Former federal prosecutor says Hillary could be indicted in the next 60 days...

WOOOH! WOOOO! HIllary is going to get her just desserts!

A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment over her email scandal, possibly roiling the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary in February.

Joe DiGenova, a one-time federal prosecutor originally appointed by President Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Tuesday that the FBI's still-pending investigation of Clinton's email server seems to have reached 'a critical mass.'

Congressional Republicans last spring discovered that Clinton used a private, home-based email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The scandal has dogged her presidential campaign for almost the entire past year.

The FBI has been probing whether any classified intelligence was compromised through Clinton's unusual email setup, but she has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing and has yet to be charged with any crime. DiGenova said that may be about to change.
A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment .. No need to read any further. The email investigation is dead and Republicans know it.
Logical fallacy, that didn't take long.

That's called an ad hominem fallacy. Turds like flopper refuse to believe anything that doesn't come from one of their trusted propaganda organs.
And this is supposed to happen within the next 60 days. The means about the time for 27 primary – either caucuses or elections. So, just what does being indicted do to the political process? She isn't considered guilty until proven by a judge or jury. Can or will she continue to campaign? Will her donations dry up? Does it mean giving the nomination to Sanders? (Oh, by the way, Uncle Joe just apologized for not running and said, “there are two good candidates.” Does that mean he has to jump in if Hillary's forced to drop out?)
The Attorney General is going to bring charges against Hillary just before the democratic primaries?:cuckoo:

Yeah, that is hard to believe. That would take an ounce of integrity - something no Democrat has ever demonstrated.
WOOOH! WOOOO! HIllary is going to get her just desserts!

A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment over her email scandal, possibly roiling the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary in February.

Joe DiGenova, a one-time federal prosecutor originally appointed by President Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Tuesday that the FBI's still-pending investigation of Clinton's email server seems to have reached 'a critical mass.'

Congressional Republicans last spring discovered that Clinton used a private, home-based email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The scandal has dogged her presidential campaign for almost the entire past year.

The FBI has been probing whether any classified intelligence was compromised through Clinton's unusual email setup, but she has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing and has yet to be charged with any crime. DiGenova said that may be about to change.

Will you kill yourself if this doesn't happen?
WOOOH! WOOOO! HIllary is going to get her just desserts!

A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment over her email scandal, possibly roiling the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary in February.

Joe DiGenova, a one-time federal prosecutor originally appointed by President Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Tuesday that the FBI's still-pending investigation of Clinton's email server seems to have reached 'a critical mass.'

Congressional Republicans last spring discovered that Clinton used a private, home-based email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The scandal has dogged her presidential campaign for almost the entire past year.

The FBI has been probing whether any classified intelligence was compromised through Clinton's unusual email setup, but she has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing and has yet to be charged with any crime. DiGenova said that may be about to change.

Will you kill yourself if this doesn't happen?

I will remain living just to piss you off.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.

That would normally be true, but that would set a precedent that the FBI would find extremely difficult to swallow. if they let her off, it will be extremely difficult to convict anyone of violating our security laws again.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.

I don't know fellas. To assume or believe that every department of our government has been corrupted by these clowns, is to admit this country is already lost, because if they are all corrupted, no matter what the vote count says, a GOPer can not win.

If we/everyone believes this to be true, why come on here and debate? As of this moment, none of us believe we are setting ourselves up for failure with the mood of the country, so no; I do not believe if there is a prima fascia case, they will sweep it under the rug.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.

I don't know fellas. To assume or believe that every department of our government has been corrupted by these clowns, is to admit this country is already lost, because if they are all corrupted, no matter what the vote count says, a GOPer can not win.

If we/everyone believes this to be true, why come on here and debate? As of this moment, none of us believe we are setting ourselves up for failure with the mood of the country, so no; I do not believe if there is a prima fascia case, they will sweep it under the rug.
Operation Fast/Furious was an illegal and total failure at the federal level concerning firearms distribution but wait....nobody got fired or indicted. Yes we have set ourselves up for failure because the media has become a propaganda extension of the administration.
And this is supposed to happen within the next 60 days. The means about the time for 27 primary – either caucuses or elections. So, just what does being indicted do to the political process? She isn't considered guilty until proven by a judge or jury. Can or will she continue to campaign? Will her donations dry up? Does it mean giving the nomination to Sanders? (Oh, by the way, Uncle Joe just apologized for not running and said, “there are two good candidates.” Does that mean he has to jump in if Hillary's forced to drop out?)
The Attorney General is going to bring charges against Hillary just before the democratic primaries?:cuckoo:

Yeah, that is hard to believe. That would take an ounce of integrity - something no Democrat has ever demonstrated.
What it would take is enough evidence to convince a prosecutor that he could get a conviction and that's not going to happen. This is just another Republican wet dream.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.

