Former Governor Bob McDonnell Exonerated By The US Supreme Court

Some remedy needs to be found because its become routine democrat tactic....See Tom delay...Scott Walker.....Tx Gov and several others........
What? Using power-activists seated in places to unseat duly elected governors opposed to gay marriage that state's minority disagrees with, using manufactured scandals and trumped up charges? You mean sedition run amok within a sex cult?

Yeah, I agree. And so apparently did all 8 of the Justices.
Vigorous prosecution of corruption by Trump...step on both parties.....
Some remedy needs to be found because its become routine democrat tactic....See Tom delay...Scott Walker.....Tx Gov and several others........
What? Using power-activists seated in places to unseat duly elected governors opposed to gay marriage that state's minority disagrees with, using manufactured scandals and trumped up charges? You mean sedition run amok within a sex cult?

Yeah, I agree. And so apparently did all 8 of the Justices.
Vigorous prosecution of corruption by Trump...step on both parties.....

It isn't a political issue. It's the issue of the cult of LGBT having hijacked the democrat party and is now trying to infiltrate the ranks completely of the GOP as well; using blackmail and the types of witch hunts mentioned in the OP, via FEAR. Like all good malignant cults do..

Don't think for a second if you create a third party that the Church of LGBT will allow that party any free speech opposed to its agenda. You're high if you think that's the case. This is a malignancy spreading across both and all sides of the aisles..
Dont think lgbtrs instituted all those suits.....start throwing democrats in prison and it will be duck and cover time for the rest lest light shine on their racket
I take one vacation from the routine and while I'm out, this slips under the wire:

June 27, 2016 The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously threw out the conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell....The 8-0 decision left open the possibility for McDonnell to be retried, but in the meantime, his conviction was vacated.... Supreme Court vacates former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's conviction -

And all that witch-hunting by Rachael Maddow looked so promising! Now I wonder who will officially vacate the destruction of his career and his republican seat as governor in Virginia? Mission accomplished in any event.

Can the Supreme Court indict a seditious reporter who seeks, using any means necessary, to unseat conservative governors, duly known for their views and elected because of them by the People of his/her state? Just curious...

This nitwit has a bit of trouble with reading comprehension.....Here's hat Roberts stated:

........ that political corruption can still be prosecuted by the government, and noted that McDonnell's actions were "distasteful."
"There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that," Roberts wrote. "But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the government's boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute. A more limited interpretation of the term 'official act' leaves ample room for prosecuting corruption, while comporting with the text of the statute and the precedent of this court."

Sure, right wingers, back this crooked "governor" as leader of your party.....LOL
Some remedy needs to be found because its become routine democrat tactic....See Tom delay...Scott Walker.....Tx Gov and several others........
What? Using power-activists seated in places to unseat duly elected governors opposed to gay marriage that state's minority disagrees with, using manufactured scandals and trumped up charges? You mean sedition run amok within a sex cult?

Yeah, I agree. And so apparently did all 8 of the Justices.
Vigorous prosecution of corruption by Trump...step on both parties.....

It isn't a political issue. It's the issue of the cult of LGBT having hijacked the democrat party and is now trying to infiltrate the ranks completely of the GOP as well; using blackmail and the types of witch hunts mentioned in the OP, via FEAR. Like all good malignant cults do..

Don't think for a second if you create a third party that the Church of LGBT will allow that party any free speech opposed to its agenda. You're high if you think that's the case. This is a malignancy spreading across both and all sides of the aisles..

I agree. If I wasn't for the LGBT, McDonnell would have never been indicted for corruption. lol
..Here's hat Roberts stated:........ that political corruption can still be prosecuted by the government, and noted that McDonnell's actions were "distasteful."..."There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that," Roberts wrote. "But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the government's boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute. A more limited interpretation of the term 'official act' leaves ample room for prosecuting corruption, while comporting with the text of the statute and the precedent of this court.".....

Speaking of being daft about reading comprehension; particularly READING BETWEEN THE LINES.. The Court in effect said "the statute is as broad or as narrow as we want it to be on a case by case basis. In the case of McDonnell, we're making it narrow as possible to let him off the hook.

And again, they did this because of the persecution of the man, the obvious attempt to usurp him as the duly elected governor just after he reaffirmed for his constituents (who knew this about him already and elected him because of it) "I am opposed to gay marriage". Sedition is sedition. If you try to undo a vote either before the fact or after the fact...

Rachael Maddow is treading on exceedingly thin ice IMHO.
^^ Again, I wish I knew who keeps finding the disruption of democracy on purpose "funny"..
^^ Again, I wish I knew who keeps finding the disruption of democracy on purpose "funny"..

Tell you keep advocating fro McConnell while he must laugh at you idiots.....

McDonnell gifts list
What they received from Jonnie
By Denise Lu, Rachel Weiner, Rosalind S. Helderman, Matt Zapotosky and Laura Vozzella, Published: August 6, 2014

Former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell (R) and his wife Maureen were found guilty of public corruption for lending the prestige of the governor’s office to a wealthy Richmond businessman, Jonnie R. Williams Sr., in return for more than $150,000 in loans, vacations, golf outings and luxury goods. Williams, who was then executive of a dietary supplement company, Star Scientific, testified he wanted help promoting a new product. Here are some of the gifts given to the couple and their children by Williams from 2011 to 2012. See also full coverage of the trial.
So Bob McDonnell was exonerated by those unelected, unaccountable, tyrannical judges on the Supreme Court.

You know, the ones that the RWnuts are always ranting against?

