Former NIA Director: Obama Ordered Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


Funny. Republican Rod Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Mueller. Rosenstein was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Senate Republicans under the leadership of Mitch McConnell.
Totally irrelevant!
Rod Rosenstein isn't a Republican.
You just think he is because he's in the Department of Justice.
yes, he is...look it up.
Stupidest post in history!

Is pretty damn stupid since it's a year old.

You do understand there will be political considerations as to when to release actual investigatory information in this matter, yes? :113:

Another fucking whiner.

Merely pointing out the facts of life to you. Barr's on a vendetta.
So you finally admit this has nothing to do with any actual crimes but is just another Trump vendetta.

It has everything to do with the crimes.

Their attack on Barr would piss anyone off, so he is unlikely to give any of them the benefit of the doubt he may have given otherwise.
The more this Russia investigation continues, the more unfolds about illegal spying on Trump. Watergate was a one-time break-in to get data on a sex ring used by high ranking Democrats. Electronic surveillance is continuous.

They were caught during the second break in.

The subsequent investigation reveled that the break in was just the tip of the iceberg of Nixon's CREEP's illegal activity.

They were gathering “Opposition Research.” Nixon also used certain agency missions as weapons against the opposition. Democrats do this all too well.

Accusation of illegal spying by Trumpybear is not the same as being caught red handed in the offices of the DNC.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!


The entire investigation was MORE THAN JUSTIFIED. The over 100 indictments provies that, as does the recommendation for impeachment.

But keep spinning your lies, or at least trying to.
Indictments that have exactly ZERO to do with trump or the campaign... Nice deflection..
The "Mueller investigation" would never have happened if Trump hadn't fired Comey, dope.

You are such a LIAR!

The official investigation of Donald Trump and his team was NOT opened to investigate 'Obstruction of justice' - the President's firing of Mueller's protégé, James Comey! The investigation was officially opened and Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate 'ILLEGAL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE / COLLUSION'.

-- THAT investigation could not have happened had Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey not illegally committed FISA Court violations and Perjury before Congress by presenting information found in the Dossier as 'Legitimate Intel', which they KNEW was not the case.

Mueller was working with Bruce Ohr (DOJ) and Steele (the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working with the Russians and for the FBI) on the Dossier...WHILE the FBI was running its illegal internal investigation of Trump...BEFORE the official investigation had been opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Obama was determined to spy on Trump and his team during the 2016 Presidential campaign to come up with anything they could use against Trump to help her win.

The President - who had already, during his administration, illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - and got away with it all - was NOT going to hesitate to spy on Trump and his team in order to affect the outcome of the election.

And after he, his Cabinet, and his Intel and Law Enforcement Directors had obstructed justice and protected Hillary from indictment / conviction for her exposed crimes, he was not going to do all of that then just back away, trusting Hillary to beat Trump on her own - he knew she could not do so. She proved she could not.
Accusation of illegal spying by Trumpybear is not the same as being caught red handed in the offices of the DNC.
Oh, you poor delusional / lying bastard... :p

Testimony by a state Department Official and Bruce Ohr (DOJ) stating they informed Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey that Steel was a partisan, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy working with the Russians and for the FBI and that the Dossier was unsubstantiated and could not be used for anything BEFORE the Obama '4 Horsemen' decided to use the information anyway in their FISA Court warrant applications proves the 4 knowingly, intentionally, illegally used the Dossier, presenting it as 'Legitimate Intel', when they knew it wasn't.

The 4 intentionally refused to tell the FISA Court:
1) The Dossier was DNC Opposition Research bought / paid for by Hillary Clinton

2) The original sources of the information Steele used were 'anonymous' - unidentified - meaning the information could not be verified and therefore could not be used.

3) They had already been told Steele was biased and the Dossier was unreliable

4) Steele had told them that he could not substantiate anything in the Dossier

5) The Dossier was in their possession for 9 months and they made no effort to substantiate / very any of the information

-- If they had they would have EASILY discovered that the 'Cohen' who went to Prague was NOT Trump's lawyer

The illegality of the warrants, the fact that they committed FISA Court abuses, has already been established. Based on these facts the US AG has already declared the Trump administration was spied upon. Based on these facts Obama's Director of the NSA, Eric Clapper, has declared the Trump administration was spied upon.

