Former NIA Director: Obama Ordered Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.
yes, he is...look it up.
We thought John McCain and Mitt Romney were Republicans too, but they're siding with the Democrats against Trump.
They're all part of the same Global Establishment in Washington......and that erases whatever political party they belong to.
The "Mueller investigation" would never have happened if Trump hadn't fired Comey, dope.

You are such a LIAR!

The official investigation of Donald Trump and his team was NOT opened to investigate 'Obstruction of justice' - the President's firing of Mueller's protégé, James Comey! The investigation was officially opened and Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate 'ILLEGAL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE / COLLUSION'.

-- THAT investigation could not have happened had Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey not illegally committed FISA Court violations and Perjury before Congress by presenting information found in the Dossier as 'Legitimate Intel', which they KNEW was not the case.

Mueller was working with Bruce Ohr (DOJ) and Steele (the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working with the Russians and for the FBI) on the Dossier...WHILE the FBI was running its illegal internal investigation of Trump...BEFORE the official investigation had been opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Obama was determined to spy on Trump and his team during the 2016 Presidential campaign to come up with anything they could use against Trump to help her win.

The President - who had already, during his administration, illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - and got away with it all - was NOT going to hesitate to spy on Trump and his team in order to affect the outcome of the election.

And after he, his Cabinet, and his Intel and Law Enforcement Directors had obstructed justice and protected Hillary from indictment / conviction for her exposed crimes, he was not going to do all of that then just back away, trusting Hillary to beat Trump on her own - he knew she could not do so. She proved she could not.

Mueller Can Pursue Whatever Crimes He Uncovers

Titles don't matter.

Mueller was Comey's criminal mentor.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein were pals.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper. McCabe, Stzok, Page, Baker, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Yates, Biden, Obama - they all player their criminal parts...

The evidence now is undeniable...

There is no evidence.

The only criminal I see is Trump and his crazy co-conspirators like you.
Well you're a dumbass.
Get your head out of your ass and maybe you may be able to see what's really going on.

Your head is stuck up Trump's ass so you are the dumbass. You need to face reality.
Nope. I'm not one of those sycophants that populate the Democrat base. People that vote for someone because they're black or have a vagina. I use my brains. I don't vote because someone promises me free tuition.

You are a sycophant that populates the Trump base. You don't have a clue where your brains are.
The reason I support Trump is because I have a brain and use it.
On the other hand you libs have a tendency to follow the herd and bleat like all of the other sheeple who think with their emotions instead of their brains.
I support Trump because I know he's the only person in Washington I can trust to do what is good for this country and not his party. You on the other hand are told who to hate and when to hate and never question the reasons for that hatred. Meanwhile the guy you're told to hate is busy trying to keep this country from going to shit and that means he's looking out for you, despite your irrational hatred.
124 Posts, 13 'Pages', & Snowflakes are still trying to distract from the fact that Obama's own criminal Agency Director threw him under the bus by revealing Barry started all of this, replacing Nixon and Watergate as the biggest Political Scandal in US History!


Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!

Nothing new. We have known for YEARS that Obama ordered an Intelligence assessment on the Russian Attack on our democratic elections.
This must be the same group that had orgasms during the Benghazi investigations. Drooled like mad dogs when Gowdy came on tv. LOL yep please hold your breaths while all these crooks as you so put it get drilled under the lights and bamboo shoots stuck under their fingernails only to end in disappointment. Hell, some of you won't even be alive when any of this shit is decided.
I’ll see your extremely disappointing Mueller Report and raise you one Horowitz Report on the horizon. In fact, I’m all-in we’re gonna be a lot happier afterwards than you dipshits have been since Mueller crapped on you.
Nothing new. We have known for YEARS that Obama ordered an Intelligence assessment on the Russian Attack on our democratic elections.

Wow.....what a piss-poor attempt to SPIN that one. Barry didn't order an 'Intel Assessment' on the 'Russian Attack on our Democratic elections', as you well know, snowflake - Barry ordered the spying on of Trump and his associates, ordered the Intel Assessment based on the Dossier, as evidence shows and testimony substantiates.

