Former Labradoodle Breeder Was Tapped to Lead U.S. Pandemic Task Force

Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

Fauci said the same thing

Dr Fauci is right.

The problem is that innocent people are dying. There are real people behind those numbers. People who are loved and depended on. People who made contributions to our nation and world. People who could have made contributions but died way too young. People who spent endless hours trying to save the lives of total strangers only to see them die then get the virus themselves and die.

All who died were loved by someone. They were a mom or dad, a sister or brother, an aunt or uncle a friend to people. Those they leave behind have to pick up the pieces and move on. I know the parents of the 5 year old little girl who died will have a very hard time. I know my cousin is having a hard time losing his mom to this disease. I'm having hard time losing my favorite aunt.

I'm just tired of government that makes things worse, not better.
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

Fauci said the same thing

Dr Fauci is right.

The problem is that innocent people are dying. There are real people behind those numbers. People who are loved and depended on. People who made contributions to our nation and world. People who could have made contributions but died way too young. People who spent endless hours trying to save the lives of total strangers only to see them die then get the virus themselves and die.

All who died were loved by someone. They were a mom or dad, a sister or brother, an aunt or uncle a friend to people. Those they leave behind have to pick up the pieces and move on. I know the parents of the 5 year old little girl who died will have a very hard time. I know my cousin is having a hard time losing his mom to this disease. I'm having hard time losing my favorite aunt.

I'm just tired of government that makes things worse, not better.
All the Trumper posts evidence is that Trumpism is truly a cult. Even many of Trump's own people say Harrison was over his head and totally inept, but the cultist still go and support this guy, for the sole reason he is a Trump appointee, though appointees like him were just some of the reasons why Trump's pandemic response was FUBAR from the start. Pathetic.
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Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

how is he unqualified???
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
so you dont know either,,,
If you can't figure it out.....
but you cant even explain it,,, the link. Even those in the Trump Admiinstration referred to him derisively as the"dog breeder" because he was so blatantly inept and incompetent.
Ahh you're just pissed because he breeds dogs and doesn't breed with them like a democrat would.
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

how is he unqualified???
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
so you dont know either,,,
If you can't figure it out.....
but you cant even explain it,,, the link. Even those in the Trump Admiinstration referred to him derisively as the"dog breeder" because he was so blatantly inept and incompetent.
Ahh you're just pissed because he breeds dogs and doesn't breed with them like a democrat would.
All his incompetence bred was failure to respond to the disease timely.
All the Trumper posts evidence is that Trumpism is truly a cult. Even many of Trump's own people say Harrison was over his head and totally inept, but the cultist still go and support this guy, for the sole reason he is a Trump appointee, though he was one of the reasons Trump's pandemic response was FUBAR from the start. Pathetic.

It's the exact same behavior we saw in Katrina. They had the exact same lame response to hiring a former horse breeder to run FEMA and the deaths that resulted from that very bad choice the bush boy made.

You've got to give trump credit, he out did the bush boy. The bush boy killed around 3 thousand with Katrina. So far over 48 thousand Americans have died from the virus. By next week the total will be above the total number of Americans who died in all of the Vietnam war and that lasted close to 2 decades since it originally started in the Eisenhower years with the first American death being when Eisenhower was president. I think it was around 1958. So in just a few months the death toll for the virus surpassed the death toll in all of the Vietnam war.

Wow trump is doing a heck of a job.
My reaction, that Azar would put a person with limited experience in charge of the virus doesn't seem that strange, after all Azar is just a lobbyist with a law degree & should not be their him self.
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

how is he unqualified???
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
so you dont know either,,,
If you can't figure it out.....
but you cant even explain it,,, the link. Even those in the Trump Admiinstration referred to him derisively as the"dog breeder" because he was so blatantly inept and incompetent.
Ahh you're just pissed because he breeds dogs and doesn't breed with them like a democrat would.
All his incompetence bred was failure to respond to the disease timely.

Go back to school and make them teach you how to compose a sentence. I think you may have skipped that day.
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

how is he unqualified???
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
so you dont know either,,,
If you can't figure it out.....
What qualifications do you think are required?

Be specific.
He isnt just a dog breeder you ignorant morons
He has worked in that dept before

I wish people would research before they start bashing some guy they know nothing about and this is not directed at you but at the OP.

Had they researched the person they would know the individual worked for George W. Bush in the Department Health and Human Services...

They later went into dog breeding, but the TDS in our society has gotten so out of hand that many do not research the person like you did...
He isnt just a dog breeder you ignorant morons
He has worked in that dept before
Doing what? It just said he “worked in the office of the deputy HHS secretary”? He could have literally been a coffee boy for all we know. Given he’s 37, he would have been in his 20s at that time. Couldn’t have been anything terribly consequential.
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

how is he unqualified???
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It was a legitimate question seeing the individual has worked for George W. Bush...
dog breeders and tv hosts driving the bus -

Alex; I'll take pandemic disease for 500

" what is coronavirus"

"HUH" ?

Correct !!!
Now all we need is to hear trump say he's doing a heck of a job.

This putting totally unqualified people into very serious positions has got to stop.

I would think that the Katrina debacle would have taught people to never appoint an unqualified person to an important position.

Republicans never learn and the people of our nation pay the price with their lives.

Why lie so much?

"Azar is a Republican lawyer who once clerked for the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and counts current Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a friend. Under George W. Bush, Azar worked for HHS as general counsel and deputy secretary. During the Obama years, he cycled through the private sector as a pharmaceutical company lobbyist and executive for Eli Lilly. After Trump’s first HHS secretary was forced out in a travel corruption scandal, Azar stepped in, in January 2018."
My standards for this administration are so low at this point, that it doesn't really matter.

He likes dogs. Fuck it, I'll run with that.

Sad, aint it? I'm more inclined to see if they have lengthy criminal records or multiple bankruptcies before passing judgment, based on what I've seen from this clown show.

Thank God Trump has none of those issues.
My standards for this administration are so low at this point, that it doesn't really matter.

He likes dogs. Fuck it, I'll run with that.

Sad, aint it? I'm more inclined to see if they have lengthy criminal records or multiple bankruptcies before passing judgment, based on what I've seen from this clown show.

Thank God Trump has none of those issues.

I hope that's sarcasm.


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