Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Here’s a clue illiterate asshole. Try reading. FORMER CNN HOST. See that. Your pathetic deflection is noted and dismissed. You have been proven a liar again. Try again loser.

Don't need to. I called out the mendacity, issued a challenge to prove that status, and no one can do it. Including the OP who pulled it out of his ass in the first place.

Try again lifelong loser. By the way you’ve had nearly a year and STILL NO PROOF of YOUR claim that’s Sandmann was at fault. Boy making you look stupid is so easy.

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Everyone saw them, stupid fuck.

You're a hack, and you failed AGAIN.
Don't need to. I called out the mendacity, issued a challenge to prove that status, and no one can do it. Including the OP who pulled it out of his ass in the first place.

Try again lifelong loser. By the way you’ve had nearly a year and STILL NO PROOF of YOUR claim that’s Sandmann was at fault. Boy making you look stupid is so easy.

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Everyone saw them, stupid fuck.

You're a hack, and you failed AGAIN.

Apparently they were so "everyone" that "nobody" can find them.

That's why I put the challenge out a year ago. The vacuum is eloquent. And no, that's not a reference to the voices in your head; I'm sure they're eloquent too.

So no Pothead, given that I got exactly the crickets I suspected I'd get, I ain't the one who "failed" at all. Am I.
Try again lifelong loser. By the way you’ve had nearly a year and STILL NO PROOF of YOUR claim that’s Sandmann was at fault. Boy making you look stupid is so easy.

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Everyone saw them, stupid fuck.

You're a hack, and you failed AGAIN.

Apparently they were so "everyone" that "nobody" can find them.

That's why I put the challenge out a year ago. The vacuum is eloquent. And no, that's not a reference to the voices in your head; I'm sure they're eloquent too.

So no Pothead, given that I got exactly the crickets I suspected I'd get, I ain't the one who "failed" at all. Am I.

21 minutes, a year, it's all the same to a leftist.....

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Everyone saw them, stupid fuck.

You're a hack, and you failed AGAIN.

Apparently they were so "everyone" that "nobody" can find them.

That's why I put the challenge out a year ago. The vacuum is eloquent. And no, that's not a reference to the voices in your head; I'm sure they're eloquent too.

So no Pothead, given that I got exactly the crickets I suspected I'd get, I ain't the one who "failed" at all. Am I.

21 minutes, a year, it's all the same to a leftist.....


If you need exactitude I believe it would be about 11 months and a week. Give or take an hour.
And the long video shows the exact opposite. You must be that doofus banging the drum.

Only a toothless old fool could be as stupid as you.

Long video shows the same thing... Little Entitled Catholic Bastards being rude and impolite.
The kid is mega rich and on a roll to be the first billionaire teen.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In
The kid is mega rich and on a roll to be the first billionaire teen.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Now-Deleted Tweet
I think the muslim wacko refugee from Iran does not owe any money to the American Catholic kid for what he said

either we have free speech in America or we dont

CNN is a cesspool of far left bs

but they are entitled to their opinion

Once AGAIN ---- there is no "CNN" involved in this story, if it even is a story (it's unsourced).

The OP made that up. The subject is not part of CNN, never has been, and did not represent himself as such. Period.

And since you brought it up out of left field, there's another thing that isn't involved in a topic about free speech, and that is religion. That was kind of a bizzare reach.
Reza Aslan Is a former producer at CNN so that network is in the middle of this story

And the long video shows the exact opposite. You must be that doofus banging the drum.

Only a toothless old fool could be as stupid as you.

Long video shows the same thing... Little Entitled Catholic Bastards being rude and impolite.

Bullshit. You lie more than Trump.
Here’s a clue illiterate asshole. Try reading. FORMER CNN HOST. See that. Your pathetic deflection is noted and dismissed. You have been proven a liar again. Try again loser.

Don't need to. I called out the mendacity, issued a challenge to prove that status, and no one can do it. Including the OP who pulled it out of his ass in the first place.

Try again lifelong loser. By the way you’ve had nearly a year and STILL NO PROOF of YOUR claim that’s Sandmann was at fault. Boy making you look stupid is so easy.

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Keep lying you stupid fuck. EVERYBODY saw you claim multiple times this suit woulda be thrown out. You lost, and now you try to lie you’re way out of this. FACT: you are a proven liar who runs away from his own shit when called out on it. Your unconditional surrender and stupidity are accepted.
I have no idea what "Jimmy's World" refers to but as already noted the WaPo suit was dismissed, for lack of evidence. But if you have a link, let's see it. It's only been a frickin' YEAR.
Dude, among the fake news media industry, Jimmy's World is what made WaPo the PREMIRE fake news media outlet in the USA, if not the world! It got them the Pulitzer prize.

Oh and BTW, all of Sandmanns casesa against WaPo have not been dismissed, you stupid jackass party of slavery supporter.

You are a stupid feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted idiot.

That story is SUPER disturbing. What kind of a sick mind would make up something like that?
The usual suspects.

It's not regarded as fake news for nothing.

Now it is the Washington "Jimmy's Wall' Post. WaPo was repeatedly projecting by calling Trump a liar for saying that the US is building the southern border wall.

