Former high ranking military members put Trump's threat in context.

Former top military officers push back on Trump immunity claim

More than a dozen retired four-star generals, admirals and other former military leaders filed an amicus brief with in the Supreme Court on Monday, arguing against former President Trump’s claims of immunity in his criminal cases.

The group said Trump’s claims “would threaten the military’s role in American society, our nation’s constitutional order, and our national security,” and would have a “profoundly negative effects on military service members.”

So, what's it going to be? How are defenders of all things Trump going to throw these former military personnel under the bus? Will they be accused of being part of the fictitious deep state, or Dems, or never Trumper's? In what way will their concerns be dismissed as civil society mobilizes to prevent a takeover of the levers of power in ways previously thought unimaginable?
Couldn’t get 51 to lie this time? :auiqs.jpg:
yet, the brief you provide, gives two examples as to why this will not happen

And of course, we have the Code of Conduct and the Uniform Military Code of Justice. These Political Generals and Admirals, are claiming do not exist?
Your attempt to dismiss their concerns by categorizing their criticism as political is just another pathetic effort to de-legitimize dissent from Trump's desire to place himself above the law.
Should I assume your discomfort with these former military leaders speaking out about the damage presidential immunity would do to the military means you think Trump's claim has merit?
Why would you project your feelings onto me, how is that any part of a debate.

You are obviously experiencing extreme discomfort, thinking Trump's leadership is so great that lifelong 5 star generals will break the Code of Military conduct, the Geneva Convention, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Too funny, these generals/admirals are adament, that they would not follow unlawful orders yet they believe their peers and those the led and trained will?

We must ask, or state, if these genearls and admirals fear chaos in the military then their leadership and training of their subordinates was sub-standard, below par.

There needs to be an investigation of these generals and admirals, to see the damage their lack of leadership and traing has caused.
Your attempt to dismiss their concerns by categorizing their criticism as political is just another pathetic effort to de-legitimize dissent from Trump's desire to place himself above the law.
You are denying that generals and admirals are political? These in particular???? They offered a theory, opinion, based on conjecture. Pure politics.

You are denying this
Funny how not one of these folks is concerned about our open border and the threats that poses. What bunch of nonsense. These people were supposed to be leaders, they have fallen to becoming political whiners. Pathetic.
Petitioner’s theory that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution, if accepted, has the potential to severely undermine the Commander-in-Chief’s legal and moral authority to lead the military forces, as it would signal that they but not he must obey the rule of law.
conjecture're in favor of immunity for Joe if he decides to call off the election and declare himself emperor............cuck?
You after the Drama Queen Award sgain??

Biden had classified documents illegaly already.

So excuse me but Fck your outrage
You after the Drama Queen Award sgain??

Biden had classified documents illegaly already.

So excuse me but Fck your outrage
The former military leaders are not interested in your fatuous whataboutisms. Neither am I. They want to ensure the stability of the prior constitutional order against a would be dictator. So excuse me, but fck your phony outrage.

Former top military officers push back on Trump immunity claim

More than a dozen retired four-star generals, admirals and other former military leaders filed an amicus brief with in the Supreme Court on Monday, arguing against former President Trump’s claims of immunity in his criminal cases.

The group said Trump’s claims “would threaten the military’s role in American society, our nation’s constitutional order, and our national security,” and would have a “profoundly negative effects on military service members.”

So, what's it going to be? How are defenders of all things Trump going to throw these former military personnel under the bus? Will they be accused of being part of the fictitious deep state, or Dems, or never Trumper's? In what way will their concerns be dismissed as civil society mobilizes to prevent a takeover of the levers of power in ways previously thought unimaginable?
When trump was president iran didn’t bomb israel

Putin didn’t invade Europe

Amazing, pax trump
When trump was president iran didn’t bomb israel

Putin didn’t invade Europe

Amazing, pax trump
Completely off topic Trumpian talking points fittingly described as correlation without causation.
The former military leaders are not interested in your fatuous whataboutisms. Neither am I. They want to ensure the stability of the prior constitutional order against a would be dictator. So excuse me, but fck your phony outrage.
BS Your side pisses on it daily
The opposite is true.

Amici are deeply interested in this case because presidential immunity from criminal prosecution would threaten the military’s role in American society, our nation’s constitutional order, and our national security.
Worried about a claim of Immunity? Yet they can not give one example of where this immunity was exercised to the detriment of the military in the 4 years Trump was president.

All these silly claims of what we must fear if Trump is elected, a second time, as if Trump never was a president and is an unknown?

Trump was president for four years. Nothing happened? Why would it happen in the next four years but it did not happen in the first four years?
Stupid logic
Stupid logic
Worried about a claim of Immunity? Yet they can not give one example of where this immunity was exercised to the detriment of the military in the 4 years Trump was president.

All these silly claims of what we must fear if Trump is elected, a second time, as if Trump never was a president and is an unknown?

Trump was president for four years. Nothing happened? Why would it happen in the next four years but it did not happen in the first four years?

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