Barry didn't even order an Intel Assessment on what his pal Putin was up to when he found out the Russians were interfering back in 2014.
-- As the link I have provided numerous times now shows, Barry's own Administration members admitted Barry did not do enough to stop the Russians when he found out in 2014 - 'We CHOKED'.
This must be the same group that had orgasms during the Benghazi investigations. Drooled like mad dogs when Gowdy came on tv. LOL yep please hold your breaths while all these crooks as you so put it get drilled under the lights and bamboo shoots stuck under their fingernails only to end in disappointment. Hell, some of you won't even be alive when any of this shit is decided.
I’ll see your extremely disappointing Mueller Report and raise you one Horowitz Report on the horizon. In fact, I’m all-in we’re gonna be a lot happier afterwards than you dipshits have been since Mueller crapped on you.
I am not disappointed at all with the Mueller report, it spelled out collusion from here to high Heaven, and Obstruction of Justice....

I am disappointed in you, for NOT reading it or even knowing what is in it, and what they found out.
I am not disappointed at all with the Mueller report, it spelled out collusion from here to high Heaven, and Obstruction of Justice....

It INSINUATED 'Obstruction'...and since then those 'incidents' have begun to be debunked.

For example, it has been proven that - just like when he intentionally sent 4 innocent men to prison - Mueller once again HID EVIDENCE. it turns out that Mueller only included PART of Trump's Lawyer's message he left on the answering machine in an attempt to create the impression / illusion of 'Obstruction'. Playing the part he left out proves it was anything BUT 'Obstruction', which is why Mueller left that part out of his report.

I am sure that is only one of the things the GOP will demand he explains when he appears before Congress to answer questions under oath. If the GOP points this out and he refuses to answer he only proves he was / is busted for hiding evidence again, once again trying to take down another innocent man.
Nothing new. We have known for YEARS that Obama ordered an Intelligence assessment on the Russian Attack on our democratic elections.

Wow.....what a piss-poor attempt to SPIN that one. Barry didn't order an 'Intel Assessment' on the 'Russian Attack on our Democratic elections', as you well know, snowflake - Barry ordered the spying on of Trump and his associates, ordered the Intel Assessment based on the Dossier, as evidence shows and testimony substantiates.

Barry didn't even order an Intel Assessment on what his pal Putin was up to when he found out the Russians were interfering back in 2014.
-- As the link I have provided numerous times now shows, Barry's own Administration members admitted Barry did not do enough to stop the Russians when he found out in 2014 - 'We CHOKED'.
I guess you did not read your own article????

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Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date July 24, 2018

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

"One point I'd like to make, Anderson, that I don't think has come up very much before, and I'm alluding now to the President's criticism of President Obama for all that he did or didn't do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling. If it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller's investigation," Clapper said Wednesday on CNN.
Nothing new. We have known for YEARS that Obama ordered an Intelligence assessment on the Russian Attack on our democratic elections.

Wow.....what a piss-poor attempt to SPIN that one. Barry didn't order an 'Intel Assessment' on the 'Russian Attack on our Democratic elections', as you well know, snowflake - Barry ordered the spying on of Trump and his associates, ordered the Intel Assessment based on the Dossier, as evidence shows and testimony substantiates.

Barry didn't even order an Intel Assessment on what his pal Putin was up to when he found out the Russians were interfering back in 2014.
-- As the link I have provided numerous times now shows, Barry's own Administration members admitted Barry did not do enough to stop the Russians when he found out in 2014 - 'We CHOKED'.
I guess you did not read your own article????

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Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date July 24, 2018

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

"One point I'd like to make, Anderson, that I don't think has come up very much before, and I'm alluding now to the President's criticism of President Obama for all that he did or didn't do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling. If it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller's investigation," Clapper said Wednesday on CNN.
except that collusion isn't illegal. i keep hearing people on the left waffle on this and cry out COLLUSION as if it means something.

then obstruction? well no collusion or working with the russians was found at all. so what did obama actually "uncover" other than he was 100% dead wrong?

and if dead wrong, was it because he thought something illegal was going on or political? if political, illegal.

but hey - you keep shouting out shit. it's what you do.
I am not disappointed at all with the Mueller report, it spelled out collusion from here to high Heaven, and Obstruction of Justice....