Keep in mind, nuts, if you had your way and there wasn't any such Supreme Court with any such power,

Bob McDonnell would be spending the next several years in prison.
He should have spent an hour at the end of a noose, like all crooked politicians.
He should have spent an hour at the end of a noose, like all crooked politicians.

There you have it. And why the Court found as it did with all 8 Justices signing on. Jar Jar thinks that if a governor elected for his views opposing gay marriage can be brought down out of office by a minority of power-brokers in his state for his views on opposing gay marriage, using a ruse like a rolex watch or a case of gatoraide, then he belongs hanging by his neck until dead.

Anyone still not sure this is a cult? Anyone still not sure this is sedition of democracy?
There you have it. And why the Court found as it did with all 8 Justices signing on. Jar Jar thinks that if a governor elected for his views opposing gay marriage can be brought down out of office by a minority of power-brokers in his state for his views on opposing gay marriage, using a ruse like a rolex watch or a case of gatoraide, then he belongs hanging by his neck until dead.

Inane and biased retort.....McDonnell was as crooked as they come selling his office to the highest bidder and although the SC decision allows him another opportunity to be tried, he will NEVER hold office again unless he puts a big sign on his chest that he is "FOR SALE."
There you have it. And why the Court found as it did with all 8 Justices signing on. Jar Jar thinks that if a governor elected for his views opposing gay marriage can be brought down out of office by a minority of power-brokers in his state for his views on opposing gay marriage, using a ruse like a rolex watch or a case of gatoraide, then he belongs hanging by his neck until dead.

Inane and biased retort.....McDonnell was as crooked as they come selling his office to the highest bidder and although the SC decision allows him another opportunity to be tried, he will NEVER hold office again unless he puts a big sign on his chest that he is "FOR SALE."

Then why do you suppose 5 liberal Justices, at least three so liberal they are off the charts, acquitted him of corruption charges?
Then why do you suppose 5 liberal Justices, at least three so liberal they are off the charts, acquitted him of corruption charges?

First its FOUR liberal Justices not 5......

Second, there is no proof of an explicit agreement linking a campaign donation or gift to a contract, grant or vote. The court's opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, rejected the government's position that simply agreeing to meet with someone on account of such largesse could be enough to constitute an official act that could trigger a corruption conviction.

"There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that, Roberts stated...
Read more: Supreme Court overturns Bob McDonnell’s corruption convictions

What do you think McDonnells chances are of EVER running for office again???
I take one vacation from the routine and while I'm out, this slips under the wire:

June 27, 2016 The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously threw out the conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell....The 8-0 decision left open the possibility for McDonnell to be retried, but in the meantime, his conviction was vacated.... Supreme Court vacates former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's conviction -

And all that witch-hunting by Rachael Maddow looked so promising! Now I wonder who will officially vacate the destruction of his career and his republican seat as governor in Virginia? Mission accomplished in any event.

Can the Supreme Court indict a seditious reporter who seeks, using any means necessary, to unseat conservative governors, duly known for their views and elected because of them by the People of his/her state? Just curious...
Rachel Mad cow is a loopy kunt...
Then why do you suppose 5 liberal Justices, at least three so liberal they are off the charts, acquitted him of corruption charges?

First its FOUR liberal Justices not 5......
I'm sorry but Kennedy put himself squarely, firmly and permanently in the "liberal" camp when he enacted "gay marriage" to the detriment of children; creating a contractual bind for life to strip them of either a mother or father; THE chief benefit of marriage he said they enjoyed benefits to; and the reason he justified ratifying Obergefell. Creating this type of unique suffering for children, this unfillable void as a matter of a contractual term, all so that a deviant sexual orientation could play house is as liberal as a triple nut fruitcake at a glitter convention.
If McDonnell is exonerated, then so is Hillary Clinton.

"Setting up a meeting, talking to another official, or organizing an event (or agreeing to do so) -- without more -- does not fit that definition of an official act."

Putin does not give a flying fuck about McDonnell's emails. Big Difference.
I take one vacation from the routine and while I'm out, this slips under the wire:

June 27, 2016 The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously threw out the conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell....The 8-0 decision left open the possibility for McDonnell to be retried, but in the meantime, his conviction was vacated.... Supreme Court vacates former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's conviction -

And all that witch-hunting by Rachael Maddow looked so promising! Now I wonder who will officially vacate the destruction of his career and his republican seat as governor in Virginia? Mission accomplished in any event.

Can the Supreme Court indict a seditious reporter who seeks, using any means necessary, to unseat conservative governors, duly known for their views and elected because of them by the People of his/her state? Just curious...
Rachel Mad cow is a loopy kunt...

Smartest political pundit on tv. If you disagree, name one smarter.
I take one vacation from the routine and while I'm out, this slips under the wire:

June 27, 2016 The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously threw out the conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell....The 8-0 decision left open the possibility for McDonnell to be retried, but in the meantime, his conviction was vacated.... Supreme Court vacates former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's conviction -

And all that witch-hunting by Rachael Maddow looked so promising! Now I wonder who will officially vacate the destruction of his career and his republican seat as governor in Virginia? Mission accomplished in any event.

Can the Supreme Court indict a seditious reporter who seeks, using any means necessary, to unseat conservative governors, duly known for their views and elected because of them by the People of his/her state? Just curious...
Rachel Mad cow is a loopy kunt...

Smartest political pundit on tv. If you disagree, name one smarter.
She is the stupidest Kunt on TV, uglier on the inside than the outside if that's even possible. Obviously doesn't know jack shit

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