Former President explains Putin's war crimes

Always good to get a view from the top. This certainly explains the carnage, misery and death.

You always want to make your country larger, and have love. Would you say this is a fair assessment?

Trump runs his mouth and does the right thing. So?

Biden runs his mouth and hasn't a clue. I chose well. You chose....this.
The amazing thing to me is how easy it is to flush these people out.

Just toss the softballs up in the air, and they'll jump right in and whack 'em over the fence for you.


You are one the of least cerebral posters here with one of the most inflated sense of worth.
Always good to get a view from the top. This certainly explains the carnage, misery and death.

You always want to make your country larger, and have love. Would you say this is a fair assessment?

All Trump is saying that our leadership is dumb and stupid dip shit

Trump has turned yall to Cucks, cuck
I read the article. I don't obsess about Trump like you guys do, so I may have missed something. Care to illuminate?
LOL you are a trump lover now all because you arent obsessive like others.
This is where these people are now. They are lost.
Trump for them is like when you go swimming in a boggy pond and get one of those brain-eating worms and then you're done for. It has eaten their brains or something

I never thought TDS would infect Mac.....

Moderna and Pfizer are working on one of their potions for the cure. It's a 12 shot series that eliminates orange man dancing around in head for a month
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This is how they avoid having to say anything bad about his stance on Russia and Putin.

They think they are being clever and nobody will notice that they agree with Trump on Russia and Putin
The Tweener Twins united in hate

This is a clear example of how much better Trump’s instincts are than his rabid detractors on the left

Pointy headed academics can debate putin’s next move but Trump may have already figured it out without their help

putin does love the old soviet union that he grew up with as a child

and even though the invasion didnt go as planned, for him there is no turning back now

if trump were president the invasion might not have happened

but if it did Trump would handle it differently than the stumbling, mumbling, bumbling old fool that Mac1958 voted for
Putin definitely loves his nation. I kind of took that as the implication.

That is not how it is worded, he said the nation (as in the USSR) was full of love.
Man I really thought you were better than this Gator. I gave up on Mac a while ago. Still had hope for you though.

If you cannot see how much Trump admires Putin then it has to be a willful ignorance on your part. Trump saying that Putin doing this due to his ego is not an put down from Trump, it is a compliment.
That is not how it is worded, he said the nation (as in the USSR) was full of love.

If you cannot see how much Trump admires Putin then it has to be a willful ignorance on your part. Trump saying that Putin doing this due to his ego is not an put down from Trump, it is a compliment.
It sure would be nice if the former President could be HALF as fair, understanding and even-handed to Americans (including those in his own party) who dare to challenge him, as he is to the murderous strongman authoritarian dictator Putin.
Always good to get a view from the top. This certainly explains the carnage, misery and death.

You always want to make your country larger, and have love. Would you say this is a fair assessment?

Trump is partly correct.Putin does not believe in keeping his citizenry from
going to church.Where in the US you got " supposed " Catholics like Pelosi
and Biden as dynamic Hypocrites pleading for more and even Late Term Abortions.
Fully on board with making sure Religious services are ground to a halt in
2020.2021.Putin never pulled that crap.
Plus Putin does not cotton this war on Sexuality.Where woman are woman
and men are men.And referred to by their true Identity { as Mother and Father }
or Parents.Plus none of this Trans-Gender crap.Like in the US.
I think Putin is being lied about.No different than the Democrats war
on Trump.Where they Framed him with Obama's Deep State.
Impeached twice on Lies.
That is not how it is worded, he said the nation (as in the USSR) was full of love.

If you cannot see how much Trump admires Putin then it has to be a willful ignorance on your part. Trump saying that Putin doing this due to his ego is not an put down from Trump, it is a compliment.
Compared to Today's Current Left or Democrats that was spot-on.
Putin does the Russian People proud.Like Trump did the American people.
Biden and Pelosi the Exact opposite.That is an irrefutable Fact.
Putin doesn't have to be some altar boy.Plus they're { Todays Scumbag MSM }
is Lying about Putin.I mean,Ukraine has had years to set-up ways to hoodwink
the Ukrainians and plot ways to Censure the truth like Today's MSM in America
has.I mean,what better example than Biden's Drug-addled.pervert son Hunter.
Still on Burismas Payroll to the tune of around $ 1 Million yearly.
Always good to get a view from the top. This certainly explains the carnage, misery and death.

You always want to make your country larger, and have love. Would you say this is a fair assessment?

He also said it didn’t work very well.

You people have to spin everything.
I don’t give a damn what Trump says, he isn’t President anymore. The lefts obsession to keep him in the spotlight is really strange.
He also said it didn’t work very well.

You people have to spin everything.
There's word out that an American Reporter covering events in
Ukraine was recently Killed.He used to be a reporter for the
New York Times. The Times is already making accusations about his
death.With No facts to back it up as if True.
That is what the American populace is facing.Lies and more lies
by our Leftist scumbagger Media.Think back about all the weekly lies
propagated by these scum in the Media and Pols like Harry Reid and
Nancy Pelosi regarding The Tea Party.

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