Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Looking like a little entitled punk disrespecting his elders.... that's what he got exposed as.

Why mommy and daddy had to run out and get publicists to make him cry on TV.
How dare he smile while some asshole beats a drum next to his face as he was minding his own business.
Kid deserved to be smacked

Ahhhh, cute little keyboard commando, wants to beat up a kid.
Maybe a severe tickling

Why does he deserve to be smacked ? He showed incredible restraint while a strange man was beating a drum next to his head for a while. I would have slapped the crap out of that guy, maybe maced him or something too. He was totally invading that poor boy's space bubble. A grown man like that picking on a child. Typical leftist behavior though.
The kid is a smug little prick

You see a man banging a drum marching thru a crowd......step aside
Show some manners

<welcome back, by the way>
The kid is a smug little prick

You see a man banging a drum marching thru a crowd......step aside
Show some manners

<welcome back, by the way>
Yes.. Leftist are entitled to normal people's space.


Keep digging
You see a man banging a drum marching thru a crowd......step aside
Show some manners

Nick and his classmates were waiting there for their bus. Nathan Phillips worked his way into the middle of the group of boys and stopped directly in front of Nick, where he continued banging his drum while chanting. Nick smirked. For that, you want Nick destroyed. Yea, you're an extremely unreasonable guy. The lawsuits being lost by the likes of CNN demonstrates that your view is skewed.
What did the young man get exposed for? Showing resiliency while a madman invaded his personal space and banged a drum and chanted in his face?

Looking like a little entitled punk disrespecting his elders.... that's what he got exposed as.

Why mommy and daddy had to run out and get publicists to make him cry on TV.

And the long video shows the exact opposite. You must be that doofus banging the drum.

Only a toothless old fool could be as stupid as you.
[Yes.. Leftist are entitled to normal people's space.


Keep digging

Facts and truth don't matter to leftists, only the narrative. Had Nick been a black kid wearing a "Black lives matter" hat while a white supremacist was banging a drum in his face, guys like rightwinger would actually call it as we all saw it.

To be a leftist requires one to disavow reality.
As much as I love to see a person clean house when it really needs to be, I will admit that there is such a thing as getting too cocky, therefore if not every case can be won, hopefully the most important one is where the slam dunk is.

God bless you and the boy always!!!

[Yes.. Leftist are entitled to normal people's space.


Keep digging

Facts and truth don't matter to leftists, only the narrative. Had Nick been a black kid wearing a "Black lives matter" hat while a white supremacist was banging a drum in his face, guys like rightwinger would actually call it as we all saw it.

To be a leftist requires one to disavow reality.

Ah yes, you mean like where the OP assigned a CNN job to a person who didn't have one and then told us the guy was going to be sued for an opinion, citing a pajama-clad blog that can't cite a source?
You see a man banging a drum marching thru a crowd......step aside
Show some manners

Nick and his classmates were waiting there for their bus. Nathan Phillips worked his way into the middle of the group of boys and stopped directly in front of Nick, where he continued banging his drum while chanting. Nick smirked. For that, you want Nick destroyed. Yea, you're an extremely unreasonable guy. The lawsuits being lost by the likes of CNN demonstrates that your view is skewed.

"Showing some manners" is "destroying", is it? Doesn't that tell us a lot.
The kid is mega rich and on a roll to be the first billionaire teen.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In
The kid is mega rich and on a roll to be the first billionaire teen.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Now-Deleted Tweet
I think the muslim wacko refugee from Iran does not owe any money to the American Catholic kid for what he said

either we have free speech in America or we dont

CNN is a cesspool of far left bs

but they are entitled to their opinion
You see a man banging a drum marching thru a crowd......step aside
Show some manners

Nick and his classmates were waiting there for their bus. Nathan Phillips worked his way into the middle of the group of boys and stopped directly in front of Nick, where he continued banging his drum while chanting. Nick smirked. For that, you want Nick destroyed. Yea, you're an extremely unreasonable guy. The lawsuits being lost by the likes of CNN demonstrates that your view is skewed.