I don't know fellas. To assume or believe that every department of our government has been corrupted by these clowns, is to admit this country is already lost, because if they are all corrupted, no matter what the vote count says, a GOPer can not win.

If we/everyone believes this to be true, why come on here and debate? As of this moment, none of us believe we are setting ourselves up for failure with the mood of the country, so no; I do not believe if there is a prima fascia case, they will sweep it under the rug.
Operation Fast/Furious was an illegal and total failure at the federal level concerning firearms distribution but wait....nobody got fired or indicted. Yes we have set ourselves up for failure because the media has become a propaganda extension of the administration.

We now control the house, and senate. It is up to them to push the issue, period. We can't work our asses off to get them elected, and then do their jobs for them too!

And honestly, anyone who believes what Whitehall has posted, should then NOT be working for any candidate, but rather working with the people who want a convention of states. Not that you do not believe in your candidates, but if the government is that corrupt in your mind, nobody who could change it one iota can win; not because they can't win the election, but rather if it is that corrupt in your mind(s), then no matter what the outcome is factually, it would be bastardized and changed to a democratic victory!
And this is supposed to happen within the next 60 days. The means about the time for 27 primary – either caucuses or elections. So, just what does being indicted do to the political process? She isn't considered guilty until proven by a judge or jury. Can or will she continue to campaign? Will her donations dry up? Does it mean giving the nomination to Sanders? (Oh, by the way, Uncle Joe just apologized for not running and said, “there are two good candidates.” Does that mean he has to jump in if Hillary's forced to drop out?)
The Attorney General is going to bring charges against Hillary just before the democratic primaries?:cuckoo:

Yeah, that is hard to believe. That would take an ounce of integrity - something no Democrat has ever demonstrated.
What it would take is enough evidence to convince a prosecutor that he could get a conviction and that's not going to happen. This is just another Republican wet dream.

The way the law is written as it pertains to top secret information and it's handling is very clear. Putting it in the hands of personnel without the appropriate clearance, which she clearly did is as easy as it gets.

However, since prosecuting said case would have to be done by a democratic administration, pigs flying have a better chance.

If it was a Republican in the same situation, they'd already have remanded charges. Why? Because a Republican administration would have been under a media onslaught night and day until it happened. Not something you'll see in the liberal media.

Thou shalt not speak ill of a Democrat. The first commandment of today's so called journalists.
Let me give those on the fence some hope. I do NOT believe that the GOP candidates are in the Democrats pockets, do you? And if they are not, why would ANY of them run if they actually felt that the system was so corrupt, even if they won, the corrupt system would force them to lose! Is it corrupt? Yes! Is it so corrupt we can't push someone through with massive support? NO!

For if it was, none of these people would be putting themselves on the line and would not do it.

The Democrats may be able to fix the primary to get their girl the nomination by running NOBODY worth a damn against her. But, it is our job as patriotic Americans to insure that the crooked Democratic party NEVER gets their ANNOINTED candidate installed in the Whitehouse. If we can't coalesce around that outcome, then yes; this country is surely lost for our children, and grandchildren..........and we......this/our generation, gave it away!
Considering that Hillary hasn't done anything illegal, it is highly unlikely that she will be charged with anything.

That Republicans are spreading rumours that she might be indicted, is an indication of how desperate they are.

For 25 years, Republicans have been trying to destroy the Clintons. Either the Clintons are completing outsmarting the entire Republican Party, or there's nothing there to find. All Republicans have ever done is lie about and try to discredit these two people.

Personally, I think it's time to try something else, like countering Hillary with viable candidates, and sensible platform. I guess we can wait for hell to freeze over before Republicans ever tried something like that.

They can't counter with viable candidates or sensible platforms. The Democrats are moving farther left this cycle which is turning some voters off but at least their platform hasn't sunk to R's rather low levels. Clinton jabbing Trump over exciting the insurgents was kinda funny. I wonder how in the hell you can urinate on everyone in the room and expect the room to not stink.
WOOOH! WOOOO! HIllary is going to get her just desserts!

A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment over her email scandal, possibly roiling the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary in February.

Joe DiGenova, a one-time federal prosecutor originally appointed by President Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Tuesday that the FBI's still-pending investigation of Clinton's email server seems to have reached 'a critical mass.'

Congressional Republicans last spring discovered that Clinton used a private, home-based email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The scandal has dogged her presidential campaign for almost the entire past year.

The FBI has been probing whether any classified intelligence was compromised through Clinton's unusual email setup, but she has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing and has yet to be charged with any crime. DiGenova said that may be about to change.


Bitchpat fails again.
WOOOH! WOOOO! HIllary is going to get her just desserts!

A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment over her email scandal, possibly roiling the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary in February.

