Former NIA Director: Obama Ordered Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

Donald Trump's major achievements are zero.

THIS is why everyone laughs at you every time you post. :p

Strongest Economy In DECADES.

Lowest Unemployment In DECADES.

Lowest Minority Unemployment (Black, Asian, etc...) in DECADES.

Lowest Black Unemployment In RECORDED HISTORY

Most Americans Working At One Time EVER

More Jobs

Higher Salaries

Pay Increases


Trump brought factories / jobs back to the US that Obama said were gone FOREVER - that this was the 'new norm'


...and this is not nearly all of the achievements, accomplishments, and '1st's...
Presidents are supposed to care about foreign interference in our fucking elections, you traitorous knuckle-dragging dildohammers.

But the narrative was that Obama did nothing about russia.

Obama's own administration members said they did NOT do enough to stop Russia, that they 'CHOKED'...

Oh, those lying Obama administration M*er F*ers....! :p

“It is the hardest thing about my entire time in government to defend.” And then: “I feel like we sort of choked.”
You are a 'Traitor' as well. What is your party registration?

Thank you for your EMOTIONAL response, unsupported by evidence once again after being rebuked for never providing any, proving my point.

Party Registration? That's one of the major differences between you and I lil' snowflake - YOU are a SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT...I am an AMERICAN.

After voluntarily signing up and serving my country in the military for over 30 years, during which time I defended EVERY Americans' life and Constitutional Rights and freedoms - to include the right to say anything they wanted even if I disagreed with what they said, my loyalty was always to the United States as an AMERICAN. It STILL is.

I am a 'registered' American citizen, not a registered 'Republican', 'Democrat', etc...I have no party affiliation. The commitment and loyalty to country-1st gives me the freedom to look at what is going objectively and not blindly follow / defend proven criminals / traitors based on PARTY-1ST affiliation / registry / loyalty.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He was appointed by Trump who is a Republican. He didn't get the job by answering a help wanted ad.
It doesn't mean that he wasn't working with Democrats to get rid of Trump. Democrats love to get Republicans with skeletons in their closets to do their dirty work.
Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

There is no evidence.

The only criminal I see is Trump and his crazy co-conspirators like you.
Well you're a dumbass.
Get your head out of your ass and maybe you may be able to see what's really going on.
OMG, you got him now, for sure.......

Oh wait, you're just teasing that fucking cell again aren't you?

Poor cell. Poor poor cell, so lonely.............................
Presidents are supposed to care about foreign interference in our fucking elections, you traitorous knuckle-dragging dildohammers.

But the narrative was that Obama did nothing about russia.

Obama's own administration members said they did NOT do enough to stop Russia, that they 'CHOKED'...

Oh, those lying Obama administration M*er F*ers....! :p

“It is the hardest thing about my entire time in government to defend.” And then: “I feel like we sort of choked.”
The answer for that is right in that article:
Much like then-FBI Director James B. Comey and his disclosure of more Hillary Clinton emails just 11 days before the election, Obama and the administration faced a pretty impossible decision here. They could disclose what they knew or believed to be true and risk looking like they were putting their fingers on the scales in the election, or they could try to act quietly to combat Russia, hoping their lack of action wouldn't be second-guessed.

A bi-partisan condemnation of Russia is required, otherwise a statement such as this during a campaign would be seen as an attempt to sabotage Trump and help Hillary.
Mconnell blocked any such attempt for a statement against russia.

You're already accusing Obama of spying on Trump, so it should be easy to see how any public statements on Russian meddling would be seen as partisan action.
Yep all criminals that will never get charged with anything because everyone is in on the big bad conspiracy doncha' know :113:
The fact that you attempt to make a joke out of the fact that Obama's hand-picked criminal Agency Director just threw Barry under the bus says a lot about YOU, snowflake.

