Former Gov. Martin O'Malley (D-MD) is now in the presidential race

It is still funny to watch the far left believe they have choice in their nominee.

So far another non contender that can not compete with the Clinton monster machine.
O'Malley's 5 point plan to defeat Hillary!!

1) Go shirtless, often.
2) Promise to tax the shit out of everything!!! even the motherfucking RAIN!!!.
3) Play his GEE-tar!!
4) Remind voters that "he ain't Hillary"
5) Blame Bush!!!


That was at the Maryland State Police's annual Polar Bear Plunge, which raises money for the Special Olympics. There's plenty to criticize O'Malley for. That's not one of them, ya douche bag.
O'Malley's 5 point plan to defeat Hillary!!

1) Go shirtless, often.
2) Promise to tax the shit out of everything!!! even the motherfucking RAIN!!!.
3) Play his GEE-tar!!
4) Remind voters that "he ain't Hillary"
5) Blame Bush!!!


That was at the Maryland State Police's annual Polar Bear Plunge, which raises money for the Special Olympics. There's plenty to criticize O'Malley for. That's not one of them, ya douche bag.

Oh, he's a special Olympian? That certainly explains his appeal to the democrat "base" !

PS- I'll never understand the use of the expression "douche bag" as an cleans a very nice part of a woman. :thup:


Martin O Malley announces bid for president On Air Videos Fox News

He announced yesterday at 10:58 AM, EST, from Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, MD, 528 days before the upcoming November 8th, 2016 General Election.

His speech, given on a beautiful Saturday and with his lovely wife Katie O'Malley present, was 22 minutes long.

With Lincoln Chafee (I-RI) announcing officially early in the coming week (he already announced unoficially on CNN on April 16th, 2015), that will now make for four Democratic Presidential contenders:

Hillary Clinton (NY)
Bernie Sanders (VT)
Martin O'Malley (MD)
Lincoln Chafee (RI)

I listed their states to illustrate a point: all four candidates hail from the NE/Acela region of the USA.

O'Malley's speech was a hard-hitting, populistic speech (see: FOX NEWS video above)

He also put out a candidacy video:

Some takeways I discovered:

-he seems charismatic, smart, looks "presidential" and is not afraid to take on bigger opponents.
-his speech was populistic from the first sentence on and he took on Wall Street right away.
-his wife, Katie, is one of the most beautiful candidate's wife I have ever seen.
-he is a real underdog and polling shows him buried under avalanche Clinton, but this could possibly change in the next months. Wait and see.

I personally think it's a good thing that there is now some competition in the Democratic field.


Discuss. Watch the speech, then give input. Did Gov. O'Malley say anything that you strongly agree or disagree with?

I found this interview to be disturbing.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

Specifically, the tactics that O'Malley used (catch and release street sweeping, where anyone caught on the streets was arrested without charges and released the next morning), the focus on short term numbers over actual improvement, and how he straight up falsified crime stats so he could become governor. This in particular:

What can you do? You can’t artificially lower the murder rate – how do you hide the bodies when it’s the state health department that controls the medical examiner’s office? But the other felony categories? Robbery, aggravated assault, rape? Christ, what they did with that stuff was jaw-dropping.

So they cooked the books.

Oh yeah. If you hit somebody with a bullet, that had to count. If they went to the hospital with a bullet in them, it probably had to count as an aggravated assault. But if someone just took a gun out and emptied the clip and didn't hit anything or they didn't know if you hit anything, suddenly that was a common assault or even an unfounded report. Armed robberies became larcenies if you only had a victim’s description of a gun, but not a recovered weapon. And it only gets worse as some district commanders began to curry favor with the mayoral aides who were sitting on the Comstat data. In the Southwest District, a victim would try to make an armed robbery complaint, saying , ‘I just got robbed, somebody pointed a gun at me,’ and what they would do is tell him, well, okay, we can take the report but the first thing we have to do is run you through the computer to see if there's any paper on you. Wait, you're doing a warrant check on me before I can report a robbery? Oh yeah, we gotta know who you are before we take a complaint. You and everyone you’re living with? What’s your address again? You still want to report that robbery?

They cooked their own books in remarkable ways. Guns disappeared from reports and armed robberies became larcenies. Deadly weapons were omitted from reports and aggravated assaults became common assaults. The Baltimore Sun did a fine job looking into the dramatic drop in rapes in the city. Turned out that regardless of how insistent the victims were that they had been raped, the incidents were being quietly unfounded. That tip of the iceberg was reported, but the rest of it, no. And yet there were many veteran commanders and supervisors who were disgusted, who would privately complain about what was happening. If you weren’t a journalist obliged to quote sources and instead, say, someone writing a fictional television drama, they’d share a beer and let you fill cocktail napkins with all the ways in which felonies disappeared in those years.