Then WAPO got caught asking Trump about the wall that supposedly doesn't exist. They wrote a whole series of unsubstantiated and ridiculous articles detailing how illegals using household saws cut though the wall they repeatedly claimed never existed in the first place.

Boycott WaPo

Fuck Fake News.

Attack them mercilessly.
Last edited:
So rude and impolite the CNN is going to pay the kid so they won’t look bad in court.

You mean they paid him to go away... If he got anything signifigant, he'd be screaming it from the rooftops.

Not if CNN made a stipulation that if he announces the settlement amount he could lose it. I surprised you didn’t realize that it can be worded where no one but the recipient and the defendants know the settlement amount.
Not if CNN made a stipulation that if he announces the settlement amount he could lose it. I surprised you didn’t realize that it can be worded where no one but the recipient and the defendants know the settlement amount.

Sure... you tell yourself that his lawyers didn't just settle for some "Go Away" money.. Smirky McPunchface might even see a little of it.
Not if CNN made a stipulation that if he announces the settlement amount he could lose it. I surprised you didn’t realize that it can be worded where no one but the recipient and the defendants know the settlement amount.

Sure... you tell yourself that his lawyers didn't just settle for some "Go Away" money.. Smirky McPunchface might even see a little of it.

Believe what you need to.
Don't need to. I called out the mendacity, issued a challenge to prove that status, and no one can do it. Including the OP who pulled it out of his ass in the first place.

Try again lifelong loser. By the way you’ve had nearly a year and STILL NO PROOF of YOUR claim that’s Sandmann was at fault. Boy making you look stupid is so easy.

Anything is "easy" when you just make shit up because you don't have anything, I made no such claim, ever. Prove me wrong or suck toilets,

Those who can actually READ know I made no "claim"; I issued a challenge. One which has gone unanswered and one which was not about Sandmann, whose name I see you have finally learned to spell. You're welcome.

Go fuck yourself. YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault, the lawsuit would be thrown out, and he would get nothing. Wrong, wrong, and really wrong. You made the claim and now are running away from it as fast as you can. Just like I proved you a liar on Kavanaugh. Your utter cowardice isn’t surprising. So here’s your parting gift loser. :ahole-1::fu:

Oh DID I now.

Where are they?

How come you can't quote them?

"At fault" for ---- what?

Cue crickets yet again.

No, hoop cheese, I made no such claims. I didn't even write his name, even though I did know how to spell it. What I did do was challenge anyone at all to show the board any evidence, any documentation whatsoever, of CNN... WaPo... ABC... NBC.... CBS....NYT.... NPR.... PBS.... QVC.... ESPN.... The Frickin' Jewelry Network.... any news entity at all publishing slander as claimed in the vexatious litigation. Any broadcast, any newsprint, any web page, that deliberately disseminated false facts. That went down last JANUARY and to this date I have received ZERO such documentation.

NONE of that has anything to do with "Sandmann" or with "who's at fault". It's a simple challenge to prove the assertion. To prove the material actually EXISTS. You know, like I just did with your made-up bullshit crapola claiming I posted anything about "who's at fault".

That's the facts, and there ain't jack cheese you can do about it.

Keep lying you stupid fuck. EVERYBODY saw you claim multiple times this suit woulda be thrown out. You lost, and now you try to lie you’re way out of this. FACT: you are a proven liar who runs away from his own shit when called out on it. Your unconditional surrender and stupidity are accepted.

Actually what everybody saw is the ass-sertion you're trying desperately to run away from here because you found out you can't get away with it.

Roll tape.

YOU made MUlTIPLE claims that Sandmann was at fault

It's even SITTING RIGHT ABOVE IN THE QUOTE NEST, ya fucking moron.
I have no idea what "Jimmy's World" refers to but as already noted the WaPo suit was dismissed, for lack of evidence. But if you have a link, let's see it. It's only been a frickin' YEAR.
Dude, among the fake news media industry, Jimmy's World is what made WaPo the PREMIRE fake news media outlet in the USA, if not the world! They surpassed the formidable Pravda as the fakiest news fer crissakes. It got them the Pulitzer prize. That's what put them on the map in the moonbatosphere.

Oh and BTW, all of Sandmann's cases against WaPo have not been dismissed, you stupid jackass party of slavery supporter/moron.

You are a stupid feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted idiot.
The Mississippi Clarion Ledger reported,

"A Gulfport professor and advocate is suing the national news website HuffPost alleging defamation involving a September 2018 story on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's days at Georgetown Prep school.​

"Derrick Evans’ lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Gulfport against HuffPost and its former journalist, Ashley Feinberg.​

"The lawsuit said HuffPost and Feinberg repeatedly defamed Evans and friend Douglas Kennedy to a nationwide audience on multiple occasions in September 2018 by falsely asserting that they helped arrange the purchase and delivery of cocaine at Georgetown Prep that resulted in the April 1984 death of David Kennedy, Douglas’ brother and the son of the late U.S. attorney general and senator, Robert F. Kennedy."​

Fake News is getting expensive.

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