The fact that you don't even attept to dispute that your bullshit ammounts to ZERO tangable, real world outcomes says alot about your nutty little squirrel brain.
No he didn't. There was nothing wrong wit what Obama did snowflake.
Gee, who are we to believe?!

Our resident mentally-unstable, reality/2016 election result-denying, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating snowflake who defends the proven criminals / traitors with emotionally-manipulated opinion which is NEVER substantiated / supported with fact / testimony / evidence....

Or the US IG, Obama NIA Director Clapper, Obama CIA Director Brennan, Obama FBI Director Comey, FBI Agent Page, FBI Counsel Baker, etc...?!


The difference between you and me is that I am in full control of my faculties unlike you who has lost his mind. You are the one who wants to jail your political opponents and I refuse to do it. This is not a banana republic as you think it is.

None of the people have found or given any evidence of criminality. You interpret what they say in the manner you want to bolster your case. You have no case.
Donald Trump's major achievements are zero.

THIS is why everyone laughs at you every time you post. :p

Strongest Economy In DECADES.

Lowest Unemployment In DECADES.

Lowest Minority Unemployment (Black, Asian, etc...) in DECADES.

Lowest Black Unemployment In RECORDED HISTORY

Most Americans Working At One Time EVER

More Jobs

Higher Salaries

Pay Increases


Trump brought factories / jobs back to the US that Obama said were gone FOREVER - that this was the 'new norm'

View attachment 267110

...and this is not nearly all of the achievements, accomplishments, and '1st's...

The economy under Ronald Reagan was stronger. Clinton had 4 years of 4% GDP growth.

The Unemployment rate started dropping under Obama which proves that neither Trump nor Obama are responsible for that. Naturally the unemployment rate has dropped for a large number of groups.

That is usually what happens. Due to population growth, the number of people working usually goes up. That is a statistical certainty.

One of the reasons that wages rose is that blue states raised their minimum wage. Voters in red Arkansas and blue Michigan voted for minimum wage increases and Republicans are trying to roll those back. Other t5han that, wage growth is still slow.

The fact is that manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama. Many of the jobs Trump takes credit for was actually brought back under Obama.
You are a 'Traitor' as well. What is your party registration?

Thank you for your EMOTIONAL response, unsupported by evidence once again after being rebuked for never providing any, proving my point.

Party Registration? That's one of the major differences between you and I lil' snowflake - YOU are a SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT...I am an AMERICAN.

After voluntarily signing up and serving my country in the military for over 30 years, during which time I defended EVERY Americans' life and Constitutional Rights and freedoms - to include the right to say anything they wanted even if I disagreed with what they said, my loyalty was always to the United States as an AMERICAN. It STILL is.

I am a 'registered' American citizen, not a registered 'Republican', 'Democrat', etc...I have no party affiliation. The commitment and loyalty to country-1st gives me the freedom to look at what is going objectively and not blindly follow / defend proven criminals / traitors based on PARTY-1ST affiliation / registry / loyalty.

Who gave you the right to decide who a traitor is. A political disagreement does not make anyone a traitor. You show how cuckoo you are by using words like 'traitor' and 'coup' when neither is true. By doing so, you show yourself to be un-American and unpatriotic.

You are not loyal to America. You reject America every time you make a false accusation. You are the blind follower of Trump. If the President's name was Obama rather than Trump, you would be calling for his hanging. That shows what a snowflake you are.

The fact is that you are so far right that even Ronald Reagan would be a SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT. You have no idea what you are talking about. I am a center-right supporter of everything Ronald Reagan stood for. Something the Republican Party has abandoned. It has been taken over by white supremacists and neo-nazis. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with hate groups like the Proud Boys.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

There is no evidence.

The only criminal I see is Trump and his crazy co-conspirators like you.
Well you're a dumbass.
Get your head out of your ass and maybe you may be able to see what's really going on.

Your head is stuck up Trump's ass so you are the dumbass. You need to face reality.
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.

He is a registered Republican.