I mean, think about it. How does the homicide rate decline by 15 percent, while the agg assault rate falls by more than double that rate. Are all of Baltimore’s felons going to gun ranges in the county? Are they becoming better shots? Have the mortality rates for serious assault victims in Baltimore, Maryland suddenly doubled? Did they suddenly close the Hopkins and University emergency rooms and return trauma care to the dark ages? It makes no sense statistically until you realize that you can’t hide a murder, but you can make an attempted murder disappear in a heartbeat, no problem.

But these guys weren't satisfied with just juking their own stats. No, the O'Malley administration also went back to the last year of the previous mayoralty and performed its own retroactive assessment of those felony totals, and guess what? It was determined from this special review that the preceding administration had underreported its own crime rate, which O'Malley rectified by upgrading a good chunk of misdemeanors into felonies to fatten up the Baltimore crime rate that he was inheriting. Get it? How better than to later claim a 30 or 40 percent reduction in crime than by first juking up your inherited rate as high as she'll go. It really was that cynical an exercise.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

If true, I don't want a man like that anywhere near the White House.

You already got one there...what you talking about?

At any rate ... Sound like a libs dream candidate.

Yes...he is a dream candidate for libs...he helped destroy a city, suppressed minorities in that city...and now he wants to do the same at the national level......the democrats are morons....

Your fear is a beacon.
Way to go "blacklivesmatters" spread it around but good

Martin O’Malley’s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Protesters spoil O’Malley’s Moment…
Former Governor and Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley kicked off his presidential run today in the Democratic mecca of Baltimore. You Built This–

O’Malley says unemployment in many cities is higher than 8 years ago – under Democrat Barack Obama.

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted his speech…

ALL of it here:
Martin O Malley s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by BlackLivesMatter Protesters The Gateway Pundit

I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Who is "she"?
Way to go "blacklivesmatters" spread it around but good

Martin O’Malley’s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Protesters spoil O’Malley’s Moment…
Former Governor and Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley kicked off his presidential run today in the Democratic mecca of Baltimore. You Built This–

O’Malley says unemployment in many cities is higher than 8 years ago – under Democrat Barack Obama.

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted his speech…

ALL of it here:
Martin O Malley s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by BlackLivesMatter Protesters The Gateway Pundit

I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Who is "she"?

That which you will vote for because your rich white far left masters tell you to vote that way..
Way to go "blacklivesmatters" spread it around but good

Martin O’Malley’s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Protesters spoil O’Malley’s Moment…
Former Governor and Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley kicked off his presidential run today in the Democratic mecca of Baltimore. You Built This–

O’Malley says unemployment in many cities is higher than 8 years ago – under Democrat Barack Obama.

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted his speech…

ALL of it here:
Martin O Malley s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by BlackLivesMatter Protesters The Gateway Pundit

I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Who is "she"?

That which you will vote for because your rich white far left masters tell you to vote that way..

man, did you get all that spew? they can't ever comment on the topic because they have nothing. we can't even pity the ugly trolls running on this board
Way to go "blacklivesmatters" spread it around but good

Martin O’Malley’s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Protesters spoil O’Malley’s Moment…
Former Governor and Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley kicked off his presidential run today in the Democratic mecca of Baltimore. You Built This–

O’Malley says unemployment in many cities is higher than 8 years ago – under Democrat Barack Obama.

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted his speech…

ALL of it here:
Martin O Malley s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by BlackLivesMatter Protesters The Gateway Pundit

I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Who is "she"?

That which you will vote for because your rich white far left masters tell you to vote that way..

man, did you get all that spew? they can't ever comment on the topic because they have nothing. we can't even pity the ugly trolls running on this board

As if you have ever even once posted on topic, word-salad-girl.

Do you even know who Martin O'Malley is?
I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Who is "she"?

That which you will vote for because your rich white far left masters tell you to vote that way..

man, did you get all that spew? they can't ever comment on the topic because they have nothing. we can't even pity the ugly trolls running on this board

As if you have ever even once posted on topic, word-salad-girl.

Do you even know who Martin O'Malley is?

Did you know who he is, far left drone?