Hold tightly to those denials and that fantasy, snowflake....

Obama was determined to spy on Trump and his team during the 2016 Presidential campaign to come up with anything they could use against Trump to help her win.

Fukin Obama, again.

Worst Muslim Socialist take over ever and now, worst spy ever. He had all that juicy Russian shit on Trumpybear and didn't use it.

God he's the worst.
Who gave you the right to decide who a traitor is. A political disagreement does not make anyone a traitor.

Illegally obstructing justice by protecting a criminal from indictment and prosecution so she can remain in a Presidential Race and be handed the victory / Presidency as she was handed the DNC nomination is not part of some 'political disagreement'. It is a betrayal of the American people, stripping them of their right to cast a vote that matters and instead is altering the outcome of an election.

Illegally initiating a known false 'Russian Investigation' which was nothing more than Barry's own 'Watergate 2', an attempt to spy on the political opposition during a Presidential election leading to potential opportunities to 'take down' the GOP Nominee.

Barak Obama, whose administration had already illegally spied on US Citizens, US Reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices (Can you say Russia, China, Cuba....?), ordered his criminal Intel and Law Enforcement Agency Directors to launch an illegal investigation and to spy on Trump and his associates!

Evidence - Testimony, reports, documents, notes - proved there was never any crime committed that warranted an investigation.

Evidence shows there was never any crime committed involving Trump of his associates that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment.

Evidence shows the FBI opened up its own illegal internal investigation and Counter-Intel Op on the President and his team .... and found NOTHING ... before FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified to successfully get an unwarranted investigation opened up on the President.

As part of Barak Obama's attempted SOFT COUP against the President and the newly elected government / administration (undermining the US govt and attempting to overthrow it - 'sedition', 'treason', 'traitor'), Obama's Deputy USA AG, NIA Director, CIA Director, and FBI Director engaged in illegal FISA Court Abuses and Perjury before Congress, collaborated with a known lying, foreign ex-MI6 Trump-hating spy who was working with the Russians and for the FBI - using Russian-authored counter-intel propaganda (which even Steel declared was not verified) that was purchased by DNC Nominee Hillary Clinton....all information that was withheld from the FISA Court.

This was not any 'political disagreement'. This was a criminal, traitorous attempt to steal control the outcome of a Presidential election, and when they failed to do so they attempted a soft coup against the President and his administration...and they failed at that, too!

It is a shame that your party-1st loyalty, emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, reality-denying pea brain will not allow you to see past your handlers' talking points....

There was no illegal obstruction of justice. Your beloved IG report found no evidence of any wrongdoing or political bias in Comey's decision not to recommend a prosecution. I do think that was the proper decision as Clinton was using the server to work from home not commit espionage. Clinton won because she got 54% of the primary vote to sanders's 42%. Still waiting for your explanation how 42% beats 54%.

There was nothing illegal about the Russia investigation and it was more than justified. The Russians launched pro-Trump social media ads, hacked DNC servers and launched a invasion of the Florida voting systems of 1 Florida County. Apparently your mission as a Russian agent is to provide propaganda. There was no attempt to spy on the Trump campaign. The wiretap of Carter Page took place AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

Obama did not launch any attempt to spy on the Trump campaign as there was no spying. He was well within his powers to initiate a investigation of Russian interference in our elections. We now know that it happened.

Our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia interfered in our elections. Even Mike Pence said the evidence of that was compelling. The FBI has confirmed at least 1 Russian attempt to intrude on the election system in Florida. The reason for the special counsel was justified. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The special counsel found that the Trump campaign gave polling data and campaign strategy to a potential Russian agent and even provided the battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. They provided a road map for how the Russians could help.

Evidence shows that the FBI opened a legitimate operation based on information received from the Australian governmemnt5. That more than justified it, If it was a political investigation, they would have leaked it before the election.

