Former NIA Director: Obama Ordered Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
How the fuck do you know he's a registered Republican?
Have you seen his official Republican membership card and his secret handshake, or are you just taking the media's word for it?
Rosenstein has been a Benedict Arnold in all this, along with Sessions.
Then there's other so-called Republicans like Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Filthy dirty crooked bastard BO did that "on the way out the door" resulting in a huge spike in un-masking by the UN director(WTH?) who now claims "a few were mine, maybe my staff used my name" again WTH!!!!

People will say, "Oh, that dirty, crooked, corrupt Lying Cocksucker" and they will be 100% correct.

But don't forget, do not ever forget....... Not ever --

It is the ENTIRE dimocrap scum machine that is criminal, corrupt, dishonest and Anti-America. Not just obama, not just Samantha Power, not just Ubercunt....

The entire party. obama couldn't have gotten away with his shit if there were any honest dimocraps around. Neither could Janet Lynched, or Sam Power. Or Clapper or Brennan or Comey. But unfortunately --

There aren't

They need to go to Prison. But I doubt they will.

The Deep State protects the Deep State.


And Trump is HATED because he is NOT part of the Deep State.

No other reason. He's not part of the ruling elites, not part of their clique. And the Ruling Elite hates him for it.
How the fuck do you know he's a registered Republican?
Have you seen his official Republican membership card and his secret handshake, or are you just taking the media's word for it?
He's a registered Republican.

You can tell when a person votes. Not who they vote for; but when. And if you voted in a Republican Primary, in most States, you must be a registered Republican to do so.

But, keep in mind, he's also a lawyer. Lawyers are the scummiest scum-sucking slime to ever walk the face of the Earth. Even worse than dimocraps.

They have no loyalty, no honor, no morals. They're sharks. All they know how to do is to feed.

I caught a shark and gutted him one time and, I swear to you before he God, he started eating his own guts while he was still alive. An aluminum baseball bat to the head solved that problem.

Did you know that in the entire history of Mankind, there has never been a recorded Shark Attack on a Lawyer? Know why?

Professional courtesy.

Don't read anything into how a lawyer is registered to vote.
How the fuck do you know he's a registered Republican?
Have you seen his official Republican membership card and his secret handshake, or are you just taking the media's word for it?
He's a registered Republican.

You can tell when a person votes. Not who they vote for; but when. And if you voted in a Republican Primary, in most States, you must be a registered Republican to do so.

But, keep in mind, he's also a lawyer. Lawyers are the scummiest scum-sucking slime to ever walk the face of the Earth. Even worse than dimocraps.

They have no loyalty, no honor, no morals. They're sharks. All they know how to do is to feed.

I caught a shark and gutted him one time and, I swear to you before he God, he started eating his own guts while he was still alive. An aluminum baseball bat to the head solved that problem.

Did you know that in the entire history of Mankind, there has never been a recorded Shark Attack on a Lawyer? Know why?

Professional courtesy.

Don't read anything into how a lawyer is registered to vote.
I've never registered Republican. I've simply voted that way. I have voted for a Democrat once in a statewide election.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

Yep all criminals that will never get charged with anything because everyone is in on the big bad conspiracy doncha' know :113:
Yep all criminals that will never get charged with anything because everyone is in on the big bad conspiracy doncha' know :113:
The fact that you attempt to make a joke out of the fact that Obama's hand-picked criminal Agency Director just threw Barry under the bus says a lot about YOU, snowflake.
SO let me understand this...Obama instituted an investigation into the Russian activities leading up to our election in 2016?

I thought Trumper tards said Obama didn't do ENOUGH and now you're whining at what he did do?

It was by the way a completely reasonable reaction and completely was the Mueller investigation
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


It was quite proper for him to do so. Russian interference in our elections should have been assessed. What led to Trump being ensnared is the Australian government's referral and the fact his people had a number of contacts with Russia. There was nothing unjustified or illegal about it.

Trump is the most corrupt President. He appoints lobbyists to regulate the areas and in some cases the companies they lobbied for. He personally profits every time he goes to his resorts for vacation. Many Republican events are held at his resorts enriching him again.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!

The moment Obama made the EO to allow dissemination far and wide regardless of classification on the materials, we knew who ordered the deception.

Obama and Hillary were co-conspirators in the attempted Coup De'taut and they, along with all of their co-conspirators, should be hung for it.

There was no coup. If anyone should be hung it is Trump supporters except that would be cruelty to dumb animals.
Bet he regrets these words today-
From the link-
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

"One point I'd like to make, Anderson, that I don't think has come up very much before, and I'm alluding now to the President's criticism of President Obama for all that he did or didn't do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling. If it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller's investigation," Clapper said Wednesday on CNN.

There is nothing to regret. Obama was 100% right to order the assessment.
Yep all criminals that will never get charged with anything because everyone is in on the big bad conspiracy doncha' know :113:
The fact that you attempt to make a joke out of the fact that Obama's hand-picked criminal Agency Director just threw Barry under the bus says a lot about YOU, snowflake.

No he didn't. There was nothing wrong wit what Obama did snowflake.
SO let me understand this...Obama instituted an investigation into the Russian activities leading up to our election in 2016?

Nice Try, but FAIL!

Initiating a 'Watergate on Steroids' is NOT 'instituting an investigation into Russian activities'.