Tell us his voting record and why you will vote for him over the already picked "choice" of Hilary?
Under Gov O' Malley Maryland saw

  • Vehicle titling tax hike (bumped from $23 to $50)
  • Sales tax hike from 5-percent to 6-percent
  • Highway and Bridge tolls double
  • Vehicle titling tax hike from $50 to $100
  • Hospital provider tax
  • Alcohol sales tax hike from 6-percent to 9-percent
  • Flush tax hike
  • Tax hike on smokeless tobacco and “Little Cigars”
  • Elimination of Telecom Property Tax Credits (Corporate Income Tax)
  • Elimination of personal exemptions (Individual Income Tax)
  • Income tax hikes on individuals making over $100,000 and couples over $150,000
  • Gasoline tax increase from 23.5 cents per gallon to 43.5 cents (fully phased in by 2016)
  • Additional contingent fuel tax rate increase tied to failure of Congress to pass Marketplace Fairness Act
Gov O' Malley pushed and signed legislation for illegals to obtain drivers licenses and in-state tuition benefits.

Mr O' Malley stopped the progression of jobs, like the incinerator plants which was being built to tackle the garbage dump issue, in order to appease environmentalists OVER job creation.

You can expect this kind of poor legislation and decision making to follow into an O' Malley presidency.

Comprehensive List of Martin O Malley Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform

America ought to take a hard look a
O'Malley's 5 point plan to defeat Hillary!!

1) Go shirtless, often.
2) Promise to tax the shit out of everything!!! even the motherfucking RAIN!!!.
3) Play his GEE-tar!!
4) Remind voters that "he ain't Hillary"
5) Blame Bush!!!


That was at the Maryland State Police's annual Polar Bear Plunge, which raises money for the Special Olympics. There's plenty to criticize O'Malley for. That's not one of them, ya douche bag.

See if Anthony Brown endorses him. O'Malley sold him out.

Martin O Malley announces bid for president On Air Videos Fox News

He announced yesterday at 10:58 AM, EST, from Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, MD, 528 days before the upcoming November 8th, 2016 General Election.

His speech, given on a beautiful Saturday and with his lovely wife Katie O'Malley present, was 22 minutes long.

For gay marriage. Thumbs down. Too bad; he otherwise looked pretty good.

Well, gee, I bet it's breaking his heart that you disapprove of him....
You're leaving out the fact that he had to clean up the mess left by his predecessor Robert Ehrlich(R).

That's right, we actually did have less debt and our budget was in better shape under Gov Robert Ehrlich. If you knew anything about the spending that goes on in Maryland, then you would already know that the state acquired a lot more of its debt after O' Malley took office.
Way to go "blacklivesmatters" spread it around but good

Martin O’Malley’s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Protesters spoil O’Malley’s Moment…
Former Governor and Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley kicked off his presidential run today in the Democratic mecca of Baltimore. You Built This–

O’Malley says unemployment in many cities is higher than 8 years ago – under Democrat Barack Obama.

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted his speech…

ALL of it here:
Martin O Malley s Presidential Announcement Hijacked by BlackLivesMatter Protesters The Gateway Pundit

I am sure you are trying very hard to say something intelligent, what with word salad all in your hair.

Are you saying that protest is not a good thing? So, are you saying that the Tea Party sucks? Is that what you are saying?

Poor, Stephanie, just cannot will.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!
It's pretty obvious she's saying that black voters will not support O'Malley .. thus, he has absolutely NO CHANCE to get the nomination.

Poor you.

Under the complete political support of President Obama, with all the illegals being given drivers licenses and education benefits, what group do you think will quickly become his growing support base if he fails to get the support among the African American community?

Martin O Malley announces bid for president On Air Videos Fox News

He announced yesterday at 10:58 AM, EST, from Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, MD, 528 days before the upcoming November 8th, 2016 General Election.

His speech, given on a beautiful Saturday and with his lovely wife Katie O'Malley present, was 22 minutes long.

With Lincoln Chafee (I-RI) announcing officially early in the coming week (he already announced unoficially on CNN on April 16th, 2015), that will now make for four Democratic Presidential contenders:

Hillary Clinton (NY)
Bernie Sanders (VT)
Martin O'Malley (MD)
Lincoln Chafee (RI)

I listed their states to illustrate a point: all four candidates hail from the NE/Acela region of the USA.

O'Malley's speech was a hard-hitting, populistic speech (see: FOX NEWS video above)

He also put out a candidacy video:

Some takeways I discovered:

-he seems charismatic, smart, looks "presidential" and is not afraid to take on bigger opponents.
-his speech was populistic from the first sentence on and he took on Wall Street right away.
-his wife, Katie, is one of the most beautiful candidate's wife I have ever seen.
-he is a real underdog and polling shows him buried under avalanche Clinton, but this could possibly change in the next months. Wait and see.

I personally think it's a good thing that there is now some competition in the Democratic field.


Discuss. Watch the speech, then give input. Did Gov. O'Malley say anything that you strongly agree or disagree with?

