Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke spoke candidly about Donald Trump recently, saying the Republican presidential candidate speaks “a lot more radically” than he does.

Duke, who is also a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, made the comments in an interview on December 17. As Buzzfeed reports, the interview is labeled “Fox Interview,” but it’s not clear by watching it who the interviewer is, or whether she works for Fox.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said of Trump in the interview. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

So true...Trump is something else!
So, Adolf Trump is even too racist for the Klan. Interesting...
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke spoke candidly about Donald Trump recently, saying the Republican presidential candidate speaks “a lot more radically” than he does.

Duke, who is also a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, made the comments in an interview on December 17. As Buzzfeed reports, the interview is labeled “Fox Interview,” but it’s not clear by watching it who the interviewer is, or whether she works for Fox.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said of Trump in the interview. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

So true...Trump is something else!

Amazing....the whole world realizes it. If the Republicans actually nominate Trump they are bigger idiots than even I had imagined....and brudder, that's as bad as it gets!
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke spoke candidly about Donald Trump recently, saying the Republican presidential candidate speaks “a lot more radically” than he does.

Duke, who is also a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, made the comments in an interview on December 17. As Buzzfeed reports, the interview is labeled “Fox Interview,” but it’s not clear by watching it who the interviewer is, or whether she works for Fox.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said of Trump in the interview. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

So true...Trump is something else!

Amazing....the whole world realizes it. If the Republicans actually nominate Trump they are bigger idiots than even I had imagined....and brudder, that's as bad as it gets!
Like the left preaching about income inequality and have a corrupt corporatist as the front runner?
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
did trump claim that?
Trump is simply a nationalist progressive and he cares about America and it makes people shit in their pants.
It would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn sad.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
did trump claim that?

Have you just not been paying attention?
It's what he wants, you know. You fail to give The Rump your undivided attention, he'll sue you or get you fired. Like he did the financial analyst who (correctly) predicted his casino would fail. Like he did Palm Beach County (three times) because he didn't like planes flying over his estate :gay: and didn't do his homework before buying the place that would have told him the place was in a flight path. Like he threatened to do to Jon Stewart for demanding Rump show his birth certificate to prove he's not an orangutan. Like he threatened to do to John Kasich for making the comparison in an ad....

The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
did trump claim that?

Have you just not been paying attention?
It's what he wants, you know. You fail to give The Rump your undivided attention, he'll sue you or get you fired. Like he did the financial analyst who (correctly) predicted his casino would fail. Like he did Palm Beach County (three times) because he didn't like planes flying over his estate :gay: and didn't do his homework before buying the place that would have told him the place was in a flight path. Like he threatened to do to Jon Stewart for demanding Rump show his birth certificate to prove he's not an orangutan. Like he threatened to do to John Kasich for making the comparison in an ad....

So he didn't say it but you know that's what he wants? Lol
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
did trump claim that?

Have you just not been paying attention?
It's what he wants, you know. You fail to give The Rump your undivided attention, he'll sue you or get you fired. Like he did the financial analyst who (correctly) predicted his casino would fail. Like he did Palm Beach County (three times) because he didn't like planes flying over his estate :gay: and didn't do his homework before buying the place that would have told him the place was in a flight path. Like he threatened to do to Jon Stewart for demanding Rump show his birth certificate to prove he's not an orangutan. Like he threatened to do to John Kasich for making the comparison in an ad....

Actually it was Bill Maher who he was gonna sue for $5 million but the war still wages between the two. Maher's new season starts in a few weeks and I can hardly wait. I think Maher is getting nervous about how well Trump has been doing in the polls.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?
did trump claim that?

Have you just not been paying attention?
It's what he wants, you know. You fail to give The Rump your undivided attention, he'll sue you or get you fired. Like he did the financial analyst who (correctly) predicted his casino would fail. Like he did Palm Beach County (three times) because he didn't like planes flying over his estate :gay: and didn't do his homework before buying the place that would have told him the place was in a flight path. Like he threatened to do to Jon Stewart for demanding Rump show his birth certificate to prove he's not an orangutan. Like he threatened to do to John Kasich for making the comparison in an ad....

So he didn't say it but you know that's what he wants? Lol

:banghead: Have you been living under a rock all of Rump's life?

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