"Showing some manners" is "destroying", is it? Doesn't that tell us a lot.

He did nothing wrong. He stood there and smiled.
[Yes.. Leftist are entitled to normal people's space.


Keep digging

Facts and truth don't matter to leftists, only the narrative. Had Nick been a black kid wearing a "Black lives matter" hat while a white supremacist was banging a drum in his face, guys like rightwinger would actually call it as we all saw it.

To be a leftist requires one to disavow reality.

Ah yes, you mean like where the OP assigned a CNN job to a person who didn't have one and then told us the guy was going to be sued for an opinion, citing a pajama-clad blog that can't cite a source?

The anonymous OP on a minor message board isn't CNN, MSNBC, NYT, ABC, CBS, PBS, WaPo, etc.

You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

What a surprise, leftwing idiots are still defending calls for violence against minors.

The abortionist Party loves to kill babies and hurt minors.
But the boy does have a punchable face.

Ultimately, the Left is prone to violence when they don’t get their way regarding people they don’t agree with. Advocating punching a teen boy? Wtf is a “punchable” face? “Hey, I don’t like that face, let’s punch it”. Haven’t you people ever heard of “live and let live”? Aren’t you people supposed to be the non-violent, peaceful side? Perhaps your mantra of p ace and non-violence is heavily conditional.

Ironically that's exactly my point above to ChrisL --- you can't punch people because you don't like their face and you can't sue them because you don't like their opinion. Same thing.

There is a clear line between Opinion and Slander.

There sure is. Slander (or in print, libel) would require the slandering entity to make declarative statements that they knew were not true. This isn't even a declarative statement. "Have you ever seen a more punchable face?" See the question mark? That's called a "QUESTION". A rhetorical and hyperbolic one of course but it is NOT a statement. It makes no declaration about what someone did or what went down. It makes no claim. It does express an OPINION -- "this face is punchable".

This is kind of why we teach English in school at an early age.

Once AGAIN any of us can agree or disagree with an opinion. What we can't do is squelch it because we find ourselves in the latter camp. Simple enough?

Sandman did not sue CNN for their Opinion nor did CNN delineate among fact, smear and opinion about Sandman.

"CNN" is irrelevant here. "CNN" has nothing to do with Asian's tweet. The tweeter in question has no relationship with CNN, past or present. "CNN" was written into the title by an OP who was lying about it. Get that through your skull. The OP got it served for lunch, and in response bravely ran away. He's out there in the bushes with Sean Spicer, who by the way tried to make a similar threat against the Associated Press for distributing a TRUE story about Spicer getting heckled at a book signing. Needless to say that threat never materialized either.

Y'all gotta learn to distinguish between posturing bullshit and realities.
[Yes.. Leftist are entitled to normal people's space.


Keep digging

Facts and truth don't matter to leftists, only the narrative. Had Nick been a black kid wearing a "Black lives matter" hat while a white supremacist was banging a drum in his face, guys like rightwinger would actually call it as we all saw it.

To be a leftist requires one to disavow reality.

Ah yes, you mean like where the OP assigned a CNN job to a person who didn't have one and then told us the guy was going to be sued for an opinion, citing a pajama-clad blog that can't cite a source?

The anonymous OP on a minor message board isn't CNN, MSNBC, NYT, ABC, CBS, PBS, WaPo, etc.

Nope, he ain't, but based on your equation above he must be a "leftist".
The far left thought they would get away with this, but you can if you are high ranking politician!
No grown adult, especially one on a news station should ever speak about a child that way... eh kosh?! Especially this far lefties that are supposed to stand for equality

Once AGAIN ---- the subject in this topic is not "in a news station" and never has been. The OP pulled that out of his ass.

And it's been SHOWN that that's where it came from and yet here y'all are pabluming on and on and on as if it were real, just because you wish it was true. Even though it would then serve as nothing more than a cue to construct an Association Fallacy, which is a fallacy anyway.

Reza Asian is a religion scholar and author. He is NOT a "CNN host" and never has been. PERIOD.

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