Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.


Hey, we agree.
very doubtful.
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke spoke candidly about Donald Trump recently, saying the Republican presidential candidate speaks “a lot more radically” than he does.

Duke, who is also a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, made the comments in an interview on December 17. As Buzzfeed reports, the interview is labeled “Fox Interview,” but it’s not clear by watching it who the interviewer is, or whether she works for Fox.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said of Trump in the interview. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

So true...Trump is something else!
I thought a Senator Byrd was dead.
I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.


Hey, we agree.
very doubtful.

I was trying to end on a nice note, I really don't care.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader, Robert Byrd, didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader, Robert Byrd, didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.



Didn't think so.
You use Snopes to prove your point....:laugh:

Uh.. nnnnno, I used it to disprove yours. Which you couldn't be bothered to vet beyond fetching a Googly Image that anyone can generate.

Like I did when you claimed "Democrats invented slavery". Wasn't that fun?

So what's your point? You went and found some user-generated image, it turned out to be both Bullshit and Fallacious. So you lost for lack of research. Or as the rest of us call it, "Monday".
You use Snopes to prove your point....:laugh:

Says the guy using a one sentence out of contenxt quote from Clinton and Hitler to pretend that means anything. If you have a problem with Snopes then maybe try disproving their point rather than your copy/paste bullshit.
Why waste the time, you trust Snopes, you're an idiot. That's all that needs to be said.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?
You use Snopes to prove your point....:laugh:

Says the guy using a one sentence out of contenxt quote from Clinton and Hitler to pretend that means anything. If you have a problem with Snopes then maybe try disproving their point rather than your copy/paste bullshit.
Why waste the time, you trust Snopes, you're an idiot. That's all that needs to be said.

Prove Snopes point wrong then. I doubt you can.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?

So, you think Robert Byrd, once a white supremacist converted into something of a black supremacist. The leaps and bounds you guys go through to believe the silly shit you do.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?

Actually the NAACP was founded by Republicans.

Lumpy's posts are like the Washington Generals. Their only role is to lose and make the rest of us look smart.
You use Snopes to prove your point....:laugh:

Says the guy using a one sentence out of contenxt quote from Clinton and Hitler to pretend that means anything. If you have a problem with Snopes then maybe try disproving their point rather than your copy/paste bullshit.
Why waste the time, you trust Snopes, you're an idiot. That's all that needs to be said.

So ---- you can't refute it.
Which in this case means coming up with some source for the quote. Which you can't do.

Poor Lumps. :itsok:
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?

So, you think Robert Byrd, once a white supremacist converted into something of a black supremacist. The leaps and bounds you guys go through to believe the silly shit you do.
I said ..."The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?" Their views are typically race baiting and untrustworthy in support of the Democratic Socialist Party.
"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Maybe one of those Muslims you love so much will murder a friend or family member of yours. One can only hope.
stupid move dipshit.....see ya......
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?

Actually the NAACP was founded by Republicans.

Lumpy's posts are like the Washington Generals. Their only role is to lose and make the rest of us look smart.

Founded then corrupted by the Democrats if you'd like.. Democrats can't win elections without race baiting, it's their favorite card to play.
Too bad democrat senator and former KKK leader,Robert Byrd didn't think Bill Clinton's conduct was too radical not to mention his rhetoric. The dirty little secret is that most (former?) KKK leaders are democrats so they pretty much take it easy on democrat administrations.

How about current kkk leaders? Are they democrats?

Anyway, why are you bringing Byrd into this other than to muddy the waters? He renounced the KKK, had a graeat NAACP rating. Maybe you should be a better example as a mod and not flame a thread with off topic bullshit?
The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?

So, you think Robert Byrd, once a white supremacist converted into something of a black supremacist. The leaps and bounds you guys go through to believe the silly shit you do.
I said ..."The NAACP is a race baiting arm of the Democratic Party, what else would you expect?" Their views are typically race baiting and untrustworthy in support of the Democratic Socialist Party.

Yep. You said that in a reply to me where I mentioned that Byrd received a high rating from the NAACP. So, prove me wrong, are you not saying that Byrd was once a supporter of a white supremacist group only to later support what you think is a black supremacist group? Don't cut your throat with Occam's razor. (it's a pun)

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