Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Donald Trump

I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...

What does the word "white supremacist" mean?

Does David Duke or other people you have quoted say, that non-whites have to serve the whites, like a donkey has to serve his master?

The most prominent Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who got the biggest funeral in the history of Israel, and Netanyahu and other leading politicians called him "our great Jewish teacher", said the following:

""Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are so many Jews so attached to Ovadia Yosef?

Why did this Jewish supremacist get the biggest funeral in the history of Israel?

Does that mean that Israel is ruled by "Jewish supremacists" and USA should stop its support of the "Jewish state"?
Weird, black people supporting trump and Duke comes out supporting trump. lol

A couple black nuts supporting Adolf Trump ain't exactly a landslide.
I notice you ignored my question, once again when Farrakain came out for Obama and the New Black panthers did also you all claimed Obama was not responsible for the beliefs of people that supported him, now you are claiming that Trump IS responsible for the belief's of people that support him. You can not have it both ways, which is it?

Ahh. Don't forget. You're discussing what Shittigbull believes.

Dukes is endorsing Trump and since Trump is a Rep that's a bad thing and something everyone should hate.

However, if Dukes were supporting Hillary it would be a GOOD thing and something everyone should applaud.

In case you haven't noticed. Shittingbull is a fucking idiot as most of her threads should tell you.
but he's not supporting Hillary and he's KLAN

Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan, or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the United States, which have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration, historically expressed through terrorism. The first organization sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by violence against African American leaders. It ended about 1871. The second was a very large nationwide organization in the 1920s that especially opposed Catholics. The current manifestation consists of numerous small unconnected groups that use the KKK name. All three movements have called for purification of American society, and all are considered part of right-wing extremism.

Oh and I'm sure Trump has control over who supports him.

I'm also sure that if Dukes supported Hilbat you've be singing a different tune.

Not that she would have any more control over who supports her than anyone running for office does.

God you're clueless.
That would be you , you've just admitted trump encourages neo-Nazis.
I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...

What does the word "white supremacist" mean?

Does David Duke or other people you have quoted say, that non-whites have to serve the whites, like a donkey has to serve his master?

The most prominent Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who got the biggest funeral in the history of Israel, and Netanyahu and other leading politicians called him "our great Jewish teacher", said the following:

""Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are so many Jews so attached to Ovadia Yosef?

Why did this Jewish supremacist get the biggest funeral in the history of Israel?

Does that mean that Israel is ruled by "Jewish supremacists" and USA should stop its support of the "Jewish state"?
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Former Grand Wizard David Duke is throwing his support behind GOP frontrunner ... Donald Trump!

During his online radio show, Duke endorsed Trump ... saying he's "the best of the lot" out of the many, many Republican hopefuls.

Duke -- who's called himself a "racial realist" -- said he likes Trump's views on immigration, and thinks he "understands the real sentiment of America." While further discussing immigration he added, "The Africans, the Asians, and the Mexicans in America ... they suffer from the Jewish domination."

Audio: David Duke Endorses Donald Trump - TMZ

David Duke On Trump: He's "Certainly The Best Of The Lot" Running For President

Donald Trump and the White Nationalists

Wow! Trump seems to be getting a lot of support from white nationalists. I wonder why?

Yes sir ree---Just like bees are attracted to honey--or in this case flies to s...t. Donald Trump is their man.

Good news though.
Donald has already improved economic conditions in Mexico. The number 1--top selling PINATA in Mexico today--is none other than:


Only this one is full of candy--not B.S.
The pollsters are all flummoxed by Trump's surging popularity.

That's what happens when you spend so many years in professional denial. Political correctness has long made it forbidden to talk about just how racist half of the GOP base is. Anyone bringing up the topic would be accused of race-baiting and informally banned from the airwaves.

So, nobody talked about it, therefore it didn't exist. That is, until it started smacking everyone across the face.

Wanting immigration laws enforced is racist ?

Really ?
I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...

What does the word "white supremacist" mean?

Does David Duke or other people you have quoted say, that non-whites have to serve the whites, like a donkey has to serve his master?