There was soft coup. You have no clue what is in the FISA document and Devin Nunes does not either. We were told that the Steele dossier was not represented as a political document when it was. The fact is that several parts of the Steele dossier was confirmed. The memos correctly stated that Russia was interfering in our elections. He correctly revealed that a Russian diplomat was actually a intelligence agent. This was not Russian propaganda as Putin wanted Trump to win.

This is a political disagreement. You haver no basis for calling anyone a traitor and by making a false accusation, you are the traitor. There was no coup.

You are the one who has been struck down by TDS. It causes you to believe any conspiracy theory no matter how crazy it is. You are the hater and can only say what is told to you by your equally diseased right wing trash friends. You can't stand the fact that I think for myself rather as you are a puppet who can only say what is programmed into you.
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Carter is waiting for the results of the US IG's Report and the US AG's reports, stating crimes were committed and his rights were violated.
WTF? Fess up, did you just pull that out of your ass?

Snowflakes do that, not me. Carter Page was interviewed this morning by some morning show I listened to.

I know common sense is not your forte; however, try to think it through: Would he have a much easier time suing if he went to court in a 'he said - versus - he said' case or one in which he was armed with a US IG Report and/or US AG reports stating Obama's goons engaged in FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on him, and thus violated his rights?!
Accusation of illegal spying by Trumpybear is not the same as being caught red handed in the offices of the DNC.
Oh, you poor delusional / lying bastard... :p

Testimony by a state Department Official and Bruce Ohr (DOJ) stating they informed Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey that Steel was a partisan, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy working with the Russians and for the FBI and that the Dossier was unsubstantiated and could not be used for anything BEFORE the Obama '4 Horsemen' decided to use the information anyway in their FISA Court warrant applications proves the 4 knowingly, intentionally, illegally used the Dossier, presenting it as 'Legitimate Intel', when they knew it wasn't.

The 4 intentionally refused to tell the FISA Court:
1) The Dossier was DNC Opposition Research bought / paid for by Hillary Clinton

2) The original sources of the information Steele used were 'anonymous' - unidentified - meaning the information could not be verified and therefore could not be used.

3) They had already been told Steele was biased and the Dossier was unreliable

4) Steele had told them that he could not substantiate anything in the Dossier

5) The Dossier was in their possession for 9 months and they made no effort to substantiate / very any of the information

-- If they had they would have EASILY discovered that the 'Cohen' who went to Prague was NOT Trump's lawyer

The illegality of the warrants, the fact that they committed FISA Court abuses, has already been established. Based on these facts the US AG has already declared the Trump administration was spied upon. Based on these facts Obama's Director of the NSA, Eric Clapper, has declared the Trump administration was spied upon.

Hold tightly to those denials and that fantasy, snowflake....


We’ve known since December 2017 that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

You don’t have to take the Times’s word for it. Even the so-called “Nunes memo,” prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee chair and staunch Trump ally Devin Nunes (R-CA) and released about a year ago, acknowledges that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was “triggered” by evidence presented to American officials about Papadopoulos having secretive contacts with Kremlin agents when it was released about a year ago.

In short, the Russia investigation would have existed even if the Steele dossier never did. But Trump and Fox News are not about to let the facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.

Fox News has normalized a lie about the origins of the Russia investigation
Accusation of illegal spying by Trumpybear is not the same as being caught red handed in the offices of the DNC.
Oh, you poor delusional / lying bastard... :p

Testimony by a state Department Official and Bruce Ohr (DOJ) stating they informed Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey that Steel was a partisan, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy working with the Russians and for the FBI and that the Dossier was unsubstantiated and could not be used for anything BEFORE the Obama '4 Horsemen' decided to use the information anyway in their FISA Court warrant applications proves the 4 knowingly, intentionally, illegally used the Dossier, presenting it as 'Legitimate Intel', when they knew it wasn't.

The 4 intentionally refused to tell the FISA Court:
1) The Dossier was DNC Opposition Research bought / paid for by Hillary Clinton

2) The original sources of the information Steele used were 'anonymous' - unidentified - meaning the information could not be verified and therefore could not be used.

