Former Hussein's Chief of Staff words coming back to haunt De Blasio...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
You never let a serious crisis go to waste.
And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanuel
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it s an opportunity... - Rahm Emanuel at BrainyQuote

De Blasio now has a crisis.
You can’t be big-city mayor and alienate the cops – and that’s just as true now as it was under three-term New York City Mayor Ed Koch, or even a century ago.

“Koch was loved by the cops and always told all his successors that you must have the support of the cops, that the cops can be your best friend. If Koch were alive today that’s what he would tell Bill de Blasio,” said George Arzt, former press secretary to Koch, whose election in 1977 election greatly improved City Hall-police relations.

De Blasio “needs to press reset in his relationship with the cops,” Arzt said.

Good luck with that. The bad blood between the NYPD and de Blasio is nothing new – it dates back to an election campaign centered on de Blasio’s withering criticism of the Bloomberg administration’s stop-and-frisk policy, and his close alliance with the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has organized scores of protests targeting cops over their behavior toward urban blacks.
De Blasio s nightmare - Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO

So who will step in a not let this crisis go to waste?
Will De Blasio ask Hussein for help?
Will Hussein step off his surf board and ask Reverend Al to step in?

What will happen in NYC on New Year's Eve...
I love how De Blasio went after the press.
As if they were the ones shouting for dead cops.

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