It INSINUATED 'Obstruction'...and since then those 'incidents' have begun to be debunked.

For example, it has been proven that - just like when he intentionally sent 4 innocent men to prison - Mueller once again HID EVIDENCE. it turns out that Mueller only included PART of Trump's Lawyer's message he left on the answering machine in an attempt to create the impression / illusion of 'Obstruction'. Playing the part he left out proves it was anything BUT 'Obstruction', which is why Mueller left that part out of his report.

I am sure that is only one of the things the GOP will demand he explains when he appears before Congress to answer questions under oath. If the GOP points this out and he refuses to answer he only proves he was / is busted for hiding evidence again, once again trying to take down another innocent man.
I disagree.

NOTHING has been debunked.

The full tape of the Lawyer MADE IT EVEN CLEARER that it was an alleged obstruction of an official investigation case.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

I could not agree more:

Obama Deputy US AG Rosenstein is GONE.
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for FISA Court Abuses as part of the US IG and US AG/DOJ investigations.
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Rosenstein is under investigation / being looked at for 'Conspiracy'
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for 'Obstruction'

Obama NSA Director Clapper is GONE.
-- Clapper was caught perjuring himself before Congress/
-- Clapper is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Clapper is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Clapper is under investigation / being looked at for 'Conspiracy'
-- Clapper 'threw' both Comey and Obama 'under the proverbial bus', claiming THEY were responsible for the Trump investigation and use of the Dossier in the FISA Warrant Requests

Obama CIA Director Brennan was FIRED.
-- Brennan was caught perjuring himself before Congress.
-- Brennan is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses.
-- Brennan is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Brennan 'threw' Comey 'under the proverbial bus', claiming he was responsible for the Trump investigation and use of the Dossier in the FISA Warrant Requests
-- Brennan is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

Obama FBI Director Comey was FIRED.
-- Comey admitted to leaking classified information.
-- Comey was caught perjuring himself before Congress.
-- Comey testified under oath Hillary broke laws
-- Comey is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Comey is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses.
-- Comey is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Comey is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

Obama FBI Deputy Director McCabe was FIRED.
-- McCabe is under investigation for leaking classified information after being recommended for Indictment by the US IG
-- McCabe was caught perjuring himself before Congress
-- McCabe is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- McCabe is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- McCabe is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- McCabe is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

FBI Agent Strzok was FIRED.
-- Strzok is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Strzok is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Strzok is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Strzok is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

FBI Lead Counsel Baker is GONE.
-- Baker is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Baker was caught perjuring himself before Congress
-- Baker is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Baker is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

US AG Lynch is GONE.
-- Lynch is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Lynch is under investigation for her potential role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Lynch is under investigation for potentially being part of illegally spying on Trump and his team

Biden, Yates, Rice, Lynch, Powers, and Kerry are all being investigated for numerous crimes that fall under / beneath the crime of 'CONSPIRACY', as evidence shows they were all in attendance when Comey 1st briefed Obama on the investigation of Trump regarding 'illegal collusion' and attended follow-on meetings.

And let's not forget FBI Agent Page who is the US IG's & US AG's / DOJ's 'star witness', having testified to / substantiating almost all of the above.

And last but certainly not least are the other 'Players':

-- Bruce Ohr: His testimony provided the evidence that Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey intentionally, knowingly , illegally used the Dossier in the FISA Court Warrant requests after Ohr (and a state dept official) informed them Steele was biased and the Dossier was unverified / unusable.

-- Steele: The admitted Trump-hating foreign spy who worked with the Russians, with Mueller and Ohr on the Dossier, worked FOR the FBI, and hand-delivered the Russian-authored counter-intel propaganda to Hillary - the guy who also told the FBI he had no idea if any of the Dossier info was real because he had gotten the info from anonymous sources, making it unverifiable and unusable.

NOTHING has been debunked.