I found this interview to be disturbing.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

Specifically, the tactics that O'Malley used (catch and release street sweeping, where anyone caught on the streets was arrested without charges and released the next morning), the focus on short term numbers over actual improvement, and how he straight up falsified crime stats so he could become governor. This in particular:

What can you do? You can’t artificially lower the murder rate – how do you hide the bodies when it’s the state health department that controls the medical examiner’s office? But the other felony categories? Robbery, aggravated assault, rape? Christ, what they did with that stuff was jaw-dropping.

So they cooked the books.

Oh yeah. If you hit somebody with a bullet, that had to count. If they went to the hospital with a bullet in them, it probably had to count as an aggravated assault. But if someone just took a gun out and emptied the clip and didn't hit anything or they didn't know if you hit anything, suddenly that was a common assault or even an unfounded report. Armed robberies became larcenies if you only had a victim’s description of a gun, but not a recovered weapon. And it only gets worse as some district commanders began to curry favor with the mayoral aides who were sitting on the Comstat data. In the Southwest District, a victim would try to make an armed robbery complaint, saying , ‘I just got robbed, somebody pointed a gun at me,’ and what they would do is tell him, well, okay, we can take the report but the first thing we have to do is run you through the computer to see if there's any paper on you. Wait, you're doing a warrant check on me before I can report a robbery? Oh yeah, we gotta know who you are before we take a complaint. You and everyone you’re living with? What’s your address again? You still want to report that robbery?

They cooked their own books in remarkable ways. Guns disappeared from reports and armed robberies became larcenies. Deadly weapons were omitted from reports and aggravated assaults became common assaults. The Baltimore Sun did a fine job looking into the dramatic drop in rapes in the city. Turned out that regardless of how insistent the victims were that they had been raped, the incidents were being quietly unfounded. That tip of the iceberg was reported, but the rest of it, no. And yet there were many veteran commanders and supervisors who were disgusted, who would privately complain about what was happening. If you weren’t a journalist obliged to quote sources and instead, say, someone writing a fictional television drama, they’d share a beer and let you fill cocktail napkins with all the ways in which felonies disappeared in those years.

I mean, think about it. How does the homicide rate decline by 15 percent, while the agg assault rate falls by more than double that rate. Are all of Baltimore’s felons going to gun ranges in the county? Are they becoming better shots? Have the mortality rates for serious assault victims in Baltimore, Maryland suddenly doubled? Did they suddenly close the Hopkins and University emergency rooms and return trauma care to the dark ages? It makes no sense statistically until you realize that you can’t hide a murder, but you can make an attempted murder disappear in a heartbeat, no problem.

But these guys weren't satisfied with just juking their own stats. No, the O'Malley administration also went back to the last year of the previous mayoralty and performed its own retroactive assessment of those felony totals, and guess what? It was determined from this special review that the preceding administration had underreported its own crime rate, which O'Malley rectified by upgrading a good chunk of misdemeanors into felonies to fatten up the Baltimore crime rate that he was inheriting. Get it? How better than to later claim a 30 or 40 percent reduction in crime than by first juking up your inherited rate as high as she'll go. It really was that cynical an exercise.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

If true, I don't want a man like that anywhere near the White House.

This is the guy who was the model for the the mayor of Baltimore on The Wire. The creator of The Wire recently blasted O'Malley for his focus on arrest numbers and the actions of the police under O'Malley's watch.
This is the guy who was the model for the the mayor of Baltimore on The Wire. The creator of The Wire recently blasted O'Malley for his focus on arrest numbers and the actions of the police under O'Malley's watch.
Uh oh, that's not good.

It's like Rand Paul and his stance on the wars pissing off the Republicans, this is one of the Dems' core issues.


Martin O Malley announces bid for president On Air Videos Fox News

He announced yesterday at 10:58 AM, EST, from Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, MD, 528 days before the upcoming November 8th, 2016 General Election.

His speech, given on a beautiful Saturday and with his lovely wife Katie O'Malley present, was 22 minutes long.

With Lincoln Chafee (I-RI) announcing officially early in the coming week (he already announced unoficially on CNN on April 16th, 2015), that will now make for four Democratic Presidential contenders:

Hillary Clinton (NY)
Bernie Sanders (VT)
Martin O'Malley (MD)
Lincoln Chafee (RI)

I listed their states to illustrate a point: all four candidates hail from the NE/Acela region of the USA.

