Former President explains Putin's war crimes

I cant tell if your “fer” or “agin” the invasion

but I’m strongly against it

russia is a dangerous animal that must not be allowed to run free

if we do it will only lead to more aggression from china or possibly north korea

we cant avoid war by sticking our head in the sand

we have the best chance of avoiding war by being strong and resolute

I am encouraged by the response of germany

I didnt think they were capable of standing up to putin

and the same goes for other nations that have stood up

we will need their courage again when or if china makes their move against Taiwan
I gave you what your post was worth. I think it is pretty funny that folks like you have to spend all their time telling us what Trump really meant since he is too fucking stupid to say it for himself.

He did, you just aren't smart enough to figure it out. Putin LOVED the old Soviet Union. What can't you understand about that?
6+ years of this now.

1 year of you morons defending a demented President who is presiding over record inflation and is weakening America's place in the world on a daily basis. I guess you are happy, after all, not more mean tweets. :D
I've been listening to Biden speak. He's got it together pretty good. None of this stumble bum and poopy pants the trumpbots always pin on him. Trump could no way do as well. He's incapable of talking policy so he reverts to lies, insults, and bragging about himself. Yet, he's so far not come up with one iota of evidence that the election was stolen from him. Still, the faith full defend him.. He's a dangerous person who should never hold office again
1 year of you morons defending a demented President who is presiding over record inflation and is weakening America's place in the world on a daily basis. I guess you are happy, after all, not more mean tweets. :D
Joe is much less demented than Trump. The man’s in a full blown meltdown, his speeches are becoming more and more erratic and people are walking out of his rallies in disgust.
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President Putin is not that much different than President Polk. President Putin loves Russia in wanting to reconstitute the Soviet Union. President Polk loved the United States when he created Manifest Destiny. As far as bloodletting goes, the United States would be the winner with rivers of innocent blood. That would include the civil war fought to keep the Union together and the relocation of the Indian tribes Have a drink that think of Ukraine as South Carolina. You'll feel better.
I don’t give a damn what Trump says, he isn’t President anymore. The lefts obsession to keep him in the spotlight is really strange.
There is nothing more that the left fears than a second term of Trump.

And the right is STILL floating the idea of running him, he still polls well in election polling and there is no indication yet that he will not run. So, I would expect that they will continue to focus on him. Your point would make sense if there were little to no opportunity for Trump to come back and run.

That does not seem to be the case. They, rightfully so, want people to continue to be exasperated and tired of Trump all the way until him taking office again becomes an impossibility.
Fucking Idiot...

He seriously doesn’t know a think about history?

His apologists will here in a second telling us how in some fucked up way he is right...
You know about history? In history, when did socialism ever succeed?
I've been listening to Biden speak. He's got it together pretty good. None of this stumble bum and poopy pants the trumpbots always pin on him. Trump could no way do as well. He's incapable of talking policy so he reverts to lies, insults, and bragging about himself. Yet, he's so far not come up with one iota of evidence that the election was stolen from him. Still, the faith full defend him.. He's a dangerous person who should never hold office again
people who defend quid-pro Joe are hysterical Everything you believe is that exact opposite of the truth.
President Putin is not that much different than President Polk. President Putin loves Russia in wanting to reconstitute the Soviet Union. President Polk loved the United States when he created Manifest Destiny. As far as bloodletting goes, the United States would be the winner with rivers of innocent blood. That would include the civil war fought to keep the Union together and the relocation of the Indian tribes Have a drink that think of Ukraine as South Carolina. You'll feel better.
So, the invasion of Mexico and Ukraine are the same? If one was considered good, so must the other. That would mean strong countries taking over their neighbors is a good thing. Fine world you envision!
Have you listened to Trump’s speeches lately? He rambles on more than usual and doesn’t even try to make sense anymore. It’s like he only has to throw in few catch phrases and the thralls cheer. The only good thing is that he’ll NEVER be president again. Even formerly loyal supporters are now walking out of his rallies in disgust.

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