You say he is not? Ok prove it or retract your bs.
Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

There is no evidence.

The only criminal I see is Trump and his crazy co-conspirators like you.
Well you're a dumbass.
Get your head out of your ass and maybe you may be able to see what's really going on.

Your head is stuck up Trump's ass so you are the dumbass. You need to face reality.
Nope. I'm not one of those sycophants that populate the Democrat base. People that vote for someone because they're black or have a vagina. I use my brains. I don't vote because someone promises me free tuition.
The more this Russia investigation continues, the more unfolds about illegal spying on Trump. Watergate was a one-time break-in to get data on a sex ring used by high ranking Democrats. Electronic surveillance is continuous.
Who gave you the right to decide who a traitor is. A political disagreement does not make anyone a traitor.

Illegally obstructing justice by protecting a criminal from indictment and prosecution so she can remain in a Presidential Race and be handed the victory / Presidency as she was handed the DNC nomination is not part of some 'political disagreement'. It is a betrayal of the American people, stripping them of their right to cast a vote that matters and instead is altering the outcome of an election.

Illegally initiating a known false 'Russian Investigation' which was nothing more than Barry's own 'Watergate 2', an attempt to spy on the political opposition during a Presidential election leading to potential opportunities to 'take down' the GOP Nominee.

Barak Obama, whose administration had already illegally spied on US Citizens, US Reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices (Can you say Russia, China, Cuba....?), ordered his criminal Intel and Law Enforcement Agency Directors to launch an illegal investigation and to spy on Trump and his associates!

Evidence - Testimony, reports, documents, notes - proved there was never any crime committed that warranted an investigation.

Evidence shows there was never any crime committed involving Trump of his associates that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment.

Evidence shows the FBI opened up its own illegal internal investigation and Counter-Intel Op on the President and his team .... and found NOTHING ... before FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified to successfully get an unwarranted investigation opened up on the President.

As part of Barak Obama's attempted SOFT COUP against the President and the newly elected government / administration (undermining the US govt and attempting to overthrow it - 'sedition', 'treason', 'traitor'), Obama's Deputy USA AG, NIA Director, CIA Director, and FBI Director engaged in illegal FISA Court Abuses and Perjury before Congress, collaborated with a known lying, foreign ex-MI6 Trump-hating spy who was working with the Russians and for the FBI - using Russian-authored counter-intel propaganda (which even Steel declared was not verified) that was purchased by DNC Nominee Hillary Clinton....all information that was withheld from the FISA Court.

This was not any 'political disagreement'. This was a criminal, traitorous attempt to steal control the outcome of a Presidential election, and when they failed to do so they attempted a soft coup against the President and his administration...and they failed at that, too!

It is a shame that your party-1st loyalty, emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, reality-denying pea brain will not allow you to see past your handlers' talking points....
The more this Russia investigation continues, the more unfolds about illegal spying on Trump. Watergate was a one-time break-in to get data on a sex ring used by high ranking Democrats. Electronic surveillance is continuous.

There has been no illegal spying established by anyone, please stop making up bullshit.

Trump has claimed illegal spying, by Obama no less, in early 2017. It’s now middle of 2019 and there is literally NOTHING improper shown in terms of surveillance - everything was done by the book, with FISA warrant in hand.

So at what point do you dupes wise up to the fact that the tickle in your behind on all this is just Trump&Co blowing smoke up your ass?
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The more this Russia investigation continues, the more unfolds about illegal spying on Trump. Watergate was a one-time break-in to get data on a sex ring used by high ranking Democrats. Electronic surveillance is continuous.

There has been no illegal spying established by anyone, please stop making up bullshit.

Trump has claimed illegal spying, by Obama no less, in early 2017. It’s now middle of 2019 and there is literally NOTHING improper shown in terms of surveillance - everything was done by the book, with FISA warrant in hand.