3) They had already been told Steele was biased and the Dossier was unreliable

4) Steele had told them that he could not substantiate anything in the Dossier

5) The Dossier was in their possession for 9 months and they made no effort to substantiate / very any of the information

-- If they had they would have EASILY discovered that the 'Cohen' who went to Prague was NOT Trump's lawyer

The illegality of the warrants, the fact that they committed FISA Court abuses, has already been established. Based on these facts the US AG has already declared the Trump administration was spied upon. Based on these facts Obama's Director of the NSA, Eric Clapper, has declared the Trump administration was spied upon.

Hold tightly to those denials and that fantasy, snowflake....


Barr is a piece of Trump trash. He clearly has made it clear that protecting Trump is his top goal. The fact us the FBI Director who was appointed by Trump has seen no evidence of spying.

We know the FISA court was informed of the political nature of the document.

Several parts of the dossier were true.

Steele correctly identified a Russian attempt to help Trump BEFORE the US intelligence community knew of it.
"The most obvious occurrence that could not have been known to Orbis in June 2016, but shines bright in retrospect is the fact that Russia undertook a coordinated and massive effort to disrupt the 2016 election to help Donald Trump, as the U.S. intelligence community itself later concluded. Well before any public knowledge of these events, the Orbis report identified multiple elements of the Russian operation including a cyber campaign, leaked documents related to Hillary Clinton, and meetings with Paul Manafort and other Trump affiliates to reportedly discuss the receipt of stolen documents. Steele could not have known that the Russians stole information on Hillary Clinton, or that they were considering means to weaponize them in the U.S. election, all of which turned out to be stunningly accurate."

It correctly identified a Russian diplomat as a spy. The Russians were forced to remove him and send him home.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
There was no illegal obstruction of justice.

No, none at long as you completely ignore:

1. The fact that former FBI Agent Page testified under oath before Congress stating she and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were told by the DOJ that the Obama DOJ had NO INTENTION of pursuing a criminal case against Hillary Clinton....and the fact that this has been substantiated by the release of both official DOJ and FBI documents.

2. Former FBI Counsel Baker's testimony during which he stated he believed there was sufficient to indict Hillary for crimes and continued to push for this within the FBI but that Director Comey and Deputy Director McCabe refused.

3. The FBI publicly stated in a press conference that they hade recovered more than 15,000 (FIFTEEN THOUSAND) OFFICIAL, SUBPOENAED documents / e-mails / files on Hillary's sever which were attempted to be destroyed, hiding the fact that each document constituted 1 criminal count EACH of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act.
-- NONE of these documents had been submitted for archival as required by both the FOIA and Federal Records Act. Former FBI Director would later claim, during his attempted justification for HIS refusal to recommend Hillary for indictment, that there was no evidence of 'INTENT' to ;Obstruct' on Hillary's Part. REALLY?! Attempting to destroy over 30,000 criminal counts of violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act - keeping that criminal evidence out of hands of investigators - was NOT a sign of 'INTENT' to 'Obstruct'? REALLY?

4. Former FBI Director Comey publicly stated Hillary Clinton violated laws...he then LIED to the American people by claiming 'IGNORANCE OF THE LAW' was / is an acceptable legal defense for breaking the law.
-- The fact that US AG Lynch and Comey had written the exoneration letter for Hillary before Hillary was even interviewed as part of her investigation

5. Days before the election Comey's FBI investigators brought up the revelation that Hillary aid, Huma Abedin, had illegally transferred copies of every Hillary e-mail - to include the classified ones - to her own un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured personal home laptop...which she shared with her Ex-Con pedophile husband who used the laptop to sext under-aged girls. Comey was pressured to 're-open' the investigation by his subordinates who KNEW this was a crime, but quickly dismissed it and closed the case again just in time for the election.

Yeah, there was absolutely NO OBSTRUCTION of Hillary's part or the Obama administration's long as you completely ignore all of the testimony, corroborating evidence, files, e-mails, the FBI's own public statement, and Comey's own public statement.
We’ve known since December 2017 that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

You don’t have to take the Times’s word for it. Even the so-called “Nunes memo,” prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee chair and staunch Trump ally Devin Nunes (R-CA) and released about a year ago, acknowledges that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was “triggered” by evidence presented to American officials about Papadopoulos having secretive contacts with Kremlin agents when it was released about a year ago.

