Former President explains Putin's war crimes

Was there a lot of love in the old Soviet Union? When people thought about the USSR was "love" their first thing that popped into their heads?

From Putin's perspective, there was "lots of love". That is what Trump was referring to. Remember, the question was related to PUTIN's mindset. Putin wants to return to what were the glory days of Russia for HIM. He was one of the elites then as well, not the peons they controlled. By the way, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, this is how the Democrats think in this country. The elites don't mind the move towards Socialism because they know they will have it made. It is the underlings that vote for them that will get royally screwed, but many are too brainwashed to realize it.

I figured if you weren't spoon fed, you wouldn't get Trump's comments.
Putin definitely loves his nation. I kind of took that as the implication.

That is what anyone with a brain cell thought. These other folks are far too down the TDS path to reason with.
Everyone seems to know he lost the election, except him and sycophants. I guess what bothers me is the constant lying and those that keep swallowing them.
He didn’t lose. Let’s keep the facts please. Two days needed to manufacture fraudulent ballots to steal an election.
Their desire to be ruled by a hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongman becomes more obvious by the day.

Ironically, it is mental midgets like you that are leading us down that path. You just aren't smart enough to figure it out. Putin and China are playing this administration and those that support it. They LOVE that YOU elected Biden and they are taking full advantage of their ineptitude and their traitorious ways.

Putin pushed the anti-fossil fuel movement in the affluent US and in Western Europe because he knew that fools would lap it up not realizing that what they were actually doing by their push to eliminate them was empowering Russia. Seriously, you guys are extra specially dumb.
This thread is pathetic, you leftists are so cowardly. Shit goes to shit on Biden's watch and in response all you fucks can do it take meaningless words out of context because you pukes champion projection, you're delusional, and suffer with TDS.
From Putin's perspective, there was "lots of love". That is what Trump was referring to. Remember, the question was related to PUTIN's mindset. Putin wants to return to what were the glory days of Russia for HIM. He was one of the elites then as well, not the peons they controlled. By the way, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, this is how the Democrats think in this country. The elites don't mind the move towards Socialism because they know they will have it made. It is the underlings that vote for them that will get royally screwed, but many are too brainwashed to realize it.

I figured if you weren't spoon fed, you wouldn't get Trump's comments.

Golfing Gator thats all you got? A funny Emoji? You know I am right, but like most leftist(yes, you are one), you find it almost impossible to admit that you have been duped...yet again.
Golfing Gator thats all you got? A funny Emoji? You know I am right, but like most leftist(yes, you are one), you find it almost impossible to admit that you have been duped...yet again.

I gave you what your post was worth. I think it is pretty funny that folks like you have to spend all their time telling us what Trump really meant since he is too fucking stupid to say it for himself.

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