Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The child said he would still like to talk to the old man who was beating the drum too. He said he should have just walked away, but he didn't because he felt like that would be disrespectful and he didn't really know how to react, so he just stood there and smiled. Then he gets reamed out by the alternet crazy leftist "media." Poor kid. The old man was beating the drum right next to his head for goodness sakes, only inches away. If anyone was starting trouble, it was the old man. He, being the adult in the situation, should have had more self control and not going up to children and banging drums in their ears.

However, the boy did absolutely NOTHING wrong. The leftists hate him because he was wearing a MAGA hat. That is all it takes to make them hate. A hat. They are all gone totally insane.
It's Trump Derangement Syndrome. The fake news media had all of these people believing that it was virtually impossible for Trump to beat Hillary, the fake news outlet NYT actually brainwashed people into thinking that Hillary had a 98% chance of winning. And even the people who created that false narrative actually started to believe their own fake news propaganda. Like brainwashed cult members.

Then when Trump won their false belief collided with a hard truth and unfortunately it resulted in widespread PTSD. PosT- election Stress Disorder. A reality smackdown. The TDS afflicted are mentally ill and should seek treatment from mental health professionals.
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The far left thought they would get away with this, but you can if you are high ranking politician!
No grown adult, especially one on a news station should ever speak about a child that way... eh kosh?! Especially this far lefties that are supposed to stand for equality
I have no idea what "Jimmy's World" refers to but as already noted the WaPo suit was dismissed, for lack of evidence. But if you have a link, let's see it. It's only been a frickin' YEAR.
Dude, among the fake news media industry, Jimmy's World is what made WaPo the PREMIRE fake news media outlet in the USA, if not the world! They surpassed the formidable Pravda as the fakiest news fer crissakes. It got them the Pulitzer prize. That's what put them on the map in the moonbatosphere.

Yeah sorry, never heard of it until you brought it up here, and I'm not clicking on a paywall. For all I know you're making this shit up.

Oh and BTW, all of Sandmann's cases against WaPo have not been dismissed, you stupid jackass party of slavery supporter/moron.


You are a stupid feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted idiot.

Again --- linkie?

Judge William O. Bertelsman, who rejected the suit in July on First Amendment grounds, said Monday he would allow it to go forward, but narrowed its scope from 33 published statements to three.

There is the linkie, so just fuck off you stupid crazy TDS afflicted moron.
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The child said he would still like to talk to the old man who was beating the drum too. He said he should have just walked away, but he didn't because he felt like that would be disrespectful and he didn't really know how to react, so he just stood there and smiled. Then he gets reamed out by the alternet crazy leftist "media." Poor kid. The old man was beating the drum right next to his head for goodness sakes, only inches away. If anyone was starting trouble, it was the old man. He, being the adult in the situation, should have had more self control and not going up to children and banging drums in their ears.

However, the boy did absolutely NOTHING wrong. The leftists hate him because he was wearing a MAGA hat. That is all it takes to make them hate. A hat. They are all gone totally insane.
It's Trump Derangement Syndrome. The fake news media had all of these people believing that it was virtually impossible for Trump to beat Hillary, the fake news outlet NYT actually brainwashed people into thinking that Hillary had a 98% chance of winning. And even the people who created that false narrative actually started to believe their own fake news propaganda. Like brainwashed cult members.

Then when Trump won their false belief collided with a hard truth. PTSD. A reality smackdown. The TDS afflicted are mentally ill and should seek treatment from mental health professionals.
And the ones with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome often progress to having TBS, Talking Butt Syndrome. These unfortunate souls are able to talk ONLY out of their backsides. TDS to TBS, a very short jump.
Some peeps just don't know when to quit. Anyways, regardless of what Pogo claims, the lawsuits are moving forward. CNN has settled and paid up. Great news.


Are you for real or just practicing your satire or something? Really??? The links have already been posted. Like I said, educate yourself. Actually READ the links that have been posted. Then you will be more up to date on what is going on around you.

All I saw was that the case was settled with no terms disclosed. Nowhere did anyone suggest CNN "paid up" jack squat. And I was here before you were so I saw them all.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

They settled out of court, which means (since THEY were the defendants in this case), they paid up. It must have been a pretty penny because they accepted it. :D Common sense, get some.

No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means part of the agreement is that neither side discusses it.

As posted before I suspect that CNN threatened to countersue on the same basis of defamation and the deal was that both sides drop and walk away. That would make sense.

CNN "paying up" would make sense only if there was evidence against it. As I've said for a frickin' year ---- where is it?
Where indeed. Yes Virginia, the perception that something took place and the reality of it taking place, are two different things. FACT: James Kirk never did say "beam me up Scotty".