So at what point do you dupes wise up to the fact that the tickle in your behind on all this is just Trump&Co blowing smoke up your ass?

Tell that to your side and Trump Russia Collusion. I never said anything with respect to what has been established. All I said was the more Trump-Russia Myth gets pushed, new evidence turns up in surveillance of Trump and then I offered my opinion.
There has been no illegal spying established by anyone, please stop making up bullshit.
You are a LIAR. You continue to ignore established / reported facts to the contrary. Please stop lying / making up bullshit, especially without providing anything to back up your lies.

Illegal spying during Obama's administration was never a 1-time thing, and almost NO ONE was spared from having their Constitutional Rights abused.

NIA Director Clapper testified before Congress and deliberately lied under oath by claiming the NSA did NOT spy on American citizens. Evidence revealed he had lied - Committed Perjury. The 1st time he did so his fellow Democrats quickly called him before Congress again so he could 'amend' his testimony to avoid being indicted. The 2nd time, Clapper was protected until the statue of limitations for his crime ran out.

"Clapper’s false testimony was a standout. Clapper appeared before the Senate to discuss surveillance programs in the midst of a controversy over warrantless surveillance of the American public. He was asked directly, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?” There was no ambiguity or confusion and Clapper responded, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” That was a lie and Clapper knew it when he said it."

James Clapper's perjury, and why DC made men don't get charged for lying to Congress

2. John Brennan Forced To Apologize To Congress To Avoid Perjury Indictment

CIA Director John Brennan testified that the CIA had NOT illegally spied on Americans, to include the US Senate. D-Diane Feinstein was the one who discovered the CIA was doing so and brou8ght it out. (She was probably worried what Brennan might find out since she had been harboring a Chinese Spy on her team for years). Brennan was caught red-handed committing perjury and illegally spying. In the Deep State, however, one does not get indicted / go to jail when they have friends. Instead of being indicted for his crimes Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, tell them he lied, tell them he had spied on them, and vow never to do it again.


Obama's criminal DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI illegally obtained warrants to spy on Trump and his team, specifically at 1st Carter Page, by committing FISA Court Abuses.
-- They knowingly used the Dossier which they knew had come from multiple anonymous sources, compiled by the lying, Trump-hating, foreign spy who stated himself that he had no idea if the information in the Dossier was true. Because the sources were 'anonymous' the FBI could not verify the information.

-- The FBI had the Dossier for 9 months and never made an attempt to verify the information. If they had they could have easily debunked much of the information in it, like the false claim that Trump's lawyer had gone to Prague, which never happened.

- Both a State Department Official and Bruce Ohr (DOJ) testified they warned Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey that Steele was a lying Trump-hater who could not be trusted and that the Dossier could not be used for anything as it was unreliable , parts already de-bunked....they testified that they told the 4 all of this BEFORE they decided to use it anyway in creating the Intel Community Assessment, Intel Community Report, and before they illegally presented the information as 'Legitimate Intel' in order to get the warrants they wanted,

- They also withheld the fact that Hillary and her campaign had paid for the Opposition Research information - the Dossier - which is where they got it from.

In his testimony before Congress Rosenstein lectured Republicans about how legally important it was that everything submitted to the FISA Court must be verified -it says so right on top of the form...the very form they signed when they submitted unreliable Dossier info from a foreign Trump-hating spy and when they omitted exculpatory information they were required by law to give to the FISA Court.

Comey himself testified the Dossier contents were salacious unverified information, but part of the Dossier was used in FISA Court applications just the same.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
Obama's criminal DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI illegally obtained warrants to spy on Trump and his team, specifically at 1st Carter Page, by committing FISA Court Abuses.

Who was indcited/convicted/fired/desciplined/sued for your claimed illegal bahaviour?

If your answer is no one then you know you are full of shit. It's pretty simple.

If Carter's civil rights were violated, then why is he not suing the government. Surely Trump DOJ would give it the full blessing.
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