The most prominent Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who got the biggest funeral in the history of Israel, and Netanyahu and other leading politicians called him "our great Jewish teacher", said the following:

""Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are so many Jews so attached to Ovadia Yosef?

Why did this Jewish supremacist get the biggest funeral in the history of Israel?

Does that mean that Israel is ruled by "Jewish supremacists" and USA should stop its support of the "Jewish state"?

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

That was the usual predictable answer of Zionists who constantly whine about the supposed "white supremacism", but support Jewish supremacism.

The supporters and apologists of Jewish supremacism and anti-white haters never attack the arguments of their opponents, they always attack the messengers, because they cannot disprove the message.
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hey at least the cons don't/did not have Byrd as a member...a high ranking one!
Right. Never ever has a Conservative been a member of the KKK.

When and where have Conservatives ever EVER championed civil rights?

Here's a hint, it ain't ever happened. Period.

they champion believing in EVERYONE and that everyone can suceeed. They don't demonize and seperate people by race and sex and on and on...
The T'Rump evokes many different reactions.....depending largely on just how gullible, ignorant, racist, xenophobic, violent, brainwashed, deluded and stupid you are to begin with....which is why the KKK and white supremacist groups are big supporters of the T' well as the usual run of angry, highly delusional, probably racist, rightwingnut retards who have been so severely bamboozled and betrayed by FauxNews and the whole orchestrated, corporate/ultra-wealthy stooging rightwing media echo radio, blogs, Rupert Murdoch owned media, etc.....

Here's one common reaction to the orange blowhard.....

hey at least the cons don't/did not have Byrd as a member...a high ranking one!
Right. Never ever has a Conservative been a member of the KKK.

When and where have Conservatives ever EVER championed civil rights?

Here's a hint, it ain't ever happened. Period.

Does Van Jones understand he is declaring blacks were lynched by Democrats because quote after the so-called reversal i.e. his 1968 birth... there have been NO lynchings of blacks.
Van Jones said the following:
VAN JONES: You know, I don't understand why the right-wing is so obsessed with trying to point out that the Ku Klux Klan, you know, 50, 60, 70 years ago was a part of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, in that time, was a racist party and there were violent elements.
That's true because obviously the Republicans at that time were the party of Lincoln, who ended slavery. And so -- but we've had a reversal over these past 50 -- my entire lifetime, I was born in '68.

There's been that reversal.
SO Jones admits that during the period when blacks were being lynched it was the Democrats that were doing it and the GOP that ended slavery!!!

JEFFREY LORD: I would love to focus on today, Alisyn, and what I was trying to give was give historical context. My point is that race fuels the progressive movement, and has always fueled the progressive movement. Whether it was slavery, segregation,
lynching, the Ku Klux Klan, to today's racial quotas, illegal immigration by skin color. You know, groups like La Raza, the Black Panthers. Black Lives Matter, et cetera.
It's always about let's divide people by race and then here is the progressive agenda we want to enact.
That's the connection to me, and it's a constant throughout two hundred some odd years of history, the Klan being just one of them.
And, by the way, just not long ago when Occupy Wall Street was a big thing going, David Duke was a big supporter of occupy Wall Street right there with President Obama.

CAMEROTA: Van, what's wrong with that logic?

JONES: I have no idea what he's talking about. First of all, you're going to say that the people who are dividing America by race were progressives, were liberals--
CNN's Van Jones Blasts Jeffrey Lord's Continued Defense Of Trump's Affiliation With White Supremacists

Now for the FACTS>>>
In 1964 three Mississippi civil rights workers were lynched - abducted, shot and killed by KKK members including Neshoba County law enforcement. These galvanized national public support for federal civil rights and Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ending segregation, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to enforce constitutional rights to vote.
Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who supported the Civil Rights Acts of 1964???
Just six Senate Republicans voted against the bill in 1964,
while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it.

It passed by an overall vote of 73-27.
In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, passing with an overall 290-130 vote.
While most Democrats in both chambers voted for it, the bulk of the opposition still was from Democrats.

Time magazine even largely credited Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.) for pushing the sweeping legislation through,
putting him on the cover after final passage.
TIME Magazine Cover: Sen. Everett Dirksen - June 19, 1964

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