Joe DiGenova, a one-time federal prosecutor originally appointed by President Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Tuesday that the FBI's still-pending investigation of Clinton's email server seems to have reached 'a critical mass.'

Congressional Republicans last spring discovered that Clinton used a private, home-based email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The scandal has dogged her presidential campaign for almost the entire past year.

The FBI has been probing whether any classified intelligence was compromised through Clinton's unusual email setup, but she has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing and has yet to be charged with any crime. DiGenova said that may be about to change.
A Republican former U.S. attorney believes Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could be facing imminent indictment .. No need to read any further. The email investigation is dead and Republicans know it.

You come to a political discussion board...and you get this over and over. Both sides of the intense partisanship that now exists in this country are guilty, but the main abuse by far is by the liberals.

You will not even listen to his opinion because he is a Rebublican. That's reason enough for you...but not only that, you have the temerity to assume that it is a biting rebuttal of the O. P.

Lets discuss it.

What did the man say, that common sense & sound reason...not rabid partisan politics ...tells us is true or untrue?

Did you know that General Petraus got convicted of improper storage of classified material? Didn't Hillary Clinton do the same thing only 1000 times more?

Don't we all know that without an ex-district attorney telling us?

Is Hillary Clinton going to get indicted?

Hell, no...we can agree on because you have decided what she did wasn't so bad because you are going to vote for the Democrat he/she was named Marx or Lenin...and me because Barack Obama's worse damage to this country (out of much damage) is to corrupt the Justice Department. He has the Attorney General absolutely in his hip pocket and there is no amount of scorn that can be heaped on her that will move her to indict the Democratic nominee for President...unless Obama's crack team (Valerie Jarrett) decides its time to come out of the closet and admit to being Socialists and throw their support to "The Bern" at which time she will be promptly indicted.

That is how our country is run today...and Washington and Jefferson and Madison are spinning in their graves.

Will the FBI raise Hell? That is the meat of the threat made today by the ex-D.A. who you have scorned to read because he was appointed by a Republican--Ron Reagan.

I think they, I expect, think they won't. But, that's o. k. It is what a political discussion board is for.

Its just that hollering "HATER DUPE" and "NUTTER" is not political discussion, its childishness. Yet, these two example, I think, are the most common liberal responses. Yours was no better.

Will you respond maturely to the points made by the O. P. and above?
The way the law is written as it pertains to top secret information and it's handling is very clear. Putting it in the hands of personnel without the appropriate clearance, which she clearly did is as easy as it gets.

However, since prosecuting said case would have to be done by a democratic administration, pigs flying have a better chance.

If it was a Republican in the same situation, they'd already have remanded charges. Why? Because a Republican administration would have been under a media onslaught night and day until it happened. Not something you'll see in the liberal media.

Thou shalt not speak ill of a Democrat. The first commandment of today's so called journalists.[/QUOTE]

As you post to a person who has listened to the Benghazi investigation that has lasted 3 1/2 years and every other scandalous remark coming from all angles since 2009. Mr. McCarthy must be on a BIG poster on your bedroom wall.
Even though it makes sense, it It might be nothing but forlorn wishful thinking that assumes justice and the rule of law might interfere with Hillary's candidacy. The system in place will never allow the FBI to seek an indictment against Hillary unless the liberal media promotes outrage and puts pressure on the system and that ain't likely to happen.

I don't know fellas. To assume or believe that every department of our government has been corrupted by these clowns, is to admit this country is already lost, because if they are all corrupted, no matter what the vote count says, a GOPer can not win.
If we/everyone believes this to be true, why come on here and debate? As of this moment, none of us believe we are setting ourselves up for failure with the mood of the country, so no; I do not believe if there is a prima fascia case, they will sweep it under the rug.
If the federal government counted the votes, then we would be lost, because I have no doubt that the Democrats wouldn't hesitate to lie about the vote counts. Democrats are liars and cheaters.
And this is supposed to happen within the next 60 days. The means about the time for 27 primary – either caucuses or elections. So, just what does being indicted do to the political process? She isn't considered guilty until proven by a judge or jury. Can or will she continue to campaign? Will her donations dry up? Does it mean giving the nomination to Sanders? (Oh, by the way, Uncle Joe just apologized for not running and said, “there are two good candidates.” Does that mean he has to jump in if Hillary's forced to drop out?)
The Attorney General is going to bring charges against Hillary just before the democratic primaries?:cuckoo:

Yeah, that is hard to believe. That would take an ounce of integrity - something no Democrat has ever demonstrated.
What it would take is enough evidence to convince a prosecutor that he could get a conviction and that's not going to happen. This is just another Republican wet dream.

Of course it won't happen since all the prosecutors with jurisdiction are Democrats who report to a Democrat.

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