O'Malley's speech was a hard-hitting, populistic speech (see: FOX NEWS video above)

He also put out a candidacy video:

Some takeways I discovered:

-he seems charismatic, smart, looks "presidential" and is not afraid to take on bigger opponents.
-his speech was populistic from the first sentence on and he took on Wall Street right away.
-his wife, Katie, is one of the most beautiful candidate's wife I have ever seen.
-he is a real underdog and polling shows him buried under avalanche Clinton, but this could possibly change in the next months. Wait and see.

I personally think it's a good thing that there is now some competition in the Democratic field.


Discuss. Watch the speech, then give input. Did Gov. O'Malley say anything that you strongly agree or disagree with?

I found this interview to be disturbing.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

Specifically, the tactics that O'Malley used (catch and release street sweeping, where anyone caught on the streets was arrested without charges and released the next morning), the focus on short term numbers over actual improvement, and how he straight up falsified crime stats so he could become governor. This in particular:

What can you do? You can’t artificially lower the murder rate – how do you hide the bodies when it’s the state health department that controls the medical examiner’s office? But the other felony categories? Robbery, aggravated assault, rape? Christ, what they did with that stuff was jaw-dropping.

So they cooked the books.

Oh yeah. If you hit somebody with a bullet, that had to count. If they went to the hospital with a bullet in them, it probably had to count as an aggravated assault. But if someone just took a gun out and emptied the clip and didn't hit anything or they didn't know if you hit anything, suddenly that was a common assault or even an unfounded report. Armed robberies became larcenies if you only had a victim’s description of a gun, but not a recovered weapon. And it only gets worse as some district commanders began to curry favor with the mayoral aides who were sitting on the Comstat data. In the Southwest District, a victim would try to make an armed robbery complaint, saying , ‘I just got robbed, somebody pointed a gun at me,’ and what they would do is tell him, well, okay, we can take the report but the first thing we have to do is run you through the computer to see if there's any paper on you. Wait, you're doing a warrant check on me before I can report a robbery? Oh yeah, we gotta know who you are before we take a complaint. You and everyone you’re living with? What’s your address again? You still want to report that robbery?

They cooked their own books in remarkable ways. Guns disappeared from reports and armed robberies became larcenies. Deadly weapons were omitted from reports and aggravated assaults became common assaults. The Baltimore Sun did a fine job looking into the dramatic drop in rapes in the city. Turned out that regardless of how insistent the victims were that they had been raped, the incidents were being quietly unfounded. That tip of the iceberg was reported, but the rest of it, no. And yet there were many veteran commanders and supervisors who were disgusted, who would privately complain about what was happening. If you weren’t a journalist obliged to quote sources and instead, say, someone writing a fictional television drama, they’d share a beer and let you fill cocktail napkins with all the ways in which felonies disappeared in those years.

I mean, think about it. How does the homicide rate decline by 15 percent, while the agg assault rate falls by more than double that rate. Are all of Baltimore’s felons going to gun ranges in the county? Are they becoming better shots? Have the mortality rates for serious assault victims in Baltimore, Maryland suddenly doubled? Did they suddenly close the Hopkins and University emergency rooms and return trauma care to the dark ages? It makes no sense statistically until you realize that you can’t hide a murder, but you can make an attempted murder disappear in a heartbeat, no problem.

But these guys weren't satisfied with just juking their own stats. No, the O'Malley administration also went back to the last year of the previous mayoralty and performed its own retroactive assessment of those felony totals, and guess what? It was determined from this special review that the preceding administration had underreported its own crime rate, which O'Malley rectified by upgrading a good chunk of misdemeanors into felonies to fatten up the Baltimore crime rate that he was inheriting. Get it? How better than to later claim a 30 or 40 percent reduction in crime than by first juking up your inherited rate as high as she'll go. It really was that cynical an exercise.

David Simon on Baltimore s Anguish The Marshall Project

If true, I don't want a man like that anywhere near the White House.

This is the guy who was the model for the the mayor of Baltimore on The Wire. The creator of The Wire recently blasted O'Malley for his focus on arrest numbers and the actions of the police under O'Malley's watch.

You're accusing O'Malley of acting too much like a Republican? lol
The Right is halfheartedly trying to dredge up nitpick dirt on O'Malley while secretly they're praying that he doesn't beat Hillary and her treasure chest of baggage - real and imagined.

Martin O Malley announces bid for president On Air Videos Fox News

He announced yesterday at 10:58 AM, EST, from Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, MD, 528 days before the upcoming November 8th, 2016 General Election.

His speech, given on a beautiful Saturday and with his lovely wife Katie O'Malley present, was 22 minutes long.

For gay marriage. Thumbs down. Too bad; he otherwise looked pretty good.
The Supreme Court would appear to have nullified O'Malley's support for gay marriage as a issue with which to attack his bid for the Presidency.

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