Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical

The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Is that you Adolph? That was his argument, too.
Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Are you claiming the 9/11 terrorists weren't motivated by Islam? If you are, you're dumber than dog shit and worth less than it is.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Is that you Adolph? That was his argument, too.
Maybe you should use the brain you were born with and try thinking for yourself? Voluntary ignorance is truly sad. Especially in this day and age when information is literally at your fingertips.
The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Maybe one of those Muslims you love so much will murder a friend or family member of yours. One can only hope.
Nope. It was a false flag attack to take out Afghanistan which SHOCKER had no Rothschild owned bank at the time. I guess Iraq was just a benefit of that rhetoric and SHOCKER they had no Rothschild bank either,Neither did Libya....
"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Are you claiming the 9/11 terrorists weren't motivated by Islam? If you are, you're dumber than dog shit and worth less than it is.
"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Are you claiming the 9/11 terrorists weren't motivated by Islam? If you are, you're dumber than dog shit and worth less than it is.

Are YOU claiming Roeder, Rudolph, Dear, the Army of God, the KKK et al weren't/aren't motivated by Chrisitanism?

Once AGAIN -- having it both ways: Priceless.

"The Jews" did no such thing. And neither did "The Muslims".

And while we're at it we should probably note that neither did "The Mexicans", "The Chinese", "The Blacks", "The women" or "The New Jerseyans". But I understand that "somebody's doing the raping".

Are you saying those who flew planes on 9/11/01, cowardly killed over 100 in France, and murdered innocents in San Bernadino weren't Muslims?

Are you saying that's all they were?

Were Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, Paul Jennings Hill, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder et al just "Christians" then?
Why doesn't Rump ban Christians from coming in to the country? Obviously the case can be made....

Absolutely. That their Muslim faith was the motivation as to why they did it is what matters.

Show me where the Christian faith of any of those you named played a role and was a motivating factor.

Seriously? Are you living under a similar rock?

We did this at the time a couple of weeks ago but here you go again:

>> CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”


... One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings. <<​

"Army of God" is Paul Jennings Hill's crowd -- as well as Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Michael Griffin, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon and others.

Then of course there's the Ku Klux Klan, which has always sourced itself from ... Christianism.

So why isn't Rump calling for rounding up Christians?

Here's the deal: if you want to cherrypick some terrorist's religion (or in the case of 9/11 alleged religion), then you're gonna have to do the same with your own. Can't have it both ways.


Maybe one of those Muslims you love so much will murder a friend or family member of yours. One can only hope.

This put in his place, Junior melts down into emotional butthurt.

The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Is that you Adolph? That was his argument, too.
Maybe you should use the brain you were born with and try thinking for yourself? Voluntary ignorance is truly sad. Especially in this day and age when information is literally at your fingertips.

I did. I used it when I turned down your wife for some free pussy last night.
Poor thing. A mind is such a great thing to waste. Oh well.Some people can't be taught nor helped. Oh BTW my wife wouldn't have you :) Nor anyone else. Its this fascinating thing called LOYALTY. Poor little cuntservative can't even make a small argument of it and must resort to stupid name calling and disgusting filthy talk.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.
The hitler reference is ignorance at best.
Do people that say that know who hitler was?

Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
Hitler ... Hitler.... wasn't he the guy who claimed Muslims Jews were the source of all the country's problems, that he was going to identify them and drive them out, and make America Germany great again?

The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.
The difference is there was no evidence the Jews were a problem unless you can show me where Jews flew planes into German buildings or strapped bombs to themselves killing innocent people.
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.

Trump is simply a nationalist progressive and he cares about America and it makes people shit in their pants.
It would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn sad.
Why would Trump`s "caring for America" as YOU call it, make Americans who love their country, shit in their pants?
Jews controlled the financial strings of power and still do. NS Germany is as close as we have ever come to breaking free from that grip.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.

Not even close. As George Lincoln Rockwell said. A conservative is someone interested in saving their money,A Racialist is someone interested in saving their race. I am a Racial Socialist. Much smarter and more loyal than any cuntservative.

I'm guessing you're not welcome in liberal circles.
I care to be by myself usually. I don't really care for other people in real life. My urge to punch people in the throat is so overwhelming at times its hard to control.


Hey, we agree.

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