In short, the Russia investigation would have existed even if the Steele dossier never did. But Trump and Fox News are not about to let the facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.

Fox News has normalized a lie about the origins of the Russia investigation

Nice Bedtime story, just leave out a couple of very important the fact that:

The 'Top Australian Diplomat' you mention was / is a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor and turned out to be connected to the Obama administration's / FBI's use of foreign Intelligence services and assets to target / spy on / set up Trump team Papadopoulos, who was a f*ing Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER. You fail to mention that in the end their entire Papa SET-UP resulted in a big fat GOOSE-EGG in their BS hunt for 'Russian Collusion'. The ONLY thing that resulted from that entire scam was Papa lying to the FBI about the meeting ever taking place...because he was stupid and did not want the info getting out.
- The meeting was not illegal.
- His conversation was not illegal.
- His stupid lying to the FBI was illegal. It was a 'process crime', nothing to do with Trump or Russians.



Poor lil' snowflake. Bwuhahahahahaha.
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

President Obama has officially been identified as THE person who initiated the entire illegal / unjustified investigation of Donald Trump and his team...

...cementing his place in history as the most corrupt / criminal President in US history!.
Stupidest post in history!

Is pretty damn stupid since it's a year old.
Yep it sure is a year old...And funnier still are the E-Mails confirming this abuses of power and corruption came out yesterday... A good time to revisit democrap corruption at all levels..

do something about it then and quit fucking whining on a message board with your other lemmings.
The People I voted in are... And I hope there are incarcerations very soon.. IF Not I WILL BE PISSED and there will be repercussions in whom I vote for next time.

Yep, I get up every morning to turn on the news to see if they have incarcerated them and nope it didn't happen overnight and I give it a .5% of it ever happening.
We’ve known since December 2017 that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

You don’t have to take the Times’s word for it. Even the so-called “Nunes memo,” prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee chair and staunch Trump ally Devin Nunes (R-CA) and released about a year ago, acknowledges that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was “triggered” by evidence presented to American officials about Papadopoulos having secretive contacts with Kremlin agents when it was released about a year ago.

In short, the Russia investigation would have existed even if the Steele dossier never did. But Trump and Fox News are not about to let the facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.

Fox News has normalized a lie about the origins of the Russia investigation

Nice Bedtime story, just leave out a couple of very important the fact that:

The 'Top Australian Diplomat' you mention was / is a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor and turned out to be connected to the Obama administration's / FBI's use of foreign Intelligence services and assets to target / spy on / set up Trump team Papadopoulos, who was a f*ing Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER. You fail to mention that in the end their entire Papa SET-UP resulted in a big fat GOOSE-EGG in their BS hunt for 'Russian Collusion'. The ONLY thing that resulted from that entire scam was Papa lying to the FBI about the meeting ever taking place...because he was stupid and did not want the info getting out.
- The meeting was not illegal.
- His conversation was not illegal.
- His stupid lying to the FBI was illegal. It was a 'process crime', nothing to do with Trump or Russians.



Poor lil' snowflake. Bwuhahahahahaha.

I would venture to say you are the snowflake you are the one fucking whining about it everyday.
Barr is a piece of Trump trash.

Nice triggered rant, you deranged Trump-hating troll

We know the FISA court was informed of the political nature of the document.
LIE! Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey - NONE of them informed either Congress or the FISA Court, again, that the document was DNC Opposition Research bought and paid for by Hillary and provided by a lying, Trump-Hating foreign spy working with the Russians - and for the FBI - who stated he did not know if the information true or not. NONE OF THIS WAS TOLD TO THE FISA COURT!


1. 'A LOT' is subjective, especially to desperate, proven lying, triggered snowflakes.

2. 'SINCE': Thank you for ADMITTING that AT THE TIME Obama's '4-Horsemen' chose to use the Dossier in their FISA Court Warrant Requests:
-- Steele told them he didn't know if any of it was true

-- A State Department Official and Bruce Ohr (DOJ) BOTH informed them that Steele was a lying, Trump-hating foreign spy working with Russians and was determined to hurt Trump's chances of winning. SPECIFIC RULES / RESTRICTIONS STATE THAT IF A SOURCE IS FOUND TO BE FALE (LYING) OR UNRELIABLE IN ANY WAY YOU CAN NOT USE THEM OR INFORMATION THEY PROVIDE IN A FISA COURT WARRANT REQUEST. They knowingly, intentionally violated this.