Russian 'interference' (consisting of attempts to hack our power grid, running / operating a Counter-Intelligence Operation that successfully got snowflakes like yourself to organize and march for the Russians, and UN-successful attempts to hack into state election systems) reportedly began in 2014. Barry did next to nothing about it, giving Russia / Putin 2 years of un-challenged 'license' / freedom to attempt to manipulate, 'pillage, and plunder' the US.
** Links to the articles containing Obama's own administration officials stating they did not do nearly enough to stop Russia's actions ('We choked') have been posted numerous times.

So, why wait until 2016 to take action? Oh yeah - TRUMP.

The article, you obviously did not bother to read, clearly states Barry did not initiate an investigation of RUSSIA. He ordered the 'Watergate2' soft coup against TRUMP.

At the end of his term, seeking to prolong / cement his 'legacy' (that President Trump has all but erased from the history books and replaced with his own successes) by protecting Hillary and being determined to see her win the 2016 election, Barry was 'attacking on multiple fronts'.

He ordered the soft coup attempt and was being kept updated on everything that was going on. (Biden, Rice, Yates were in the office when Comey briefed the President on the non-Russian 'collusion.)

Powers and Rice were busy exposing Americans left and right, The Obama administration was pushing to allow up to 17 Intel agencies to have access to data - something he never would have allowed himself to be subjected to.

Barry and his corrupt / criminal Intel and law enforcement Agency Directors were up to their asses in criminal activity (FISA Court abuses, Perjury before Congress, obstruction, Conspiracy, etc...) - all substantiated by testimony under oath, official State Department, FBI, etc.. documents / e-mails....

Several of the Conspirators have already admitted to committing crimes (like Comey admitting he leaked classified), several have been identified by the US IG as having committed crimes / leaking information (for example, Strzok), and several have been recommended for indictment and under investigation (like McCabe).

So like I said, Nice Try, but you FAIL!
Is pretty damn stupid since it's a year old.
Yep it sure is a year old...And funnier still are the E-Mails confirming this abuses of power and corruption came out yesterday... A good time to revisit democrap corruption at all levels..

do something about it then and quit fucking whining on a message board with your other lemmings.
The People I voted in are... And I hope there are incarcerations very soon.. IF Not I WILL BE PISSED and there will be repercussions in whom I vote for next time.

lol who the f are you rightwinger dupes are going to vote for if not Trump?
Since by most measurements he is the most successful President in 50 or so years while the Democratic Party has proven to be the Party of criminals, rigged primaries, failed coup attempts, post-birth abortions, open borders, pro-illegal immigration, Middle Class tax hikes, and 'Reparations' Trump should have an easy time in 2020...

Ronald Reagan was the most successful President in the last 50 years. His economic plan was a major factor in ending the economic malaise we were in. He defeated the Soviet Union and got major tax reform passed. He did it without resorting to gimmicks like reconciliation.

Donald Trump's major achievements are zero.

The Democrat primaries are not rigged. They are fairer than the Republican primaries. For example, in SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. The 68% of Republicans who voted for someone else were disenfranchised.

There was no coup. Only in your sick twisted mind.

No one is pushing for post-birth abortions. Republicans want to jail women for having a abortion with no exceptions. Republican prosecutors in suburban counties have said they would never enforce the Georgia law.

This country was built on immigration and offering refuge to people in fear for their lives. Racists like you are a scourge on our country and you are the ones who should be deported.

Trump gave massive tax cuts to the rich that included new tax loopholes for them to use. While Sanders' top tax rates are disastrous there will have to be a 3-5% increase to pay for entitlements.

Things look bad for Trump in 2020. Suburban voters especially women seem poised to do what they did in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2018. Bury the Republicans. My assessment shows Democrats at over 260 EV and Republicans around 200.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He was appointed by Trump who is a Republican. He didn't get the job by answering a help wanted ad.
No he didn't. There was nothing wrong wit what Obama did snowflake.
Gee, who are we to believe?!

Our resident mentally-unstable, reality/2016 election result-denying, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating snowflake who defends the proven criminals / traitors with emotionally-manipulated opinion which is NEVER substantiated / supported with fact / testimony / evidence....

Or the US IG, Obama NIA Director Clapper, Obama CIA Director Brennan, Obama FBI Director Comey, FBI Agent Page, FBI Counsel Baker, etc...?!

Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

There is no evidence.

The only criminal I see is Trump and his crazy co-conspirators like you.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!

The moment Obama made the EO to allow dissemination far and wide regardless of classification on the materials, we knew who ordered the deception.

Obama and Hillary were co-conspirators in the attempted Coup De'taut and they, along with all of their co-conspirators, should be hung for it.
This just in; firemen concerned with building that is on fire. What could this mean?!

Presidents are supposed to care about foreign interference in our fucking elections, you traitorous knuckle-dragging dildohammers.

But the narrative was that Obama did nothing about russia.
Reading this thread is funny. Trump supporters have steadfastly supported and promoted Trump's lie about Obama not doing anything about Russian interference in our 2016 Presidential election. Now they are arguing that Obama did do something. A big problem for liars and those who believe Trump lies, in particular, is that lies get confused and contradictory. Now we have a situation where a Trump lie is being contradicted. Did Obama do nothing about Russian interference or did he do too much?


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