Had there been no evidence CNN would never have settled. Your supposition is the ludicrous ramblings of a buffoon.
Are you saying that you want to punch 16-year-old boys in the face. What a man! What a man! That is just pathetic.
Actually I'm saying that's a punchable face, but I understand you are conservative and therefore suffer from Conservative Comprehension Reading Disease, (RRCD). No worries.
Had there been no evidence CNN would never have settled. Your supposition is the ludicrous ramblings of a buffoon.
In which case there is evidence Trump is guilty of racial discrimination in letting to tenants and evidence he is guilty of fraud in his operation of Trump University.
I have no idea what "Jimmy's World" refers to but as already noted the WaPo suit was dismissed, for lack of evidence. But if you have a link, let's see it. It's only been a frickin' YEAR.
Dude, among the fake news media industry, Jimmy's World is what made WaPo the PREMIRE fake news media outlet in the USA, if not the world! They surpassed the formidable Pravda as the fakiest news fer crissakes. It got them the Pulitzer prize. That's what put them on the map in the moonbatosphere.

Yeah sorry, never heard of it until you brought it up here, and I'm not clicking on a paywall. For all I know you're making this shit up.
Seriously? Since becoming a USMB member in 2010 I've made 15,947 posts. And you have been a USMB member since 2012 and have been very active with well over 100,000 posts.

I have never lied to you before, and you can fact check all 15,947 of my posts to confirm that. So why the fuck would I suddenly start lying to you now by "making this shit up"?

WaPo's fake news widely syndicated blockbuster "Jimmy's World" hoax is well-documented history in the annals of the moonbatosphere fer crissakes! I assure you that I'm not just "making this shit up".

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Had there been no evidence CNN would never have settled. Your supposition is the ludicrous ramblings of a buffoon.
In which case there is evidence Trump is guilty of racial discrimination in letting to tenants and evidence he is guilty of fraud in his operation of Trump University.
False analogy!

You fucking dumbass.

There is conclusive evidence on video that proves Chris Cuomo defamed Nick Sandmann on CNN. And CNN unapologetically aired the episode repeatedly and even posted it on their official YouTube channel. That is in no way even remotely analogous to the vague unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.

You're an idiot.
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False analogy!
You fucking dumbass.
There is conclusive evidence on video that Chris Cuomo defamed Nick Sandmann on CNN. And CNN unapologetically aired the episode repeatedly and even posted it on their official YouTube channel. That is in no way even remotely analogous to the vague unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.
You're an idiot.
It is a prerequisite for being an atheistic Marxist. But then again the phrase 'idiot atheistic Marxist' is like 300% redundant, lol.
Easiest job here, and yet you lost a dead bang case according to you.
Piss poor performance if you ask me
Pogo is the epitome of Leftwing self delusion.

He assumes he has proven a point that he has utterly failed to support, but he thinks it is a win because he doesnt know the difference between h is ass and his head.

Come to think of it, that difference is kind of moot, but still......
The far left thought they would get away with this, but you can if you are high ranking politician!
No grown adult, especially one on a news station should ever speak about a child that way... eh kosh?! Especially this far lefties that are supposed to stand for equality

I see you are trying really hard here, but fail like you always do!

And the far left has no idea what equality is all about.

The far left attacked a kid with all of their might and tried to get away with it!

But as we can see you supported what happened to this kid and what the far left has done!

But that is the way of the far left!
CNN settled out of court with nick...I'll bet it was between 50 million & 100 million (nick was suing for 275 million).

Isn't it just like leftist filth to call for the assault of a child? These massive dollar amounts are totally justified!!!

Just think if the whole thing hadn't been recorded...Nick & other students lives would have been destroyed.

I find it funny that the same people who cheer when the cops shoot a black kid are the ones who are moaning that Smirky McPunchface got exposed on TV.
But the boy does have a punchable face.

Ultimately, the Left is prone to violence when they don’t get their way regarding people they don’t agree with. Advocating punching a teen boy? Wtf is a “punchable” face? “Hey, I don’t like that face, let’s punch it”. Haven’t you people ever heard of “live and let live”? Aren’t you people supposed to be the non-violent, peaceful side? Perhaps your mantra of p ace and non-violence is heavily conditional.

Ironically that's exactly my point above to ChrisL --- you can't punch people because you don't like their face and you can't sue them because you don't like their opinion. Same thing.

There is a clear line between Opinion and Slander. Sandman did not sue CNN for their Opinion nor did CNN delineate among fact, smear and opinion about Sandman.
CNN settled out of court with nick...I'll bet it was between 50 million & 100 million (nick was suing for 275 million).

Isn't it just like leftist filth to call for the assault of a child? These massive dollar amounts are totally justified!!!

Just think if the whole thing hadn't been recorded...Nick & other students lives would have been destroyed.

I find it funny that the same people who cheer when the cops shoot a black kid are the ones who are moaning that Smirky McPunchface got exposed on TV.

What did the young man get exposed for? Showing resiliency while a madman invaded his personal space and banged a drum and chanted in his face?
What did the young man get exposed for? Showing resiliency while a madman invaded his personal space and banged a drum and chanted in his face?

Looking like a little entitled punk disrespecting his elders.... that's what he got exposed as.

Why mommy and daddy had to run out and get publicists to make him cry on TV.
I find it funny that the same people who cheer when the cops shoot a black kid are the ones who are moaning that Smirky McPunchface got exposed on TV.
I'll bet you didnt know how desperate you tards look when you toss out the race card, did you?

I'll bet you thought it was a clever diversion.

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