-- The SAME State Department Official and Bruce Ohr warned all 4 that the Dossier was 'UNVERIFIABLE' (as I already explained) and COULD NOT BE USED. They did anyway.

They had that information for 9 months and NEVER MADE AN EFFORT TO VERIFY IT BEFORE THEY USED IT.




I would venture to say you are the snowflake you are the one fucking whining about it everyday.

In response to another snowflake false accusation / lie getting the sh!t kicked out of it, your response is to weakly personally attack me and call me names?

Bwuhahahahaha.... :lmao:

Yep it sure is a year old...And funnier still are the E-Mails confirming this abuses of power and corruption came out yesterday... A good time to revisit democrap corruption at all levels..

do something about it then and quit fucking whining on a message board with your other lemmings.
The People I voted in are... And I hope there are incarcerations very soon.. IF Not I WILL BE PISSED and there will be repercussions in whom I vote for next time.

lol who the f are you rightwinger dupes are going to vote for if not Trump?
Since by most measurements he is the most successful President in 50 or so years while the Democratic Party has proven to be the Party of criminals, rigged primaries, failed coup attempts, post-birth abortions, open borders, pro-illegal immigration, Middle Class tax hikes, and 'Reparations' Trump should have an easy time in 2020...

Ronald Reagan was the most successful President in the last 50 years. His economic plan was a major factor in ending the economic malaise we were in. He defeated the Soviet Union and got major tax reform passed. He did it without resorting to gimmicks like reconciliation.

Donald Trump's major achievements are zero.

The Democrat primaries are not rigged. They are fairer than the Republican primaries. For example, in SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. The 68% of Republicans who voted for someone else were disenfranchised.

There was no coup. Only in your sick twisted mind.

No one is pushing for post-birth abortions. Republicans want to jail women for having a abortion with no exceptions. Republican prosecutors in suburban counties have said they would never enforce the Georgia law.

This country was built on immigration and offering refuge to people in fear for their lives. Racists like you are a scourge on our country and you are the ones who should be deported.

Trump gave massive tax cuts to the rich that included new tax loopholes for them to use. While Sanders' top tax rates are disastrous there will have to be a 3-5% increase to pay for entitlements.

Things look bad for Trump in 2020. Suburban voters especially women seem poised to do what they did in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2018. Bury the Republicans. My assessment shows Democrats at over 260 EV and Republicans around 200.

You may be correct, however, if any of these Democrats get elected, our country is doomed. Nobody who loves this country should support open borders, single-payer healthcare and a 70% top tax rate.

BTW, this tax cut for the rich you speak of is just a talking point. I am lucky to be in the upper class and am paying MORE taxes so that the middle and lower classes can get a cut. The ultra-wealthy have always had loopholes and are paying no more or less than they were before. Just to reinterate, my accountant, who prepares a lot of returns across the economic spectrum confirmed that those in the middle and lower classes are the ones that saw the most tax breaks, not what many would consider "rich". That is what is so ironic about what the left's talking points. They are supposed to be for the less fortunate, but they are feeding them a line of crap about the tax cuts and unfortunately many are too ignorant to even realize it.
The more this Russia investigation continues, the more unfolds about illegal spying on Trump. Watergate was a one-time break-in to get data on a sex ring used by high ranking Democrats. Electronic surveillance is continuous.

They were caught during the second break in.

The subsequent investigation reveled that the break in was just the tip of the iceberg of Nixon's CREEP's illegal activity.

They were gathering “Opposition Research.” Nixon also used certain agency missions as weapons against the opposition. Democrats do this all too well.

Accusation of illegal spying by Trumpybear is not the same as being caught red handed in the offices of the DNC.

The problem is you people think the surveillance that the Obama Admin did was perfectly legitimate. They used ill begotten data as the bases to go through FISA. Legality is debatable but ethics are not.

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