As usual, you LIE....but thank you for that emotional triggered response. I posted the article several times - you have responded several times with emotion and 'NUH-UH'. No need to waste any more time listening to you repeat the same thing over and over....
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

I could not agree more:

Obama Deputy US AG Rosenstein is GONE.
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for FISA Court Abuses as part of the US IG and US AG/DOJ investigations.
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Rosenstein is under investigation / being looked at for 'Conspiracy'
-- Rosenstein is under investigation for 'Obstruction'

Obama NSA Director Clapper is GONE.
-- Clapper was caught perjuring himself before Congress/
-- Clapper is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Clapper is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Clapper is under investigation / being looked at for 'Conspiracy'
-- Clapper 'threw' both Comey and Obama 'under the proverbial bus', claiming THEY were responsible for the Trump investigation and use of the Dossier in the FISA Warrant Requests

Obama CIA Director Brennan was FIRED.
-- Brennan was caught perjuring himself before Congress.
-- Brennan is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses.
-- Brennan is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Brennan 'threw' Comey 'under the proverbial bus', claiming he was responsible for the Trump investigation and use of the Dossier in the FISA Warrant Requests
-- Brennan is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

Obama FBI Director Comey was FIRED.
-- Comey admitted to leaking classified information.
-- Comey was caught perjuring himself before Congress.
-- Comey testified under oath Hillary broke laws
-- Comey is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Comey is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses.
-- Comey is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Comey is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

Obama FBI Deputy Director McCabe was FIRED.
-- McCabe is under investigation for leaking classified information after being recommended for Indictment by the US IG
-- McCabe was caught perjuring himself before Congress
-- McCabe is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- McCabe is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- McCabe is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- McCabe is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

FBI Agent Strzok was FIRED.
-- Strzok is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Strzok is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Strzok is under investigation for his role in illegally spying on Trump and his team
-- Strzok is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

FBI Lead Counsel Baker is GONE.
-- Baker is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Baker was caught perjuring himself before Congress
-- Baker is under investigation for his role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Baker is under investigation / is being looked at regarding possible 'Conspiracy' charges

US AG Lynch is GONE.
-- Lynch is under investigation for 'Obstruction'
-- Lynch is under investigation for her potential role in FISA Court Abuses
-- Lynch is under investigation for potentially being part of illegally spying on Trump and his team

Biden, Yates, Rice, Lynch, Powers, and Kerry are all being investigated for numerous crimes that fall under / beneath the crime of 'CONSPIRACY', as evidence shows they were all in attendance when Comey 1st briefed Obama on the investigation of Trump regarding 'illegal collusion' and attended follow-on meetings.

And let's not forget FBI Agent Page who is the US IG's & US AG's / DOJ's 'star witness', having testified to / substantiating almost all of the above.

And last but certainly not least are the other 'Players':

-- Bruce Ohr: His testimony provided the evidence that Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey intentionally, knowingly , illegally used the Dossier in the FISA Court Warrant requests after Ohr (and a state dept official) informed them Steele was biased and the Dossier was unverified / unusable.

-- Steele: The admitted Trump-hating foreign spy who worked with the Russians, with Mueller and Ohr on the Dossier, worked FOR the FBI, and hand-delivered the Russian-authored counter-intel propaganda to Hillary - the guy who also told the FBI he had no idea if any of the Dossier info was real because he had gotten the info from anonymous sources, making it unverifiable and unusable.

all those firings were simply MORE obstruction of Justice and Abuse of power! :D :D
all those firings were simply MORE obstruction of Justice and Abuse of power!
Don't you ever get tired of being exposed as an ignorant / lying Trump-hating troll?

For instance:

President trump had the legal / Constitutional authority to fire Comey any time he wanted for any reason.

Rosenstein even authored justification for President Trump to fire Comey, not that he needed it.

As it turns out, Trump has been proven RIGHT in firing Comey as the witch hunt exposed the fact that Comey admittedly, illegally leaked information, engaged in FISA Court Abuses, perjured himself before Congress, facilitated / participated in 'Obstruction', and engaged in Conspiracy.
except that collusion isn't illegal.
So Democrats spent 3 years conducting a witch hunt using the BS justification of investigating something that never happened and wasn't a crime to begin with.
It did happen, over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians interfering... read the Mueller report, it spells it out....
but collusion is not a crime, as Iceberg said.

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