FOX News and staying tuned into your right wing talk show hosts and websites--you're going to hear the names Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama mentioned a lot to deflect from what happened just last week.


1. Monday 3 indictments--1 guilty plea--Paul Manafort, Rick Gates are wearing ankle bracelets, restricted to home, church and their lawyers office. George Papadopoulos, was arrested in Texas, in July--the day after they raided Manafort's home--and has been doing a dial a crook ever since--wired to the hilt all the way up to October 30, 2017.
2. Wednesday--Jeff Sessions caught lying under oath in congressional testimony 3 TIMES.
3. Friday-- Carter Page testifies that he met with Russian officials on that infamous trip to Moscow--that he continually claimed was only to give a speech at a University.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

FOX News determined last week that the placement of cheese on cheeseburgers was more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & one guilty plea--:badgrin:

And another 14 minute video with the top number one watched cable news network show--Rachel Maddow with recently released court documents in hand that FOX NEWS never reported on.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Oh, I have no problem with an investigation of Hillary Clinton and the lingering issues that need to be addressed.
And of course, there seems to be more than smoke that indicates a lot of fire with the Trump campaign's several influential team members and Russia.
It'll be great, the two major party's 2016 presidential candidates under legal investigations. If there is true justice, America could very well, get rid of the two biggest scums to ever run for president. And to think, the king of the swamp scum was elected president.
This whole experience, maybe will wake up America, to take electing officials much more seriously. So we never have to go through having the worse and most dishonest candidates ever, to be the two major parties options.
As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal
As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You probably didn't see this yet.

oh, he saw it, and so has every other brain dead RW hack that posts a Clinton/Uranium thread every F'n day. They can care less if they're lying douchebags. They live to see who can be the biggest slime bag. McGomer is always in the top 5.
As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You might want to read about him. No media , just wiki, follow the links.

Douglas Schoen - Wikipedia

lets start, fundraising for the GOP
Douglas Schoen, Fox News Contributor And Democratic Pollster, Fundraising For GOP Candidate | HuffPost
As more nefarious shenanigans of Hillary and Comey is revealed, the more need to appoint a special prosecutor. Doug Shoen is correct in his assessment.

Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Over Uranium One Scandal

You might want to read about him. No media , just wiki, follow the links.

Douglas Schoen - Wikipedia

lets start, fundraising for the GOP
Douglas Schoen, Fox News Contributor And Democratic Pollster, Fundraising For GOP Candidate | HuffPost
He's had an awakening!

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