Former federal prosecutor says Hillary could be indicted in the next 60 days...

"Former federal prosecutor says Hillary could be indicted in the next 60 days..."


Just like Lois Lerner's arrest was 'imminent.'
You know, what Nixon did was wrong. He got his ass basically removed from office without the congress having to do it, as he knew they would do it, so he did it himself. His crimes were really not that bad if perpetrated by a regular citizen, but being the President, or any high ranking official in the government, they were terrible! He took the office that was given to him by trusting citizens, and abused it. His crime was against all of America, those that voted for him, and those that didn't. We as Americans are better for what happened; him being removed or removing himself from office, showing that at the time, we COULD trust government to police itself from those who would abuse their power and break the laws that WE impose upon them.

Look at the stark contrast that is with us today. We have people on this board basically telling us to pound sand because it is their person. Makes no difference how she lied to America, how she either ignored the law or was to stupid to even know she was breaking it, and the fact that media was the protector of our republic back then, now it is the protector of an ideology.

The left is basically laughing at Americans who care about laws and rules put in place to not only protect us, but also protect those that are doing the laughing. How much would they care if Hillary was not running, and instead the leading Democrat was Elizabeth Warren? I believe many on the left would be right there with us, but since the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with Hillary, they are willing to ignore ANYTHING she does/did to hold the White House.

Wonder why the country is sliding? Just look at the attitudes of the left on here when it comes to doing something that would probably be best for everyone, including them as they would get a much better candidate. Nope, can't do that, what would our fearless leaders in Washington say!

The "wingnuts" as you call us, have awakened, and we aren't happy with how Washington abuses its power. It is not that Trump is so wonderful, it is that he had nothing to do with creating this mess, it was the people in government who went along, to get along that got us here. They amassed fortunes while in office, abused their power, shit on us and you lefties too, and we are tired of it. And you people? You people! Well I suppose you people must like getting a crap sandwich fed to you, because it is obvious, you want more of the same Obama, the same GW, the same Bush/Clinton kingdom, and do not care what they do, as long as you continue to get free stuff I suppose.

All of our children and grandchildren are going to thank you, when you turn the greatest country the world has ever seen, into Europe where corruption has been the order of the day, for as long as most of us can remember. Congratulations, and forgive us if we try our hardest to stop you, while waking the bunch of you up, before it is to damn late!
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You know, what Nixon did was wrong. He got his ass basically removed from office without the congress having to do it, as he knew they would do it, so he did it himself. His crimes were really not that bad if perpetrated by a regular citizen, but being the President, or any high ranking official in the government, they were terrible! He took the office that was given to him by trusting citizens, and abused it. His crime was against all of America, those that voted for him, and those that didn't. We as Americans are better for what happened; him being removed or removing himself from office, showing that at the time, we COULD trust government to police itself from those who would abuse their power and break the laws that WE impose upon them.

Look at the stark contrast that is with us today. We have people on this board basically telling us to pound sand because it is their person. Makes no difference how she lied to America, how she either ignored the law or was to stupid to even know she was breaking it, and the fact that media was the protector of our republic back then, now it is the protector of an ideology.

The left is basically laughing at Americans who care about laws and rules put in place to not only protect us, but also protect those that are doing the laughing. How much would they care if Hillary was not running, and instead the leading Democrat was Elizabeth Warren? I believe many on the left would be right there with us, but since the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with Hillary, they are willing to ignore ANYTHING she does/did to hold the White House.

Wonder why the country is sliding? Just look at the attitudes of the left on here when it comes to doing something that would probably be best for everyone, including them as they would get a much better candidate. Nope, can't do that, what would our fearless leaders in Washington say!

The "wingnuts" as you call us, have awakened, and we aren't happy with how Washington abuses its power. It is not that Trump is so wonderful, it is that he had nothing to do with creating this mess, it was the people in government who went along, to get along that got us here. They amassed fortunes while in office, abused their power, shit on us and you lefties too, and we are tired of it. And you people? You people! Well I suppose you people must like getting a crap sandwich fed to you, because it is obvious, you want more of the same Obama, the same GW, the same Bush/Clinton kingdom, and do not care what they do, as long as you continue to get free stuff I suppose.

All of our children and grandchildren are going to thank you, when you turn the greatest country the world has ever seen, into Europe where corruption has been the order of the day, for as long as most of us can remember. Congratulations, and forgive us if we try our hardest to stop you, while waking the bunch of you up, before it is to damn late!

One of the best posts I have read on this board in a while. Reasoned political discussion.

A smart man once said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the foundation of all other liberties".

This is a good board, well run, by mostly liberals as far as I can tell, and my guess is that they are embarrassed and disappointed that those who still believe in the bankrupt liberal philosophy can never, ever do better than:


Hater Dupe! (I have the Hater Dupe guy on Ignore)




Thanks for the post.
The way the law is written as it pertains to top secret information and it's handling is very clear. Putting it in the hands of personnel without the appropriate clearance, which she clearly did is as easy as it gets.

However, since prosecuting said case would have to be done by a democratic administration, pigs flying have a better chance.

If it was a Republican in the same situation, they'd already have remanded charges. Why? Because a Republican administration would have been under a media onslaught night and day until it happened. Not something you'll see in the liberal media.

Thou shalt not speak ill of a Democrat. The first commandment of today's so called journalists.

As you post to a person who has listened to the Benghazi investigation that has lasted 3 1/2 years and every other scandalous remark coming from all angles since 2009. Mr. McCarthy must be on a BIG poster on your bedroom wall.[/QUOTE]

I must have missed where Bengazi has a single thing to do with Hillary's crimes when it comes to security of classified information.

Mostly because it doesn't, the emails are just providing some information about what actually happened around that time. Cause god knows we haven't been able to get the truth out of Barrack Hussein Obama's administration about what happened there any other way.


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