Former Obama Spox Admits: Obama Didn’t Do Enough To Stop North Korea


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former Obama Spox Throws Barack Under The Bus Over North Korea [VIDEO]

"Tommy Vietor, former National Security Council spokesman under President Barack Obama, admitted on Thursday that Obama made no progress in North Korea.

“You can’t look at the situation and say, yeah he would have stayed the course,” Vietor said
when asked if Obama would change anything about his North Korea policy in retrospect. “We didn’t achieve what we needed to achieve, which was stop their nuclear program.”

The United States is now facing major tension with North Korea over their technological advancements in their nuclear program.

“We just never got to the point where any progress was made,” he continued. “This thing was just always cranking along. I mean, we got sanctions put on them…but that’s an input it’s not an output.”

“Nothing progressed in the way that we wanted,”

Maybe if Obama would have spent less time...

Aiding Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent Illegals, Human Traffickers, and Sanctuary cities.....

Dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars in Libya and Syria...

Killing Americans abroad with his own Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program...

Illegally spying on reporters, the media, American citizens, the U.S. Senate, and the USSC...

Illegally using the IRS as a political weapon against American citizens he called his 'political enemies' to ensure his re-election...

Unconstitutionally forging his own personal treaty with Iran, which has resulted in Iran giving North Korea the delivery system NK needed to reach the United States with its nukes....

and Illegally sharing classified, illegally leaking classified, illegally unmasking Americans, and perpetrating Felony Espionage for political reasons...

...then maybe Obama may have gotten to where he wanted to get. Then again....maybe he did, and he just dumped it all in Trump's lap.

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